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Paris Conference a total flop |
Along with the politicians and their representatives we had thousands of other libnuts from "non-profit" eco organizations. And many "scientists" there to protect that endless stream of taxpayers money to keep the hoax alive.
And what was accomplished? Not a damn thing. A few handshakes and a lot of promises. Promises to keep the people of the planet from enjoying a decent life with cheap energy. I read the Sacramento Bee article this morning on the conference.Starting on Page 1A and continued to 17A, I just shook my head at the idiocy written about the flop of a conference. Don't get me wrong, I am glad it was a flop. Most people on the planet are trying to get by, raise their families and have what we have here in America. Shelter, food, clean water and transportation. Electricity is right up there too. But these political activists in Paris want to take away all that hope. As far as I can read, they would like all the peons of the planet to live in the 3rd century BC.
There was also a "sea change" in the strategy about "climate change" predictions however. The conference used to talk about the rise of 2 degrees Celsius by 2100 and how we need to start planning for that. Of course the people of planet earth are more concerned about today than what "May" happen in a hundred years, so these lib hoaxers have changed that. Now we see they are saying the terrible affects of "climate change" are happening TODAY! Of course they have no proof but they do have some multi billion dollar computer systems that can't even tell us the weather tomorrow let alone in 100 years. Heck sea ice is expanding, sea levels are not rising and other weather events sure look like the one we all know and love.
So we see the politcal class changing the narrative to fit the hoaxes predictions once again. Not a simple name change, but a whole new strategy to make calamity a current, "look out the window now" message! Along with this new strategy we see all the true believers put that "lipstick on a pig" we on the right have warned against from the beginning of the hoax. The results are quite telling. No implementing rules to force anyone to do anything. Self reporting is the way! And I thought the lib hoaxers were opposed to "self reporting". Oh, just for Private companies, not for governments. I get it.
The Third World countries, and the ones even worse off, were all PO'd when they could not get the First World countries to send them $100 billion a year or whatever in cash payments for us being a successful country or set of countries. The Congo was really pissed.
So the conference is all about "renewable energy" whatever that is. They say it is solar, wind and batteries! No nuclear, no hydro, no natural gas. These dummies at the conference apparently don't understand that a windmill must be constructed from natural resources. Same for solar. And those things wear out. Batteries can be vey toxic! They don't even make one statement that CO2 is what makes plants grow! The world is run by these insane people! They don't even suggest planting more trees. Amazing!
Towards the end of the SacBee article, the author says " John Kerry, (who once served in Vietnam, and who threw his medals over the White House fence) and who is now the second idiot running our State Department (Hillary was the first) made the most ridiculous but exposing statements on the WHY! He wants this conference to scare the businesses and the rich people into compliance. It is all about MONEY! John Kerry has to be the second worst Secretary of State ever. A class warfare guy. But of course he will protect his millions and his yachts won't he?
In a nutshell, the conference was a flop. Thank goodness the people of the planet get a short reprieve even as all those politicians and eco nuts are out telling the world how wonderful they came together. Well, they did not and I am really really glad. Oh, and John Kerry actually said he gives the Congress credit for saying they would not go along with a treaty from this conference so he crafted it to bypass them. My what a true patriot eh? The Kyoto Treaty got a 99-0 vote in the Senate when Bill Clinton and Al Gore brought it forward. That was a 99-0 vote AGAINST! So there you have it. No votes suit Obama/Kerry/Clinton just fine. That may work in Zimbabwe, but this is America. A place everyone wants to come to.
Oh, and on the next page of the SACBee was a extensive article on the new seawater treatment plant in Southern California. And it was all about reverse osmosis and how much its huge energy needs are. You can't make this stuff up!
Good report. It will not stop CA from taxing the living day lights out of carbon, but at least it ended up with non-enforceable goals, to be reviewed in 5 years. All is well in Paris
ReplyDeleteI prefer smoggy air and dirty water. The world is overpopulated anyway
DeleteIf the perpetrator is black you are apparently right, they do not matter or there would be more concern for urban dwellers.
