The D party is a conglomeration of so many "takers" of our society I would expect the welfare cards flooding Charlotte will set a record for illegal "Jim Beam" sales. We will hear how wonderful all those caring segments of the D party are and how mean those wascally Republicans treat the disenchanted, disenfranchised and voter suppressed groups. The lamestream will report this all in prime time and repeat the talking points over and over.
America is in deep doo doo. The economy and jobs are are hurting and have been for years now. But instead of giving the people hope to make things better we will see and hear an endless stream of negativity. That has been the Obama Team's strategy since Mitt Romney was the clear victor in the R primaries. Then we have the liars the D's send out to pollute the airwaves and create a film of slime on the body politic. Axelrod, Villaraigosa, Blabber-Mouth Schultz, Harry Reid and all the democrat talking heads have nothing to say about fixing anything they have screwed up. Except, more of the same., Now there is a winning strategy, right? Wrong!
How did the democrat party come to be such a bunch of whiny sycophantic takers? I suppose because the rest of us were working and many were not paying attention as the "fifth columnists" of socialism and big government were sliding into power. Obama is their top dog and we know he has failed the country but he has been the master at the "handout", to his minions. Chicago style politics. that is , you reward your pals with cash and your enemies with subpoenas. Works until the people wise up.
America may watch the convention this week and my guess is the freak show will be kind of entertaining in a voyeur sense. Where else in our culture can you see in one place all the nuts over a few days? Well maybe in San Francisco, but on a much smaller scale. It appears California nuts will be leading the charge of depravity at the convention and some have already populated the jail cells of Charlotte. I hope against hope the democrats will see the folly of their ways and return to the American fold of entrepreneurship, free markets, patriotism and less government. What am I saying? If they do that they would become Republicans! Silly me.
Democratic Party
ReplyDeleteDemocrat Party
ReplyDeleteNothing lie starting a conversation with an intentional insult to whip up angry response.
I suggest that we just not feed the pigs on this one.
The name of the party is the Democratic Party.
Oops...should read "like". Unintentional Freudian slip.
ReplyDeleteLOL Steve! That's a really good one!
ReplyDeleteSo. they are busing in all these people. How many have ID's to get in?
ReplyDeleteThey are cleaning out every homeless shelter in every bordering state
just to find seat fillers. I guess the Democrat party will be supplying those
as well.
This is the latest sign of desperation. " Pay'm to show". Now At the Repub convention, people paid their own way. Vary telling...
Franklin D. Roosevelt
It is our duty now to begin to lay the plans and determine the strategy for the winning of a lasting peace and the establishment of an American standard of living higher than ever before known. We cannot be content, no matter how high that general standard of living may be, if some fraction of our people—whether it be one-third or one-fifth or one-tenth—is ill-fed, ill-clothed, ill-housed, and insecure.
This Republic had its beginning, and grew to its present strength, under the protection of certain inalienable political rights—among them the right of free speech, free press, free worship, trial by jury, freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures. They were our rights to life and liberty.
As our nation has grown in size and stature, however—as our industrial economy expanded—these political rights proved inadequate to assure us equality in the pursuit of happiness.
We have come to a clear realization of the fact that true individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. “Necessitous men are not free men.” People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made.
In our day these economic truths have become accepted as self-evident. We have accepted, so to speak, a second Bill of Rights under which a new basis of security and prosperity can be established for all—regardless of station, race, or creed.
Among these are:
The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation;
The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;
The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;
The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;
The right of every family to a decent home;
The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;
The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;
The right to a good education.
All of these rights spell security. And after this war is won we must be prepared to move forward, in the implementation of these rights, to new goals of human happiness and well-being.
America’s own rightful place in the world depends in large part upon how fully these and similar rights have been carried into practice for our citizens.
I wish everyone here a happy Labor Day, since it is obvious Todd will not. Remember why you bbq and have a good relaxing day that it was the labor struggles that brought us the 8hour day, 5 day work week, decent working conditions, and never forget it is Nature and Labor that create wealth.
