Changing all of California's laws to accommodate a .001 percentage of boys and girls in school who don't know if they are really a boy or a girl is the most outrageous. When little Johnny declares himself a "girl" and wanders into the girls showers and locker room, watch out! When he joins the girls diving team, maybe those idiotic liberals who voted for the idiots that passed this stupid law might pay attention. Well, maybe not. Until the 14 year boy with over zealous hormones exhibits his equipment (prior to removal) in the girls showers, I seriously doubt the ilk who did this will get it!
Thank goodness there will be a initiative to toss this law, but hey this is California and we have a insane majority right now so there is no sure thing for common sense.
Our esteemed Governor Brown and his pals on the left in the "super-majority" of nuts in the legislature are now debating whether they should spend the "extra" money they are receiving from the last election. Of course the money was to go for paying down the debt (some estimate at 350 billion dollars or about $10,000 for every single Californian). But we who know politics knew it was simple bullshit being spouted by them to sell the sheeple. Bait and switch. Governor Brown said in last weeks press conference he would not spend the money for "new" programs and would pay down the 350 billion by, hold on now, 1.5 billion dollars. Then he would take the "extra" money and pay back the education system the money diverted by the State for general fund purposes. Of course they make it sound like the "education" system is some program not attached to the state system. More smoke and mirrors on the billions ripped from the sheeple.
He has decided to make a crack cocaine sentence equal to a real cocaine sentence. It seems the crack dealers were outraged they went to prison for a longer time than those people who use and sell real cocaine. Minorities were getting high on a cheap version of the real thing and because the non minorities were getting high on the real thing, that was deemed "unequal". So the murdering scum from the cities who shoot first and never ask questions later will now be serving shorter sentences. Wow, doesn't that make one proud. Of course all the minority folks murdered by these people may not think so. Same with stop question and frisk in New York City. Equality in crime, what a concept!
Holder has also issued an edict to all the schools across the country regarding the punishment of students and that it must change. He says that minorities get booted from school more times than a non minority and that is just not fair. Of course the "kids" in the cities are less likely to graduate and the lifestyles many choose there are of gangs and violence. Most kids are born and raised by a single mother who just got out of childhood herself. But Holder says that is not the problem. No father, no marriages no legal jobs no respect for elders (of any race), these have nothing to do with the issue he says. We must allow those students that disrupt the classes and cause the problem to remain in the classroom and the other 95% of students just have to accept it.
That is the problem with the liberal. They want to dictate through the force of law and government agencies (EEOC, OSHA, EPA etc.)human behavior. They have dumbed down our culture to the lowest common denominators. You are a crook, thief, scumbag in the 11th grade? Well we will accommodate you by forcing everyone else down to that level. We on the right know this is insanity but to a liberal it is "compassion" for the neer-do-well. The victim to all this is the overall culture and how we truly interact with each other. This has become the norm for the left but anathema for the right. We are reaching that "tipping point" in America. At some point, when the liberals who pass these stupid laws and edicts experience the wrath of the scum who will kill them, rob them and rape them, maybe they will get the message.
Well, maybe not.
The liberals live in their gated communities and pay there cops to keep them safe. I say open the gates, come join us out here in the real world you "compassionate" liberals. Join us, come see and feel what the rest of have to deal with under you "laws". Oh, well, in San Francisco they are buying those crummy neighborhoods and booting those less fortunate. You just cannot make this stuff up.
Never heard of any true progressives living in gated communities. Which one might they be locally- LOP, LW? Roseville developments? Which ones are full of libs?
ReplyDeleteYou just need to get out more.
DeleteHa ha. Rest assured I'm out in the community a hell of a lot more than a retiree like yourself, who sucks up local resources, feeding at the government benefits trough. I'm out there with the local entrepeneurs who are opening shops and businesses in our communities, the producers. They aren't the conservative, fearful retirees living in gated communities, they aren't living behind those walls with a collection of guns in their house for the supposed protection. They are fixing up homes downtown and on farms, investing for the future. Job creators.
