Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Climate Change shysters say the "science" is settled. No it isn't.

In order for the global warming crowd to get traction in the hearts and minds of humans they had to corral those scientists out there.  Thousands of scientists were co-opted with money (tax payer grants) and other jobs so they could be manipulated into the hoax.  Of course we all heard from the left and their econut subset that money buys politicians.  They say those politicians are going to do the bidding of those nasty rich people and corporations?  So why can't we agree the "scientists"  are subject to the same enticements? After-all some estimates are over a trillion of your dollars have been spread around.

Settled science is a hoax in itself.  Perpetrated by the left to shut down debate.  I call them "flat earth" people because I view them no better than the clergy trying to shut up Galileo.  Science is an ever changing learning experience for we "pea-brains" called humans.  Though I view "climate change" AKA, "global warming" as a political movement, the hoaxsters do their best to use science as their excuse to perpetrate the myth.  This now appears to be backfiring on them.

Reasonable people know that things change all the time on planet earth and the universe.  What we thought about something today can change tomorrow.  One only needs to watch the results of the pictures from the Hubble Telescope to see how much we still don't know about the universe.  Or how many things we find and analyzed about our own planet and it biology.  To say the science is settled is a "political" statement, not one of science.  The Eco true believers of "global warming" are hanging their hat on computer models.  Programmed by their fellow true believers!  There is no evidence these people can even explain the local weather let alone climate into the future!  They can't even explain the past!

In our local Union Newspaper today on page A10 was a article on the age of the earth and when life first appears.  Apparently the "science" was off by 300 million years.  Life occurred much earlier.  The article points out that "settled" science is a myth.  All these years the scientific community thought one way and now they are thinking another.  In my opinion it is because things can change on a heartbeat and true science is an open book, ready for new chapters at any moment.  The headline is

"Hints of life on what was thought to be desolate early earth".

So before all you ecolibs get excited about the use of the most important element for life, carbon, perhaps a review of the article and its publishing in the scientific journal should be reviewed.  Of course, all this excitement by the "flat earth" eco climate change fanatics is all about emotion and not about science.  If you "feel" something needs to be done there is little I can do but show you the true science and hope you aren't so "flat earth" that you dismiss it out of hand.  But I have little hope in that.  As we all see, the trillions of dollars spent on lackey scientists and  all the politicians taking advantage of the ignorant masses, won't take hold until there is personal affects.

Before  these fanatics on the left succeed in removing your way to transport yourself, cars, trucks, etc., you can be the greatest supporter of the hoax.  But when you can't buy food or other goods and services because the truck delivering all that to you in the big cities has stopped, you will not "get it" that you have been duped.  So keep on supporting the hoax like it is in California and soon even those Los Angeles "true believers" will get their come upance.


  1. Good article Todd. I was thinking about exact science this morning. According to the dictionary exact science means: a science (as physics, chemistry, or astronomy) whose laws are capable of accurate quantitative measurable phenomena of the material universe...Something that's not an exact science involves opinion, guessing etc. predicting the weather is not an exact science. I get a kick out of the global warming-climate change so called scientists who don't seem to notice that "we believe" is merely guessing. BMW

    1. You are spot on BMW. But we have to keep fighting the liars of the hoax. Not easy.

    2. No one has ever proven gravity exists.

      This you may find surprising, even bizarre, but it is true. We can only 'believe' it exists and theorise on it's nature and origin. However, that belief has served us well. It has enabled many inventions and developments useful to humans.

      Things ain't as simple as you make out!

    3. Obviously you have never heard of Albert Einstein. Have you been in a cave all your life?

    4. Einstein was a theoretical physicist, he did not prove gravity existed, he assumed it did and theorised the effect of gravity on time!

  2. Is this troll paid in chili cheese frys? ROFLOL

    1. Did they bring in a ringer since the Wu arrest makes that Frish guy in Truckee look worse than ever as far as ethics? Besides his being a peff jellyene acolyte. roflol

    2. Well Wu is in the klink for the same things apparently that Frisch did. Sounds like there is not much moral and ethical in the bloodstreams. Dod Frisch go to jail? I'll check.

  3. Didn't they have pot growers there at the stonehouse on the same night with the Bernie Sanders debate party?

  4. I don't know how to enter a post on a blog but am trying to give all a heads up on a full page ad appearing in Monday's Union newspaper on the back page of the front section concerning Global Warming Hoax. Look for the red bordered ad.

    1. Thanks, I will check it out. I am a subscriber.

    2. Looks like the usual eco libnuts are unable to accept the truth Mr. Pinney. Good write-up on the hoax of "global warming" and the hoax of the "hockey stick". Heidi Hall is unqualified to try and convince people of the existence of Mann's hoax.


Real name thank you.