It was not thirty seconds after Paul Ryan was announced as the running mate for Mitt Romney that Obama's slime machine was doing its dirty deeds. Obama knows he cannot run on his record of failures and disappointments so he and his goomba Joe Biden use straw men and lies about their opponents. Of course if what the Obama campaign said was true then sure, Romney and Ryan would need to defend whatever it is, but you cannot defend a lie as they say.
HERE is an article on the Obama attack regarding the so-called Ryan budget. Obama/Biden claim that it would have let Romney pay less than 1% in taxes. An analysis showed that Ryan wanted to lower or elimination the "capital gains" tax (which I support) and since Romney's income is sourced from capital gains he would have paid no taxes. But the truth is a lot different.
First off, the budget never made it through the Congress (Senate). Obama said he would veto as well.
Second, the folks under $200,000 would be the affected parties. Anyone over that amount would still pay. Romney is over that amount.
Third, Romney never supported the plan!
That doesn't stop Obama though. My guess is he knows the lamestream media will carry his water and repeat the lie ad nauseum to drum it into the heads of the uninformed dolts who vote without thinking. That would be democrats and many in the middle. All these lies must be overcome in the truth department but when the lamestream media allows these lies to be broadcast over and over, you have to wonder what happened to the First Amendment.
The same thing is true of the Medicare issue. Ryan proposed and it passed the House, a reform of Medicare to try and save it for the future generations. Remember the ad the democrats ran showing a Ryan look-a-like pushing a wheelchair bound granny over a cliff? The plan was stopped and never voted on by Harry Reid and his band of democrat/indie lackey's and Obama said he would veto it anyway. Romney has a different plan yet Obama and his lamestream sycophant press pals were using the defunct Ryan proposal as an attack strategy. It finally was debunked by Rush and others who said the Ryan plan is not even real! Move on! And now we see the backlash against Obama and HIS plan! Obama swiped 716 billion bucks from granny (sending her over the cliff I guess) and moved it over to Obamacare. So he, Obama, should be chastised as the person who ACTUALLY did the deed. The lamestream media was forced to acknowledge that fact (and of course it is never repeated again).
We will see everything from Paul Ryan's abs to Mitts dog in the carrier on the roof because Obama has nothing to crow about (Obama actually ate a dog while Mitt's lived). The facts show he is a failure and the job is too much for him. Hell, where are Obama's college records? He won't release them. But the press, being in the Obama tank, want Romany's records!
As a side note, Romney paid over three million dollars in Federal taxes in 2010. These taxes were on capital gains which are after tax dollars invested in something. So the taxes are a double and even a triple tax on the same dollar. Perhaps the lamestreams need to mention this? Oh, hell no, the ice caps will melt first. And, what services did the Romney family receive for their three million bucks?
I am a fan of ridding the country of the progressive tax system and replacing it with a consumption tax. In that tax, the more you spend the more you pay. In the present tax system it is the more you make the more you pay. Even though the person making more does not use the "system" any more than the others, they pay a lot more. Actually, the welfare queens and their 6 kids use the system a whole lot more and they don't put anything in! If we want fairness in the tax system, then a consumption tax in place of the present system is the most fair.
So there you have it. Obama and Biden using Chicago style lies and Romney using the truth. Will the truth bear out? I think so. Even the lamestreams have to keep themselves from retching in their support of the "liar-in-chief" if they are human. Well, maybe not, but I can only hope someday they regain (if they ever had any) ethics and a moral compass to start telling the truth and let Mr. Cool return to Chicago.
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