DeleteSo, is this blog is just a silly series of non-truths (like the stupid proposition about "libs" in gated communities), or is it supposed to raise serious issues and elicit serious discussion?
You are out in the community? Sorry, your ignorance on the local economy is showing so you are not a serious person. Why don't you list all those businesses? I am all over the place and there are many empty store fronts. There are few permits for any new construction, except for a subdivision by LOP. No you have no clue so oversimplifications are just too dumb to be taken seriously. So, as you said, this blog may not suit your infantile views.
DeleteI understand now. You're in denial of reality. As everyone in town knows, there have been, and are, multiple renovations occuring and new businesses opening in GV. So now we know you don't get out. Enjoy your retirement and collection of govt. bennies. Fortunately, the future belongs to others of a younger and more productive generation around here. So, best wishes in your retirement, as you sit back and watch the new more productive blood move the community ahead. Angry blogging is your schtick. But hey, everyone a contribution to society!
DeleteI would say you must be on a hallucinogenic drug my friend. Have you seen all the empty store fronts all over the Western County? (seen our states unemployment rates lately, and the debt?) Well, you have o get out of your easy chair and off the dole to see them I suppose. But you welfare queens don't understand you have to work in your working years. So, I would suggest you go back to school, get a degree and start your own business. You are one of the takers, not a maker.
DeleteGrass Valley downtown is as vibrant as its been in decades. And yes indeed, I've seen our Governor turn around a massive deficit into a very decent surplus for CA. The state is on much better footing. Hey, but I do agree we should not rush into the very questionable high speed rail as currently planned. Much of the drain in CA seems to be the rural retirees who take from the system in their old age. Agree that higher education and pursuit of new cultural activities (and even languages) are very important for one's brain in retirement, so I could give you much advice in that regard. I assume you received your HS diploma, but perhaps not? If not, you first have to start there.
DeleteI see you use a Steve Martin skit for your name so that tells me you are just a non serious bloviator. You appear to be on the dole so your observations about who gets what is also non-serious. Grass Valley is back to the budget (almost) they had in 2007, six years ago. There are plenty of empty store fronts so again, you just make this stuff up. How much is your welfare check?
DeleteThe State has a 18 billion dollar debt that has not been balanced. That was reported a couple of weeks ago. So, that, along with the 350 Billion dollar unfunded liability the state has tells me you are just lazy and a partisan lib who has no idea what he is talking about. But like your Steve Martin character, you are a hoot
Todd, your adversary doesn't seem to know what he/she is talking about other than to bully. Thanks again for having the courage to share your experience .
ReplyDeleteNo one likes a bully. Whether it be Christie, or the guy who administered the smackdown of Todd's ideas.
DeleteSorry no smackdown here.
Delete"Ruprecht" sure sounds like the Former Union Editor, Jeff Pelline himself.
ReplyDeleteMost of the gushing of California's public coffers is the compensation to public employees, both those currently working but especially those who are retired or facing retirement over the next 20 years. The Labor-Electoral Complex has been working overtime to boost public employee compensation and benefits, and that's a 500lb chicken already come home to roost. CalSTRS and CalPERS are bankrupt by private standards as they cannot meet obligations without the power to demand extra funding as the shortfalls continue. The bandaid of higher taxes voted in by promises it was for Education (well, sort of; most of it goes to backfill the teacher's pension fund) will not last long, especially with the Global Warming Weenies continuing to throttle the manufacturing economy in the state.
In the old days, public employees could expect lower compensation than in the private sector, but stellar job security. Now they both get paid much more for the same jobs, and still have unmatched job security. The time for that to change is now, and the later it changes the harder the cure will be.
If some public sector jobs pay more than those in the private sector, it is due to the absolute freeze in private sector wages brought on by the likes of WalMart and Co, and the decimation of private sector opportunities for workers. Private sector poverty wages are clearly not good for the demand side of our economy, and there is a big movement afoot nationally (bipartisan in many places) to raise minimums and thereby reduce govt. benefits for the folks making poverty wages.
