They were into the beat. Not the lyrics. Obama was cool, a mixed race fellow who was truly a real "African/American. His momma was a white American his papa a black Kenyan on an Odyssey around the global. His papa left his seed in many places and Obama has a few half brothers and sisters in other countries. So, here we have a cool guy who looked cool, spoke in a beautiful baritone and was a college graduate. Just like the young people who he knew were lazing their way through college on mom and dad's dollar, Obama was more like them than that old fart McCain and the stuffy businessman Romney.
So, Obama and his campaign people marketed the cool man to the young college minds full of mush, incidentally put there by liberal professors with minds fill of mush and tenure. The young did not listen to the lyrics. They loved the beat. But the beat was simply a way to suck these lemmings to the cliff without them becoming suspicious of the lyrics. Promises of "fundamentally changing America", sympathetic lyrics on college loans and ease of borrowing them, and of course the first "black" President was all that was needed to engage the pull of the lever for Obama.
Oh how these youngins screwed themselves. Their carefree life of living off of mom and dad's hard work so they could get a leg up in this competitive world would go on forever. Any shortfall in those college bills would be taken up by Obama himself. And they could stay on their parents healthcare plan until they were 26! Oh my, let us change the country! And now we see the change the man was foisting on those young minds full of the beat.
Obamacare was how we would all discover "fairness" in America. The choices granted by government to repair your body in a hospital would now be mandated by a health panel and not some lousy insurance company. (Even though their dad works in insurance, irony?) Yes, all Americans, hell, even illegal immigrants would now receive that free health insurance coverage. Orgasms were heard all across the country's college campuses. Snow White would administer the bandages, all will roses. But, But, oh my, the lyrics were now starting to be understood. They said "college youngins" you gotta pay! "Oh crap" the youngins have shouted, "you never said we had to pony up money!" "You said the others guy has to". Or, maybe the evil insurance companies, or maybe it was a freebie from Obama! Oh, I guess I really was not paying attention to the lyrics. I was dancing to the "cool" beat.
We now see the big lies made about keeping your healthcare, your doctor and your college loans. But we all knew this years ago but because we weren't "cool" like Obama, the youngins did not listen. I knew though that as soon as these young voters had to reach into their own pockets they would realize they had been had! Nothing like another "bill" to get people's attention and make them mad. The bill is coming due for that cool beat. Millions of these young minds are now growing up and realizing Obama is no different than their parents. The one difference however is their parents love them. Obama doesn't. Good luck when the bills arrive you youngins. Food? Or fine for ObamaCare. Hmmm.
Todd, this is an embarrassment, even for you.
ReplyDeleteIt's full of bigotry, ignorance, non sequiturs, and half-baked metaphor.
Stick to "libruls r stoopid" and you'll do fine with your Barney Rubble readership. Sorry, this kind of fluff writing is just too far above your pay grade.
Michael A.
You have no critical thinking MichaelA. If you read it correctly (maybe you need more schooling) you would see that the premise is correct. Your writings on these blogs is of a very uneducated person so I take you criticisms as I would a ten year old. If you have a analysis of this get back to me.
DeleteIt's full of bigotry, ignorance, non sequiturs, and half-baked metaphor.
DeleteIn other words Todd you're encroaching on Michaels blogging territory......you didn't make any threats though....I guess he can still bitterly cling to that!
fish yu are correct. MichaelA is a bitter clinger. To racism, idolatry (Burning Man) and most other olw time hatreds. He is unable to become an enlightened man. Stuck in his liberal box with no way out. Too bad.
DeleteSomeone who calls himself "fish" wrote: "...you didn't make any threats though....I guess he can still bitterly cling to that!"
DeleteOh dear fish, so nice to hear from you again! Regarding the alleged threats you raise, I would think an old Cold Warrior like you would be a lot more resilient in the rough-and-tumble blogging world but I guess all that drug-running and terrorism-encouraging has worn you down into a real softie. Oh well, I also suffer from the ravages of age, so I'm sympathetic to your situation.
BTW, I haven't commented on RR since I left a couple of months ago; Gerry Fedor is somebody but he isn't me. I'll return to RR only when George takes his moderator job seriously which, as I have so far accurately predicted, won't be happening any time soon.
Hope y'all had a great Thanksgiving.
Whatever Michael.....I certainly didn't know for sure that "Gerry Fedor" was a sock puppet of yours...it's entertaining to speculate! If you aren't "Gerry" then you have my apologies!
DeleteHey, I got lost in the dazzle of the first black President and sidetracked eating fried chicken and watermelon! If I have known that he was going to kill Bin Laden, get us out of Iraq, support regulation on CO2 emissions and support a woman's right to choose I might have voted for him for another reason....but shucks...I'se just too stoopid to sees all a dat.
