Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

WaWa-gate, another leftwing attack with edited video and audio clips

Thanks to FOX News, Mrs Alan Greenspan
I really didn't pay much attention to this new "Dan Rather type" fiasco at MSNBC but it has become something more.  The NBC network is not responding to interview requests by many people across the country and that has led to some very justified derision.  We have watchdogs out there in the media world who keep track of the bias of the lamestreams.  Brent Bozell is one of them and I think he does a very good job bird-dogging the lames.

HERE is the full article.

Brent Bozell of the Media Research Center exposes the tricks biased people in the media do to sway opinions.   Even though we all know the lamestreams are biased to Obama and democrats (they vote 90% dem) they spout their fairy tales about how they are fair to all.  We learned the fantasy of that with Dan, the blather, Rather when he pushed phony documents right before the 2004 election to defame George W. Bush.  Rather still claims the phony documents "reflected" the truth even though they were made from whole cloth.  Rather is also a sad sack for suing CBS for booting his worthless ass out of the news.  The guy is clueless.

So we have another attempt by Mrs. Alan Greenspan to sway voters and public opinion that Mitt Romney is "out of touch" with everyday Americans.  What a crock.  Hell Mitt is building a new home in California and if anyone gets to see reality, a building permit in the Golden State will fill the bill for terror!  No, Mitt was discussing the fact a person can go into a WaWa and do all their own transactions by technology in comparison to a local optometrist trying to get a change of address from the government!  But Mrs. Alan Greenspan decided to edit the tapes to try and make Mitt look out of the mainstream regarding everyday things.  Just like the media did to George H.W. Bush in 1991 about a scanner in a grocery store.

Bush was familiar with the common scanners but was being shown one that could also weigh the item and read a damaged bar code.  He was right there on the cutting edge of new technology, not way behind the times.  But the lames twisted the truth to claim George was "out of touch" and everyone should vote for the "hipster", Clinton.  Of course Bush was a fighter pilot in WW2, one of the youngest, and was shot down in battle.  Yeah, those lames would be speaking German if George didn't do his duty, but the lames lack of respect for him made them look crappy, not him.  Perot took the victory away fro Bush, Clinton was simply the beneficiary of that.

Romney has run billion dollar companies and I bet he knows how to buy roses for his lovely wife from the florist, probably picks up the milk from the store and sat in the bleachers while his five sons played sports.  He is actually "in touch".  It is the lames and the liberals who are out of touch.  Hell, they can't even pick up their own trash at the OWS rapefests in New York!  So Mrs. Alan Greenspan simply needs to ""man-up" and do the right thing.  Admit she edited the tapes and it will all go away.  Do you think she will?


  1. LIBS are avoiding these issues like pot growers do the DEA. At least I have heard a few local dems have seen the light about Holder.Maybe not about lying under oath, but the attack on MMJ.
    They don't care that they get jaded information. As long as what they doesn't come from FOX, its good enough for them. I will suggest they change their mind on that.
    Now both NBC, and CBS have been found to have doctored information. First Zimmerman, now this. I'm sure there are more instances that are out there.
    They also dislike The Blaze. They have come up with some damaging stuff lately. Glenn Beck has been correct no matter what they claim. So shoot the messenger since the news doesn't go your way. Funny how the LIBS never come back with any facts to back up their wild claims.

  2. Walt the libs are simply corrupt in their thinking. How else can one explain their clinging to a form of government that has never worked? They are in charge of ur state and the world is laughing at them but we aren't.

  3. Glenn Beck? LOL. He is a paranoid freak and a phony. But keep listening to him Walt. It keeps lowering the IQ every day, as we see.

  4. Do show proof of where Beck is wrong. Dare ya',, gutter snipe.
    I will check back later on your progress. Actually, I don't expect
    anything to show,and for good reason.

  5. I don't watch Beck so I can't say anything positive or negatory. I'kk go with Walt.

  6. Take a glance now and then of The Blaze web site Todd.
    It's part of Beck's network now.

  7. Like I thought. No response, just throw out a gutter snipe comment,
    and can't back it up.
    Ya. Beck is exposing your ideals for what they are, and your ticked off.
    No one buys the Conservatives being racist, or any other wild hair accusation.
    Actually, the more Lefties try it, the worse things get in the believe dept.
    So by all means.. Keep up the wild rants.
    Need proof of Progressive looney toons? Find the latest vids on dethroned, wicked witch of the West Nancy Pelosi. They are better that Sat. morning cartoons of yesteryear.

  8. BTW ,, Todd. Some reason I can't log into RR's page. That's why I haven't been seen over there. Please let Mr. R. know I haven't bailed outright. I still read what's going on. It sucks I can't add my 2 cents now and then.

  9. Feel the earth quake just before 9?

  10. Walt, I did not feel the earth shake. Also, on RR just use your Facebook for signing in. That is what I do. Or you can create a Typepad account and do the same thing.

  11. Down where am at, I noticed a mirror quivering slightly.
    I was barefoot, and then felt the tremor vibes through the tile floor.
    Then off the this magic box to see what I could find. Sure as hell.
    Went to the USGS and a big red box over Truckee.
    Funny, not a thing on line from The Union that I could find.

    I don't do Facebook, and it seems you need it to sign up on typepad.
    Am I missing something?

  12. Facebook is free. I use it to communicate with my kids and some friends. Just make sure you don't put personal stuff othere that can be can abused. Of course, you get to pick your friends on FB so there is a bit f protection.


Real name thank you.