Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Rants for June 20, 2012

Where or where to begin?  Hmmm.  Nevada County news maybe?  We seem to have a lot of drug arrests here.  It seems everyday there is a different crop of drug-thugs getting busted.  How can we as a society survive so much unproductive behavior?  Maybe the economy is sending people into the meth trade but if the people are out of work here, the buyers I mean, how do they afford to purchase the drugs?   Food or meth, food or meth?  I guess meth is winning.  At least the dental business is picking up some new customers.  Ever seen the lack of teeth in a meth users face?  No teeth, shrunken features.  Good looking people turn into a reverse prune faced brain dead thief.  Bust them and throw a way the key.

Statewide we have a democrat governor and majority legislative branch and guess what?  Now they can't blame the Republicans for stopping them from raising taxes and stealing our money.  Golly, what do you think will happen?  I actually listened to one dopey democrat still trying to blame the R's until someone told him to shut up.  Seems he forgot the people voted to allow a majority vote now.  All the R's can do is toss some common sense at the democrats in charge.  The R vote is disregarded totally now.  What a state!  The budget is upside down 16 billion and some say it is really twice that.  The democrats over the years have stripped our transportation money, the Redevelopment monies, the fine and forfeitures and almost all special districts reserves (including a fee for everything else).  They will never pay it back of course and the deficit is still huge.  Yet here in our state the people keep electing these democrat scofflaws and they expect things to change?

Federally today Obama said "executive privilege" on the Operation Fast and Furious debacle.  Even though Obama promise as a candidate not to do EP, there he is breaking another promise!  Obama is not at all trustworthy but we know the lamestream will carry his water on this like they do on all the rest.  I wonder if eating Fido has  affected his memory?  Obama's press conference yesterday from Cabo was also a mess.  From what I can see, Russia's Putin has kicked our President's ass on Syria and Iran and Obama is hiding under obfuscation.  Our country should apologize to the world for being the greatest I guess.  Oops, that's right, Obama has already done that a few times.

So our nation is on the cliff edge and Obama and the democrats have placed us there.  Sure maybe a few Republicans have crossed the line too but overall you don't see the R's passing so many laws to interfere with freedom.  I know the libs and especially the women's libs will cry that "men" may be trying to tell them what to do but hell, didn't our mothers do that to us and still many do today!  That is simply an interpretation issue now, I think people of all four or five different sexes do it.  Homosexuals have been on the front page for years telling us we must accept their behavior as normal.  If you don't shut up we will protest in front of your house!  So, all people are in some way a busybody.  It is when it becomes a law that we need to worry though.  I fight the inception of the law, the fastest way to keep a busybody out of you life.  Enough for now, whew!


  1. hmm..a Russian ship full of arms is now headed back to Russia after private discussions between our President and Vlad. Win- Obama! Who's kicking butt now?

    1. Oh, I thought this might help you understand better why the ship turned around. From the Washington Poast today,

      "A Russian ship carrying attack helicopters to the Syrian government turned back toward home Tuesday after its London-based insurance carrier canceled coverage, following a warning from the British government that the delivery would violate European Union sanctions.'

      So you must be a lamestream media type sincve you obviously knew this and chose to lie. Shameless. Start posting your name or it will be adios from now on.

  2. The Darrell Issa thing is a total, 100% political, election year OVER-REACH. Just looks foolish with his demand for logs and records that legally cannot be shared with Congress. Dumb-A. The guy has his own publicist and is the 2nd biggest egomaniac in Congress after Cantor.

  3. Yeah, that Issa, trying to get to the bottom of our own gubmint supplying guns to the drug lords. How could he? Also, that dopey family mourning the murder of their border patrol husband and dad, we just can't have any of that.

    One thing about you anonymous liberals though, you will defend Obama even if he started sprouting horns.

  4. Let them have their fun Todd. The death throws are starting.
    All they can do is lash out and bark at tires. But barking at tires will cause them extra brain damage.( when the tire roles over their head) That will be in NOV.
    The Great divider really screwed himself with this last minute executive privilege scam he pulled today. Now everyone wants to know what he's hiding. This is "O"'s Nixon moment, and can now add him to the list of Presidents that he loves to liken himself too.

  5. Fast and Furious= Bush Administration initiative, stopped by Holder.

    1. Accelerated by Holder. Where the heck do you get your facts. I already spanked you on the Russian ships. You really need to be truthful.

    2. DO supply some factual evidence to that statement.
      Even though your slightly correct, I get the "Blame Bush" lurking in the background. Yes, there was a similar op with Bush. No guns were lost, no one was killed. You can't say that about this mess.
      Now it appears the W.H. was involved in a criminal act. Why else pull executive privilege at the vary last moment?? HHmmmmmmm????
      Stopped by Holder AFTER he got caught with blood on his hands.

    3. Walt, good points but those true believers of O will never accept the truth.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. To Annon,,, Holder lost 75% of all the guns.
      Which gun shop sold automatic weapons over the counter? ( none)
      So where did those come from? Just a question, since they are in every video they play of the seized stash.

  6. If a car alarm goes off in the forest and there is no one to hear it, did it ever really exist?


Real name thank you.