DeleteI attribute the insertion of government into private sector employment as the culprit. That and unions. With all the regulations and thousands of new laws passed yearly in America, is it any wonder the place is hurting? For instance, Obamacare is now added on top of all the rest and guess what happens in the private sector? They adjust to ensure they can compete and stay alive by trimming the workforce or reducing hours.
DeleteHow is is that the government can tell us in private business that if you have 25 employees you have one set of rules and if you have 26 another? In Obamacare it is hours. 29 and less, one set 30 or more more another. So business adjusts and all the "good intentions" of government nannies backfires and on who? The employee! So if you want higher wages, more hours and less interference, get the government the hell out and let freedom ring in.
It is very simple but you liberals still don't get it.
The private sector wage situation started in the early 80s, when Mitt Romney, Wall Street and Co, assisted by a clueless Ronnie Reagan, figured out that outsourcing to the Third World could bring unimaginable wealth to upper management suites everywhere. The income disparity trend is nearly 35 years in the making. Obama's health care plan for all its flaws, is a total non-issue in regard to wage disparity. Income disparity, popular protests and increasing government policies toward redistribution is going to become a big,BIG theme and major issue in every corner of the world over the next decade.
DeleteThe exact opposite will occur because what you are peddling (and Obama) is anti-human desire. The poor do better under capitalism and worse under your control. It is a proven fact. But you liberals never have understood that. Since your ilk is on the welfare dole I can understand why you fail to understand the error of your thinking. Bless your little heart, and I mean little.
DeleteYeah, the poor do better under poverty wage conditions caused by unregulated capitalism. Sure. We are talking about managed capitalism, instituting policies to give a fair shake for people by instituting higher minimum wages. Income disparity is going to be the overriding issue in 2014, and especially 2016. Good luck convincing people in this day and age about the benefits of trickle down!
DeleteThanks for making my points on capitalism and its benefits to the poor. You philosophy has a glass ceiling for the poor, mine does not. If you have drive, smarts and some people skills, anyone can do better. You want them to stay locked in the poorhouse without hope. Shame on you.
DeleteRegarding the major issue for this election season. JOBS! All the rest is strictly fluff.
Just an additional comment... the A.Nony Mice of 3:04 and 3:29 are not the same person. I am the latter, posting anonymously because none of Todd's logins are to my liking.
ReplyDeletewow, thanks so much for that. I was wondering if anon and anon were one in the same, and now you've laid out the fact in such explicit detail. I can stop wondering now. thanks so much anon.
DeleteDid anyone come up with the name of a single (documented, public figure) liberal living in a gated community?
ReplyDeleteYes there are so many it is too difficult to name. Try any gated community.
DeleteGood start would be the President's Jobs bill he laid out over 2 years ago! Lets fix our crumbling infrastructure, which would help manufacturing. President set up a great center in North Carolina this week to help do just that. Lets put our tax dollars toward that goal and away from the insanity of the trillion dollar military.
DeleteI guess you forgot the trillion dollar shovel ready money he spent? Sorry, the man has no idea what he is doing and it shows every day. ObamaCare is the biggest job killing machine yet in our free system and he won't budge. (I am also very upset with the Chief Justice)
DeleteJobs will not be created without a taxpayer subsidy under Obama. Too many rules, regulations and other impediments. Place a moratorium on rules and regulations. Let all the employees enforcing those to a one year off vacation, fully paid and the country will make a gazillion jobs.
Sorry Charlie. Rules and Regs are there for a reason- to protect people and the environment. Especially with climate change, the EPA is needed more than ever before. Unregulated business would do irreparable damage. Sorry. But on a limited basis, we need to fully fund and fast-track upgraded roads, bridges, schools and public buildings all over America. Use government funds for things no one else has any incentive to build.
DeleteWho would use the infrastructure since all your regulations and laws kill the jobs? Everyone will stay home. You libs are too funny. You never think things out. But the readers get to see what I have been saying about your ilk is true. Keep it coming.
