Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Was that Agenda 21 that was defeated in Riverside?

Well what the heck?  I was nosing around Ballotpedia today to see what kind of initiatives, referendums, tax and bond requests and eco measures were there and how  they fared on June 5, 2012 here in our state.  Since I am a political junkie and I love stats ,Ballotpedia fills both my sins.  HERE is the link to review the totality of district, city, county and state measures.  It is truly a mixed bag of results and if anyone can make heads or tails of them, let me know.

So as I scrolled down the list I came upon Riverside, a city in the County of the same name.  It is a fairly large city now and on the edge of the desert and chaparral of Socal.  I used to live in Palm Springs which is in Riverside County.  The City was also the site of the infamous Delhi Sand Fly debacle of the Endangered Species Act.

The text of the Measure is as follows.

 MEASURE F: "Shall the Charter of the City of Riverside be amended by adding a new section 811, entitled "Commission on Sustainability," which would create a new commission to advise the Mayor and City Council on matters of sustainability as it pertains to environmental stewardship, economic development, and regional advantages as a means of pursuing a higher quality of life, with the powers and duties of that commission set by ordinance of the City Council?" 

This was the result of letting the folks vote on Agenda21.

City of Riverside Commission on Sustainability
Defeated No15,56764.63%
Yes 8,521 35.37%


 "The editorial board of the Press Enterprise opposed Measure F. They wrote, "No. Riverside does not need to write a Commission on Sustainability into the charter."

So maybe the little people are wising up?  The lefty eco nuts try and make anyone who thinks Agenda21 is a problem out as a nut.  I guess those voters told them didn't they?

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Real name thank you.