DeleteThe corpulent unemployed journalist FUE must be spending a lot of time in Chili's restaurant, they have all you can eat enchiladas. Just add a large plate of fries and you have world class chili cheese fries! He can bring his own bucket of melted velveta to top it off! ROFLOL
DeleteHe is reporting the "far right" of France lost the regions they were running in on Sunday. What he conveniently left out and what shows he bias is. The Conservatives picked up a majority of the regions while the ruling socialist lost. Sarkosy is back!
DeleteBut reporting as the FUE does reinforces why no one believes anything he writes as a "award winning journalist" Hell I do better. LOL!
Correction Todd, it's "award WHINING journalist", LOL
ReplyDeleteNow the FUE is mis representing the results in France. I do not recall him haveing a orgasm when the Tories kicked the ass of the Liberal and Labour party's in England. Kind of tells us all we need to know about him. Not too bright.
DeleteSo we get awarded with a non stop whining, unemployed journalist after the most hated man in the county became the despicable FUE! ROFLOL
DeleteToo funny. The Paris conference appears to be a preview of let's see how much money we can get. That's the kind of global government we've been watching for about a hundred years. How much is it worth? Do what I want or else...extortion and racketeering? I wonder how much taxpayer money was spent on those who attended? Same o same o pattern. BMW
ReplyDeleteHey Todd, just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy reading your blog when I'm in the bathroom relieving myself
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, do you require relief often? is this your way of confessing that you are full of crap? Just wondering how that really feels and how often you need to purge?
ReplyDeleteOh, I require relief very often! Thank you for being so concerned. How does it feel: a lot of pressure in my lower stomach area, but I would say that I'm not always full of crap...especially after a purge. Anyway, I always read "Just Sayin'"'s blog...oh I mean Todd's blog when I'm relieving myself
DeleteBet all those chili cheese frys make for lots of roto-rooter work and plenty of time to read while on your throne. ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteYou nailed it. Whenever Todd writes a new article, I cook up a bunch of chili and buy some fries from McDonald's...mix them up and eat them...wait a couple of hours...then it's time to log on to Todd's blog...
DeleteThe putridly portly purple hippo of Nevada city is wailing like an old woman because the Union had an advertiser who may have ripped off some old folk. He demands they screen their advertisers better??? How were they to know what was up in the business in the Unions ad dept??? The Union put the story on their front page, what more could they do?
ReplyDeleteAt least they did not engage in kiddie porn!
The crazy cat lady Ruinit has embarrassed herself again at NC Peeps. The failure at everything she touches, has decreed that she knows how to stimulate our local economy and small business by doing.....more of what we have been doing! Why not? It has been working so well to date.
ReplyDeleteWell that's the Obama admins plan for isis. More of what has been working so well for him! Does anyone think ruinit can come up with a better plan than Obama? ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteSecond amendment debate breaking out on the Union Face Book page.
ReplyDeletePelline and his minions have created a FB page asking to draft me for Supervisor! LOVE IT! I remember when the libnuts made a play about me in the 90's. I guess they just can't handle the truth. LOL!
ReplyDeleteIt is the former union editor who is an unemployed journalist who has so much time to gobble grub and make up FB pages! ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteScoopy batting .900 on his own comments section, way to go Mr. self absorbed narcissist psych profile FUE!
ReplyDeleteI heard from numerous people over the holidays that Pelline is a scar on our fair cities. He is mean and nasty and scaring off people that would like to relocate here. They say if he is representative of the kind of people here they want no part of the place. They also complimented me and my writings and want much more. All unsolicited comments. Love it! The community likes my style an wishes more were like me. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteLooks like scoopy and the sock puppets are too preoccupied with his new toy face book page to have his usual pre dawn Monday morning George Boardman rant. The Union must be typo free today! ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteI liked what GeorgeB wrote. It was fun! And Pelline and all his gal pal sock puppets must be pretty bored.