DeleteWhich jobs are killed? Coal mining and coal transportation? Yes, and we say GOOD RIDDANCE!
DeleteAlternative energies and all the associated technologies- not to mention things like 3D printing technologies, the sky is the limit. If you're thinking jobs= extraction, mining and 19th century oriented work, then there's not a ton of growth there. For all good reasons- we are an evoloving economy and species, and thats a good thing for our earth and our future.
And I bet you think the hamburger in the grocery store comes from? Sheesh, you libs are myopic. Carbon is the basis of life for goodness sakes and you all are trying to make it evil. Where does the metal in your laptop come from? How about your phone? Coa; is a safe and dependable and cheap form of energy. Scrubbers take out the bad stuff and it provides many thousands of decent paying jobs. Remember all those unionized coal miners? Well, you are personally responsible for their lack of a job. You should be ashamed of yourself.
DeleteThe only people who understand the larger picture are those who have experienced working for others being paid wages, and who have been self employed hiring people to work for wages. It's an old story most political scientists understand. Because of the extreme difference of experience it is easy to get workers to hate their employers, because they have no idea of what it requires to finance a business and employees. Not a nine to five job. I have to chuckle when I see union employee strikers threatening to destroy their employer if the workers demands aren't granted. Then later I see the guy jobless, living in his car looking for a job because his union caused the company to quit, or move to another country. Even more ridiculous...the guy blames his union for not doing something about it. Free enterprise capitalism for all those hard working responsible individuals was wonderful. The gov paid activists have created our corrupt corporate government they're now complaining about. What a joke...
ReplyDeleteNo, free enterprise capitalism has NOT been wonderful for many hard working responsible individuals. For some who figured out a way to make it, or had connections to get ahead, they made it. Many salt-of-the-earth, hard working, honest, humble Americans who bought in into some of the lies have seen their lives suffer mightily at the hands of greedy, corrupt, unethical corporations. Not all hard working, responsible people have the skills, makeup, or political will to do what it may take, morally, ethically, or otherwise to make it from the lowest rungs of the ladder. To blame those people for failing to get ahead would be immoral. We need to manage and reign in the excesses of capitalism. Thats why Senator Liz Warren's approach reasonates with so many people who know her in MA and elsewhere.
DeleteI was able to train many people in my life to go for higher ground. Employees with drive and desire to succeed in our society would always shine above the slackers. It was wonderful to see the ones who were raising a family, working full time and then attending college to better themselves. Now the left wants these people to stay in minimum wage jobs and robbed of hope. Liberal ideology and policies are anti-human.
DeleteBeen there, done that...and it's wonderful to have experienced first hand. Todd you're so right! We always told our children that if they put effort into their employment as though it were their own business employers would want the. And it was great training for them to eventually create and realize their own business.
The old tried and true methods to better oneself has been lost on the freeloading liberal though. Rather than work at the bottom with a limitless ceiling for improvement, they want the makers to lower the ceiling. Under the left's theories, America will become Zimbabwe in a couple of generations.
Deleteah yes, if we could all just ignore the many barriers such as institutional and economic we would be just as it was in Ward Cleaver's neighborhood!
DeleteSo you are a racist? I am not and when I read or hear comments like yours above I cring we have not progressed very far, that is with you liberals. You simply live on a different planet than earth.
DeleteWe have many different races in our family. good people is all that matters. It's unfortunate that those that call themselves liberals and progressives have convoluted our language. They certainly aren't liberal, and as far as being progressive...what they're doing is copying the old ways that never worked. Dictatorships self destruct.
Yes they do. There are other races in my family as well and all are good people. The left is showing everyone thier racist bigoted ways and I may start calling them regressives. What do you think?
DeleteGood idea because their regressive ideas and decrees have created our sorry state of affairs. Of course when the going gets worse it will always be our fault for not going along with the insanity. When all's said and done ya gotta have a sense of humor in order to endure it.
Defending the leftists, Jeff Pelline strikes again!
ReplyDeleteAnon your comprehension regarding what you read is zero.