Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Monday, December 24, 2018

MERRY CHRISTMAS! Happy Birthday Jesus! And a rant!

After two thousand years, I would think humans would be doing better.  From living in mud huts to today's modern home, people are still complaining and unhappy.  When Jesus came into the world, GOD gave it a good old college try to see if humans would shape up.  But as we see around the planet, humans can't stop thinking the grass is greener on Mars or some other place.  People must have a DNA twig that is all about negativity. And the most negative about almost all aspects of this blessing of life are the American democrats. There is nothing they miss to complain about.

We have every convenience to make life better.  We have all the food we can buy or steal or beg for.  And Americans still find things to complain about.  Too fat, too skinny, who grows or ranches the food.    I watch minority types whine about "white privilege" and whatever else they can blame for their failures.  Yet we give all Americans free schools till they are seniors and all these people have to do is show up!  And we give out free lunches and in some cases free breakfasts.  Still complaining and wanting more more more. Jesus told us all how we should live and how we should be thankful for what we have.  But that seems to be lost on the takers of society.  We are the most generous people on the planet.  Americans have clothed and fed millions.  Our young men died to bring freedom to millions.  They sacrificed their lives and yet today we have people that don't understand that sacrfuce.  We might all be speaking German and Japanes if our brave one's stayed home in mommies basemnt.

And now we see a bogus fight over a "border wall" contrived by the democrat party leaders.  They do not want President Trump to have a "win" on this issue.  But who really loses?  All Americans lose.  A border wall may keep us safer, keep out the death drugs and help millions of people, especially little girls from being sexually trafficked by really bad people.  Do these democrats have any shame?  My goodness little children are assaulted, raped and abused and the democrats say to the American people, "tough cookies"  That is the least we will stand for to keep Trump from a win.  We will sacrifice hundreds of thousand of little girls and boys and their mothers in the name of "no wall"!  Besides we all are rich and live in gated communities, so tough granola.

Jesus was the son of GOD and he came to help us cleanse ourselves of sin.  But other than a few people on the planet it looks like ha may have come too soon.


  1. The single most genererous nation on the planet is not the USA, it is Indonesia, the largest muslim country on the planet? You do write a lot of unfounded waffle!

    1. Say what? You are way out to lunch. American generosity makes Indonesia look like the piker it is. You print bogus facts.

    2. Is that what the blob that ate quainty city told you?

    3. Indonesia is not even in the top 100! I think that poster was a stoner. LOL!

    4. As you never provide evidence to back up anything you ever say, I post the evidence for your perusal.

      As I said before, you are content to waffle.

    5. Anyone that uses a Egyptian dog as his identity is telling others they are waffling and not supplying the truth? Jeeze you are menyally ill.

    6. Myanmar? Jeeze the idiots that put a fascist government in Asia as the number one have to be drinking something strong.

    7. Good than stay in your wonderfull empire The single most genererous nation on the planet is not the USA, it is Indonesia, the largest muslim country on the planet? You do write a lot of unfounded waffle!

  2. Had a great Christmas with my kids and my son'e gals family in Roseville. Lots of nice people. I made a pumpkin pie and it was tasty. Sad that the FUE is alone on a ship on the ocean somewhere. Maybe Steve Frisch is with him to keep him company on the buffet line. LOL!

  3. Spent Christmas with my wife alone in the mountains and all of the kids (all five and significant others and the grandson) are flying out on Saturday to join us. Woot!

    Merry Christmas Todd! 🎄

    1. Merry Christmas Barry. Nice to see a young family man with his family and not standing in a cruise ship buffet line. Hey do they serve chilki cheese frres and box wine? If not my guess is the DT's are coming soon. LOL!

  4. We are glad that you had a wonderful Christmas! Happy New Year to you and yours as well!


Real name thank you.