Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Democrats show America they can be good Politburo Gangstas

I got home late and I got a call from a friend alerting me to the latest faux democracy outrage by the democrat party in Charlotte.  I said what happened?  He said the dumkopfs led by the LA  Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa made complete jerks of themselves in a vote to amend their party platform.  Oh, and I should watch the video.

HERE is the short video and I must say, Chairman Mao would be proud of these democrat leaders.  Birds of a feather.  As I wrote in my last post below, Dick Turban, errr, Durbin a Senator from Illinois, attacked Brett Baer of FOX News when Baer simply asked the Senator why their platform left out GOD and that the support of Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel.  I actually watched the exchange and the "turban" was totally out of line and very adamant about leaving those issues out of the platform.  I think the "turban" said he had been on the platform committee.

Well, all that obfuscation must have riled the troops because the video is about the democrats putting both issues back into the platform.  Why would that be you may ask?  I mean the "turban" was mean and nasty and determined in his position.  Or was he really?  My guess is as soon as the Jewish lobby heard the news about Jerusalem, they probably told the "Turban" and his pals the money may just dry up.  You know how money talks and BS walks.  And all those Catholics and middle American democrats who are Christians maybe got on the horn and said "what they heck?",Why would you godless democrats slip that one by us and if you don't put in back in about GOD we may just stay home, or maybe we will, ummm, become Republicans!

So, watch the video and watch the Mayor of LA ask them four times to vote ans each time it was worse for the measures passage. But, like all good democrats, their leadership just rammed it down the throats of the members just like they did with Obamacare.  And my goodness, if Americans from the left and right want that kind of leadership we will certainly be toast soon.

My guess is the talking points will arrive and Obama will say "hey, I want those things in the platform" so he can receive credit from the disaffected. But since he and his buddies have told us all they could care less about the platform i previous interviews, I say good luck trying to flip flop on that one.

So once again Americans can see why the keys should never be given to these nuts.


  1. You have a serious racist bent against people who wear turbans.

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  2. No racism here honey. Liberals like you are the racists.

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  3. Why would you even need to mention the word TURBAN? What does a head-dress have to do with anything, what point are you trying to make, and why would you feel the need to invoke the term so often?

    Its an obvious code word, and we know it. But do try to explain- I LOVE hearing your answer, honey. :)

    1. Now we see just who is out of touch. Dick has been called that for a long time. This what happens when someone tried to jump into the issues without any knowledge of past history. Lib "know it alls" who get interested only around election time show their lack of knowledge vary quickly. Just like your post here, Jen.

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    3. Not my phrase Jen but I really don't care what PO's you anyway. The name was given to him when he trashed the American military and intelligence personnel on the floor of the Senate, calling them Nazi's etc., and defended the terrorists. Live it love it honey.

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    5. The name was given to him by a racist. And picked up by more racists. Very nice. Mr. Durbin spoke truth about Guantanamo and so he is attacked. Typical. But I guess in a world that is rapidly changing, racists must find comfort, strength and humor in bigoted code words they would never speak to an actual Sikh or Muslim. Real macho.

    6. Jen. Your sounding like an enemy sympathiser.
      Haven't you figured out yet that GITMO is needed? Obummer got a crash course in it's need, despite stumping that "one of his first priorities was to CLOSE IT as soon as he took office.
      All that "talin'" to our enemies has worked wonders. We have more than ever now. Great Job.....

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  4. Jen,
    Todd is a Oinker (capital O). You will never get him to listen to reason. He enjoys the set up and knock down. Sick really. To engage with him is a waste. I personally love it when Todd posts his nonsense and no one responds, and its sometimes like that for weeks at a time. I always hope for the situation where Todd and Walt puke it up and no one cares.

    1. Another jealous babe. Have a drink honey, lighten up and smell the teabags.

    2. Sue, was Cleave your Dad? Just wondering.

    3. Such harsh words, you show'd him!

    4. Sue,,Our family was good friends with Cleave. I guess this means we're not getting a Christmas card this year? If your the same Susan I'm thinking of, the name Ivan should sound familiar.
      If not the same girl, my apologies for the confusion.
      If the same one, then you know who I get my "political savy" from.