ReplyDeleteMore bad news for "O". has just come to light. OK LIBS,, better be sitting down.
ReplyDeleteRemember all the crap you spewed about the Right and the 'sub prime loan" fiasco?
"O" was in it up to his ears.
"President Barack Obama was a pioneering contributor to the national subprime real estate bubble, and roughly half of the 186 African-American clients in his landmark 1995 mortgage discrimination lawsuit against Citibank have since gone bankrupt or received foreclosure notices.
As few as 19 of those 186 clients still own homes with clean credit ratings, following a decade in which Obama and other progressives pushed banks to provide mortgages to poor African Americans.
This will be on cable news before the convention is over.
DeleteI will reserve a single comment outside labor and democracy for you. First, no bank was forced to make a loan. Banks were forced to stop redlining area's, which is much different than being forced to give bad loans.
It wasn't the subprime mortgages that took down the economy, it was the bets placed on the derivatives those mortgages were bundled into. The mortgages when added up were in the billions the bets when added up were $900 trillion.
It is the banks and those corporatists who deregulated them like Phil Gramm and the entire republican congress along with President Bill Clinton and few sell out Democrats that put the policies in place. The Bush administrations expanded on the idea and embraced the housing bubble 100%. Greenspan has since admitted he was wrong for not regulating derivatives but both party leaderships are owned by big banks and will not dare touch those laws. That is the biggest failure of Dodd/ Frank, not repealing Gramm Leach Bliley 1999 and Commodities Futures Modernization Act 2000 along with reinstating Glass-Steagall.
Maybe you should actually READ the article in it's entirety.
DeleteMake all the excuses you like. The cat is out of the bag.
"O"'s minions missed sealing these records. The news on this
is spreading like wildfire. About the only ones who will NOT
report this is LIB news. Once again they will fall on their sward to protect "O".
LOL B of A stadium? I'm sure I heard the Left slamming "big Banks".
ReplyDeleteWalt, it appears the frick and frack can't or don't get it but it is not the first time. The pigs keep returning as the Frisch stated abd I think it is just great.
ReplyDeleteBenE lives in some non-Narnia past and is so confused about his life he has to cut and paste every little thing though up by someone else. What a shame he is unable to think for himself.
The Frisch feels it is duty to go on all the conservative blogs just so he can get his name in print apparently. But, just like an overbearing know it all, he is driven to try and make the world bend to his bizarre views.
Labor Day is for the unions and not the entrepreneurs who pay them. The country should have a Entrepreneur Freedom from Government and Demcrats Day. What a hoot!
I am having a great day!
Perhaps you should read the article Walt. The case has nothing to do with access to sub-prome mortgages, it is about redlining, or the practice of denying loans to people based on geography rather than the specifics of the case.
ReplyDeleteYour losing Steve, Your typos give your ruffled feathers away.
DeleteNope,, you didn't read it. ( ANY of it)
So what did you google to come up with what you wanted to hear?
Damn Walt, not only did I read it, I have original brief filed in the case in front of me right now. If I were you I would not become the spelling police, you are standing on shaky ground.
Deletehere is the ruling in the case. President Obama played a very minor role in this case, representing only one of a much larger class of plaintiffs. I have skimmed the case, and the intermediary discover motion ruling on behalf of the plaintiffs, and the proof is in the pudding (or conclusions). I will probably read the entire case over a beer tonight. The upshot, the Judge ruled substantively in favor of the plaintiffs, and CitiBank settled out of court rather than file an appeal.
So Walt, your habit of perusing THE DAILY CALLER, THE BLAZE and FREE REPUBLIC to get stories has once again served you poorly. All of those "news" sources misrepresented both the content and the outcome of the cases, and got the story wrong. In other words, they lied.
