Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Rodney King drowns

Almost everyone knows who he is.  Almost know one knows his life story though except for that thumping he took by police officers back in the early 90's.  Others have filled in the details about the incident that led to the LA riots so I don't need to pin down all that stuff.  While I am not a fan of speaking ill about the dead, I think it is important the truth be told so there is no misunderstanding.

After a long and fast car chase being pursued by police, King along with two other passengers in his auto were finally stopped.  Now during the chase, King zoomed through red lights on busy surface streets without concern for others.  Just imagine if he had smashed into a car of Buddhist Monks going to church and all were killed.  What would have been the story?

Anyway, Mr. King, who had served time for armed robbery and other violent crimes and who was a large, burly fellow, would not allow the police to take him into custody after he was stopped.  The two passengers in King's auto surrendered peacefully.  Well, we all saw over and over the police officers trying to contain the man and they used their batons trying to do so.  We all saw that.  What we did not see over and over was the rest of the story.  All the run ins with the law and the other violence he perpetrated on other folks. 

No, the press was PC then as it is today.  They were anti-police and did all they could to make the issue so hot the result was a riot.  I blame the press for a lot of the terror then.  Reginald Denny (view his beating HERE) was bludgeoned and finally smashed in the head with a cement block after being dragged from his 10 wheeler in South Central by a bunch of thugs.  53 other people died in the riots and some estimate a billion dollars of damage.  Fortunately the riots and the damage were centered on the South Central area of LA and did not spread to more places.  Koreatown merchants were seen holding off looters with their rifles and pistols.  It was a mess.

Today, the man who was a thug is considered by the PC press as some sort of martyr.  Some sort of "hero".  He is even being compared in some press stories as an equal of Ross Parks!  The insanity of the press is breathtaking.  There were no winners in those riots.  There was black thuggery rage (mostly gang members) and they  took it out on their own neighborhoods.  I watched many minutes of video during those times.  I saw the police forced through PC orders standing on the sidelines while looters stole and destroyed.  It was not about race either.  It was simply a mob.  Not unlike the mobs that were gang related during the Civil War in New York City.  People saw a chance to rob, steal and murder. 

America can heal it race issues but as long as race hustlers and the PC press and sycophants are firing up the hot emotions of young men it will not happen.  When I was working as a young man in the hotel bushiness in the early 70's I rubbed elbows with many different people of many different races.  We all became friends because we were all the same and we all wanted the same things.  Make a living to support ourselves and our families.  Work to achieve the American dream.  Be successful and be good citizens.  Stay out of trouble, do the right thing.   We were white, black, Filipino, Indiana and Mexican.  It was a great time.

But we have the race hustlers out there.  They make money by fanning the flames of discontent.  They like it when they can show some problem between the races.  The seek and achieve division.  It was my view as a young man and still as a 62 year old man, we are Americans, but there is a proviso.  You have to stop whining and get to work.  You have to stop blaming others (I have never owned another human being) and take control and personal responsibility.  It isn't easy.  It sometimes means defeat.  But if you wallow in the defeat all the time you will never succeed here in our shared country. 

I love to read history but you know what?  I just won't allow the hustlers to lay some guilt trip on me about injustices from 200 years ago.  If I took the left's guilt laden trip seriously I would have to hate the Italians (Romans) for all the slavery of everyone's ancestors.  And they enslaved all races!  No, I just won't take on the guilt you PC press and leftwingers are trying to dish out.  You go wallow in it I refuse.  I think there needs to be a return of people taking responsibility for their own actions and the return of shame and hard work.  Shame because we have allowed the country to be dumbed down to the lowest common denominator in our moree's and our eduction systems (and expectations).  Start teaching  morals, ethics and let the school Principal paddle the asses of little Jimmy and Jenny when they are exhibiting bad behaviour (and negate the lawyers).  Yep, a little discipline can go along way in returning the American dream to everyone again.  And by golly, maybe we would all get along.

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