      Yes, the name Ivan struck fear (and respect) in the hearts and minds of Democrats of his day. ( this was before real Progressives reared their ugly head)

  5. Sorry I'm late. I think my computer has LIB tendencies. It works when it damned well feels like it.

    So who is running for Prez? Bill or "O"? It sure sounded like Billy was looking for re election. I have to admit, Bill sure would be a better choice at this point for LIBS to vote for.
    I know how libs like this "forward" rant, so just why are they digging up the long past to look better? First Bill, and I hear Carter is up to bat vary soon. ( now is that a real good idea? Carter??? ( ran out of office as a laughing stock) Right now it's more than fact that "O" has done a worse job than Carter.

    This convention has shown the LIBS true colors.
    They thought they could get away with the backhanded attack on Christianity and the Jewish faith. ( REAL bad move)
    Did you hear that comment from as the vote was taken? " they are going to do, what they want to do" I took that as no matter how the delegates "VOTED" those issues were going to be put back in to plug the massive hole they just made. But GOD still got booed. You can kiss those votes goodbye. And that was no 2/3 vote by any stretch. HAY,, That LIB democracy in action. ( Like I said. no matter what the crowd voted for, GOD was back in.)

    1. Walt, the libs are on the run. What a hoot!

    2. This keeps getting better and better. From fake "republican women for "O" , to the fake steel worker lying about Bain Cap. He was never employed by the steel company, but gets up on stage and claims to have done so..

      No real record? Heck.. Just make one up. No facts? make them up too.
      Need to look good? dredge up some old fossils that had records better than you.
      Good job "O" run on the Clinton record. HELL Run on Carter's. His was still better than yours.

      What gets me Todd, is our own LIBS , when presented with overwhelming facts, historical evidence, and fact, they will blindly follow and support a man Hell bent on screwing this nation up but good.

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  6. Debby Downer gets caught lying once again.
    DAMN,, those pesky microphones... " I didn't say that... I was taken out of context... No that's not what I said..." Uh,, here is what you said on tape.. any comments?" Then crickets....
    Now a delegate is having a nice little talk with the secret service, about her comment about wanting to kill Mitt. More of that "party of tolerance". Funny. We hear the Muslim Bro.Hood say they are the religion of tolerance. Anyone else seeing a connection here? The BIG one... Progressives and Muslims( radicals at least) both despise Christians and Jews. We even have Lefties saying that Christians are out to kill or convert Jews if they don't.
    How more insane can these Lefties get?

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  7. Democrats returned the words “God” and “Jersusalem” to their DNC platform on Wednesday afternoon. The vote was controversial and actually booed by many in the hall.

    Shortly after that content change, Mark Alan Siegel, the Palm Beach County Democrat Chairman spoke with Scottie Hughes of Patriot TV and made some rather pointed and anti-Christian statements. Mr. Siegel was wearing a “Jews for Obama” pin. Ms. Hughes spotted the pin and asked the chairman about his support for Obama despite the administration’s record with Israel.

    Here are a couple of the offensive comments made by the Palm Beach Democratic Chairman:

    “I’m Jewish, I’m not a fan of any other religion than Judaism.”

    “The worst possible allies for the Jewish state are the fundamentalist Christians who want Jews to die and convert so they can bring on the second coming of their Lord.”

    All I can say is BS!!!

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    2. That was a Democrat talking, numbnuts, And just what does that have to do with your stupid a** comment anyway?

      Your loosing it .. Where you going from here? Top of the Bret Heart Hotel?

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  12. DUDE!,, just what is WRONG with you? And where do you come up with that garbage?
    Haven't you heeded that warnings? ( obviously not) Snorting or smoking bath salts will mess you up but GOOD. Ya' better stop now, or we will be reading about you by the end of the week.
    I can see the story now,," An Anonymous person was well tazed yesterday when he
    was found naked, growling in a zombie like manner, and trying to eat the face off a homeless guy."
    Seek professional help. I hate to see what you will say when Mitt wins and we take back the Senate as well. Will we need to posy guards at the Forest Hill Bridge? Maybe attorneys to fill out release of liability documents, and to collect
    a clean up fee.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. That the best you can come up with? Judging by your tude, it might be sinking in that "O" is done. Running on every one's record but his own isn't working, the DNC has been their own worst enemy.

      Lay off the bath salts.

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  16. Did you see the speeches tonight? Biden seemed pretty good. The President, while inspirational, did not have a lot of substance.

    We'll see what the polls say.

    P.S. what's with all of the deleted posts?

  17. My post didn't get through. Is there a glitch?

  18. Thanks Tea Party for encouraging the Del Oro to show the movie about Obama.


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