By the way Walt, do you have a problem with people doing independent research? Did you find the Daily Caller article in the stack of back issues you have piled up in your living room? Or did you get it on the internet? Do you have 1994-1997 copies of the Illinois Law Review hanging around in your living room? Or is the law in your outhouse?
DeleteLike I suspected. Google away until you find what you hope will work.
DeleteYes, the Daily Caller is one of The Lefty's worst nightmares.
They have numerous " trophies " of stuffed Libs on their wall.( so to speak) they have yet to be shown to be inaccurate in any way.
The DC has come a long way in a short time.
" They lied" LOL!!! "O" and Co. "lied about the Ryan "lie" " You know,, where the Obummer fact checker's got checked, and their "facts" weren't so "factual".
ANYTHING that LIB news or their affiliates say these days are more than questionable. " Win at any cost"," The end, justifies the means" Run any story that may put the Right in a bad light. Lie as much as you like about your background. It's OK. Izzy Warren ring a bell? Yup,, "family lore" is good enough for Progressives. ( So you will be listening to a liar when she speaks) ( even the Indians don't claim her) Ya' might as well change the name to " The pants on fire party".
Lib lies come so fast, we just can't keep up with them all.
Then we have one of your top CA."officials" calling the GOP "Nazis".
Yaaaa,,, Lets hear more about your party of "tolerance"
Rant all you want, I think I just proved that us intellectuals chew you ditch diggers up, eat you for breakfast, and .....well you now the rest, any day of the week.
DeleteI notice your response did not reply to any of the specifics of the actual case! You just got smoked Dirt Mover.
OH,, Your starting to have a sense of humor?
Delete" smoked" you say?? Ya,, your sure smokin' somthin'. LOL
You sight some unheard of web site, and that's supposed to pass
as fact? NOT happening. Just like the " web site" that put up "O"'s BC? and that's the only "copy" that has been shown? LOL!!
The TRUTH is not in your dictionary. Any LIB, will LIE, at any time, for any further their agenda. Your no exception.
One LIB will fib, and three more will swear to it.( with their fingers crossed behind their backs.)
At least we now know where you find some of the LIB marching orders, and where the cut and paste comes from. Thanks for the tip. ( sucker)
I did not post some "unknown web site" I posted the actual ruling in the case you cited. Look it up for yourself instead of relying on The Blaze.
DeleteI notice you still aren't arguing the actual facts of the case. What's the matter Walt, don't have the intellectual fire power to actually read the case?
LIke I said, we spit people like you out in the morning for kicks!
Ya.. You "spit" alright. I guess you didn't read the part about the "unpublished" court records. What ever you got came off the net.
DeleteSee,, that's the thing about LIBS. Revisionism is the name of the game.
The masses are fed up with those LIB tactics.
Now that "O" has to pay people just to show up this week is further proof of the LIB desperation. You have to make things "look" better than they actually are.
So,, when will "O" and Co. start running on their record? They have done a great job RUNNING from it.
Just yesterday another " blame Bush" excuse was raised by a DNC official. Yup,, " It's not my fault" is the platform of the show.
BTW,, This was National "empty chair" day as well. It was a huge success.
See below, since you turned this into a second thread.
DeleteGet some ba..s and be definitive and more direct!
DeleteWooooooHooooooo! Democrats and the Democratic Party are hav'en a PAR TEEEE! They are excited and full of fun. The TeaPugs convention was like a business meeting. No comparison can really be made.
ReplyDeleteWell. You actually got something almost right for a change.
DeleteIt's supposed to be a "business meeting".
Yup, Let the libs party on. ( since it will be their last hurrah for a long time) I know of two from CA. that have already been thrown in the slammer, and out of the "party" and sent home.( on their own dime I hope)
I was going to tell Todd that we were posting today just so we could impress you and Jen with our logic instead of assets, Susan.
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DeleteTodd, are you posting anonymously now?
DeleteI guess not!