Frisch, you are right, you are a moron. As long as there is a lifeline to a taxpayer freebie, you'll get down on your knees and do the duty.
DeleteIf I have known that he was going to kill Bin Laden, get us out of Iraq, support regulation on CO2 emissions and support a woman's right to choose I might have voted for him for another reason....but shucks...I'se just too stoopid to sees all a dat.
DeleteRegulate CO2...hmmm....not sure you're going to be completely happy regarding Mr. Obamas progress....but it's important to have dreams....you keep on believin.Stevie!
Kill Bin Laden....maybe I heard incorrectly Steve but I thought that that story had pretty much unraveled already....? Get us out of Iraq....maybe we should let the 20,000 military/contractor....err wait, never mind they all work for the "embassy" so it's cool.
I do appreciate your abrupt 90 degree turns from CO2 to the middle east to reproductive rights... a truly remarkable athletic achievement...careful though violent moves like this will make you as disoriented and silly as one of the Emery boys....you probably don't want to make a habit out of it!
And for the love of god don't drink so much of the Obama Koolaid.....it's embarrassing even for a democrat!
He is truly an embarrassment, you have that right. Sucks off the good will of donors and the taxpayers and produces nothing but rhetoric. That's Steve!
DeleteThis article sets a new low bar for you, Todd. I have no idea what you are even trying to say here, it's a completely incomprehensible attempt to slam the PPACA which does nothing more than prove that you are illiterate.
ReplyDeleteHere's my "analysis," Todd. You need to go talk to some Millennials--they are quite a few in Nevada City, try the Curly Wolf any weekday morning--and test out with them what I am guessing is some sort of an attempt at a hypothesis (like I said, I didn't understand the point of the article but maybe your explaining it to them in person will clear up the confusion).
MichaelA, it is no surprise you don't get the point here. You are a moron and need some more schooling.
DeleteRegarding "millennials". I have two of my own and I do talk to many others. They now see exactly their mistake in listening to the beat and not the lyrics. You are truly a dunce MichaelA. Hanging out with younger people in the bars is not my idea of a great time. But what ever floats your dingy, then go man!
ReplyDeleteThe Curly Wolf isn't a bar, it's a very popular new coffee shop on Broad Street. But how would you know that? You spend your days praying to Onan with auto parts calendars from 1953, which leave you very little time to actually see what new businesses might be popping up all around you. So, you get a pass.
Then you wrote to Steve, "...you'll get down on your knees and do the duty." Wow, truly an amazing accusation. According to your "analysis," groups like the Republican Jewish Coalition are also getting down on their knees and doing their duty (circumcised, of course). http://www.propublica.org/article/how-nonprofits-spend-millions-on-elections-and-call-it-public-welfare
In fact, in Todd's twisted and vicious little world, it's kneepads and one-eyed octopi as far as the eye can see. Scary stuff.
Michael A.
I realize you are obsessed with my genitalia MichaelA but I am not interested. You can find your fun in jail or on the backstreets of SF.
DeleteYou are simply unprepared to hold an intelligent debate since you seem to lack intelligence. I have done thousands of good things for this county, even allowing schmucks like you to move here. LOL! So, keep trying to offend, you are just an amateur.
I keep getting some anonymous nut that I have to delete. I am not interested in discussing your sexual proclivities.
ReplyDeleteTodd...Thanks for your intelligent observations from your real life experiences. I'm not going to comment on your critics, because they remind me of teenagers who think they know it all so will not listen. Anyway, it's nice to read what you have to say.
ReplyDeleteThanks, I really appreciate that.
DeleteI admire the courage of "Anonymous" in standing up for what he believes in, and signing his name like a real man. Takes real balls, it does.
DeleteI know you ad,ire others courage becasue unfortunately Michael you have none. You are a bigoted coward. Now I had a lot of fun with you numskulls on my famous TSA story but you have now crossed the line with your "under the stall" comments (so adios into the ether they went). I think you are simply asad excuse for a man obsessed with my privates and I have told you time and again, travel down to Castro Street for your jollies, I am not interested.
DeleteRegarding your childish pronouncements about not posting on RR. You once again show all your cowardice. You dish it out but cannot take it. Just like all liberals. So I encourage "fish" and others to keep up the good work and expose you and your ilk for the cowards you are. Besides, how is "fish" any more anonymous that "Michael" or "MichaelA"?
Your latest has been zapped MichaelA. I would suggest you are exactly the very thing you said. Too funny!