Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Congressman Tim Huelskamp of Kansas kicks Rachel Maddow's butt! (verbally of course) MSNBC and DailyKos are so ridiculous!

Tim Huelskamp.jpg
Congressman Tim Huelskamp
Rachel Maddow got bested in a hit interview of the Congressman. Read his tweets and see if you agree they are really benign or "radical" as Maddow says?  This analysis by Maddow and her fellow butt kissers at her station made me laugh my ass off. HERE is the link to the video.  Scroll down and suffer through a 30 second commercial.  But it is worth it.  This Congressman delivered a good smackdown of Maddow and she was stuttering so much I thought she was sitting on a washing machine.

HERE is a good link to the fact checking of Obama's speech. Remember when the leftwing media started this with George W. Bush?  They tried their best to catch him in fibs but it was not happening.  Then their guy gets elected and though he fibs and lies all the time, the press (other than FOX) could care less.  You read them and decide.  Should a President tell us the truth?  Of course he should.  If Obama was Pinocchio his nose would have been three feet long last night.

This link came to me from DailyKos, a radical liberal site.  I was shocked but not surprised that the author at DailyKos claimed the Congressman's tweets were, GASP, racist!  I read them and did not come away with that impression at all.  Of course, the author's name was unavailable;e but there was a link under the heading called Billionaire's for Wealthcare so I went there. The people are nuts.  But these are the far left radicals funded by people like George Soros and other loony tunes.  They make the radical right look like pikers.

So we get a look from all directions on the SOTU last night.  I am sad to say the so called "journalist's" at MSNBC and other outlets are simply "cheerleaders" for Obama and the left.  Damn the truth and full speed ahead with the lies.  I know America will make it through these times.  But the fact that these liberal fools try to turn any disagreement with Obama into a "race" issue is so UN-American to me that I want to fine them for their behavior.  They harm the country every time they do this.  So, the best medicine is to not watch them and they will evaporate into nothingness.  Just like the "Neverending Story".


  1. Anyone watching the video can see this half-wit Huelskamp being embarrassed and toyed with by Rachel, a Rhodes Scholar. The guy actually accused the President of playing politics with the military. When asked how, he responded- by withdrawing the troops. Yeah Tim. Irreprehensible.

    1. As usual you liberals see thing bass-ackwards from reality. Rachel Maddow is a fool. She spews hate all the time for the right. He kicked her butt and you can't deny it. A Rhodes scholar means what?

      A scholarship by the man Rhodesia was named after? You libs applauded Zimbabwe morphing fro Rhodesia and yet claim someone with a scholarship named after him is something wonderful. Clinton was one too wasn't he? The serial philanderer of young interns. Yep, he learned a lot in Britain. Too funny.

    2. So, after all your irrelevent jibberish, the fact remains that the Congressman from Kansas appears to be a very strange and disturbed right wing loon. Rachel was having fun with him, the way a fox plays with a field mouse.

    3. Still backwards. He made her look as a fool. You are so funny.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I deleted two anonymous posters for using personal attacks on me. If you want to attack me have the balls(or if a woman, ??) to use a real name and address. You are too silly to allow anymous attacks.


Real name thank you.