DeleteBush is not blameless, but three times he called on Congress to rein in both Freddie and Fannie. Barney's objections stated on the floor of the House of Representatives are in the Congressional Record or all to read if they doubt his remarks. He said that the President's concerns were political in nature and nothing to worry about. He went on to say that Freddie and Fannie were both solid as a rock and financially healthy. Just a few months later both institutions were receiving over 100 billion in prop up payments to stay afloat and Barney was blaming Bush. The MSmedia??? Rather than research the truth, they chose to build the "It's all Bush's fault" because his unwillingness to regulate the big banks. This is the story line that the country wrongly believes today. Say it enough times and the Democrats and non-reading voters accept whatever the alphabet media feeds them. Even history books being used in American schools accept the media line without further research.
ReplyDeleteBush was in over his head. Most of his decisions were from his advisers.
DeleteGW wasn't anything without his dad's support and finances, a blemish on society. He really was pedestrian, third string at best.
Obama is even worse. But you like him so it matters not he drove our country into the ditch. Hypocrisy from the left. Oh, give us the link to Obama's transcripts please. Then we can see how smart he really is.
DeleteCurious George was a mental midget surrounded by his dad's machine, which was led by the shot-gun totting Cheney --- "woops thought you were a quail, oh well" I bet curious was glad that he was on his way out... he was lost,,, wanting to hide and let shot-gun-Cheney and ol' Hank handle things...
DeleteAnd Curious let them talk him into taking over the Iraqi oil fields in the name of wmd, but ol' midget didn't figure that his party and the back room handlers wouldn't be in charge.
Third String GW, maybe even red-shirt GW. Can't the R's get someone who can tie their own shoes?
Obama was handed his posts through lies and subterfuge. His grades were D's and F's yet someone unknown paid for his Ivy League eduction. He even states in his in book he was stoned so much he can't remember many years. Yep, just a real smart fellow.
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Delete" Are we better off than we were 4 years ago?"
ReplyDeleteI guess it's just which DEM at the convention you ask. Yes,,,No,,I think so, not sure, What was the question?
I think that covers it LOL!!
Now it's our turn to flood the social networks with our messages to the convention during the speeches. What's good for one, is good for another. We just can do a better job of it.
ReplyDeleteDamn!, Steve,, your "clearing house" is MORE than questionable. U of M ,,??
ReplyDeleteWhat's it known for?
"During the 1960s and 1970s, the city gained a reputation as a center for liberal politics. Ann Arbor became a focal-point for left-wing activism and served as a hub for the civil-rights movement and anti-Vietnam War movement, as well as the student movement."
Called that one! So whatever you mined that site for is bird cage liner.
That's far from " independent research".
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteYeah, the University of Michigan Law School sucks....they are ONLY the 10th best law school in the country.
I find this whole thing fascinating. You just cannot admit you are wrong can you Walt. It would kill you to admit you are wrong. The case you referenced was a redlining was preliminarily decided in favor of the plaintiffs....and they did a settlement agreement...and as just about everyone knows settlement agreements are usually kept private.
Here is how one admits they were wrong: "I trusted an article from The Daily caller, and stated that a legal case that President Obama participated in as an attorney had something to do with the mortgage crisis. That article ended up being inaccurate, consequently my point about the President was inaccurate. I apologize for not independently sourcing the information."
That is how you do it. You might try it some time. People would love you more if you can admit your mistakes and learn from them. I bet it would make your wife really happy too!
ReplyDeleteI'm not so sure if Walt is a real person of if he is one of Todd's split personalities, Todd has so many different monikers floating around the blogosphere nobody really knows.
Here is the 2012 Pulitzer Prize finalists and Online Journalism Finalists. I looked but didn't see The Blaze or The Daily Caller on either list.
LOL Ben,, I don't go by who gets awarded what. Consider it a "reacharound".
DeleteWhat did "O" get "awarded"? What was that?.... OH,, Ya,,,
We just haven't heard a word about it for years. The Nobel peace prize.. For what? What he "might" do in the future? I guess that didn't work out too well. The world is more divided and wizzed off at each other than almost ever before. The Middle East is in Great shape.( never mind the nuke threat) Israel has never been safer. I guess that's why the Dems won't speak on word about Israel at the convention.
Rag on the DC all you like. It won't change a thing. As said before, that news outlet is the Progressives worst nightmare. And you thought FOX was bad for you guys? LOL!! Long live the DC.
But remind me. when was the last time a Conservative journalist won it?
( oh.. pardon me. according to the LIB doctrine there is no such thing)
With a splot personality I can get tqice as many dates. What a hoot!
ReplyDeleteBen, sorry to have to tell you but I only use my name on my blog and the pothers I comment on. But, what the heck is the truth to you eh?
oops, "split". Yikes!
ReplyDeleteI don't know Todd, why should we believe you? I have never used anything but my own name to post on these blogs, at least after I made that pledge about 4-5 years ago. But you seem to serially charge me with posting under a false name.
ReplyDeleteI think you don't have a leg to stand on.
But then I think Walt and Dirt Mover are one and the same, and not you. So I actually believe you, even though you would never extend me the same courtesy.
I remember Dirt Mover and his hard hat picture. How about Always Right, any ideas Todd?
DeleteI don't care if yu believe me not not. It is not important to me that you or BenE do. So, don't fret.
ReplyDeleteLeave it to Todd to botch his own attempted (very worn-out) joke. Lots of metaphors come to mind...
ReplyDeleteIts been quite interesting watching Walt do his thing the last few days. No offense Walt, but engaging you further is offensive to my sensibilities. Imaging Walt at home in his basement with a litany of right wing rumor websites and right-wing radio hookups- a veritable redneck Gordon Gekko-like command center.
oh yea, and although Mr. Frisch has a brilliant mind to be admired, he has nothing on my feminine charm :)- trust me.
Poor Jen. From what I gather, just the word "MAN" is offencive.
DeleteSteve "brilliant"? Well, I guess you could say that,, getting the amount of money that he does just from filling out grant forms and going around with his hand out to gain more is a challenge.
you do know there is a word for that "feminine charm" we get here.
BTW honey,, How bout' that double standard?
Delete(Not one of you LIBS has touched that with a ten foot pole.)
Walt, what cracks me up abut a liberal woman like Jen is for some reason they think they are better and smarter. If they only knew what men really think about them. Oh well.
DeleteRegarding how smart Frisch is Jen. I don't judge a person's "smartness" by the number of words but by their ability to tell a story with brevity. The tortured "smart" people think burying others with many words is smart. Not here.
I've watch some of the conventions. Did you see the demographics? The Dem convention seems very diverse compared to the Repub convention. Also, it, the Dem convention, seems very blue-collar in comparison.
ReplyDeleteI guess the election will be decided on how well one party can dupe the masses. The Dems point to the redistribution of wealth, that is, the wealthy get wealthier, and the Repubs will dupe the masses with their 'moral' agenda, i.e., anti- homosexuality and abortion.
What we need is a candidate, a party, that cares about the rank-n-file and holds common moral standards of the main-stream.
DeleteTry going to, someone posted it over at Pelline's blog.
So you missed speech after speech about the economy then Scott. That was the theme and it was not social engineering. That tells me something about you right there. You did not watch or listen.
DeleteI have watch some of the conventions, for sure, and some of it has been nauseating and some interesting.
DeleteI don't buy either side's speeches on the economy. The candidates are going to say whatever they think is going to get them more votes. So, neither side is shooting straight on what they say about the economy. Everything is twisted to the speakers advantage, both sides.
Let the sheep follow their political idols and their media machines, and I'll seek independent news, written and televised, to try to discern the facts.
you have to admit that there is clear diversity at the DNC that was not visible at the RNC.
ReplyDeleteDiversity in what? Skin color and ethnicity? Or diversity in ideology.