Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Tennnessee Democrats self destruct in Senat race

Well well well!  In Tennessee the democrat voters are just plain stupid according to the the establishment democrat leaders.  HERE is the article in THE TENNESSEAN..

Mark Clayton Democrat US Senate Candidate
 The DailyKos, the far left  mouthpiece, funded some say by George Soros, is apoplectic in the election of democrat Mark Clayton.  He won a seven person primary and will face Republican Bob Corker for the US Senate.  Here is the DailyKos take on Clayton's primary victory.

"“What a debacle in Tennessee,” the liberal Daily Kos website wrote Friday morning, hours before the party announced its decision. “It's not like Democrats were ever going to have a shot at unseating freshman Sen. Bob Corker, but at least our preferred candidate, actress and activist Park Overall, is a real Democrat. The guy Dems did nominate seems to be anything but.”

Because this Clayton fellow is opposed to homosexual marriage, pro-life  and some other social issues the "anything goes" mainstream democrats support, he is persona non grata.  They are refusing to help Clayton in his race!  If Americans think the democrat party is the party of tolerance, they are sadly mistaken.  Toe the line, support all forms of deviancy or you get no help from us seems to be their mantra.  Seig Heil!  That is now the salute of the those in the democrat party structure.

In 1992, Robert Casey, Governor of Pennsylvania,  was trying to secure a  to speaking position  at the democrat convention for his  "pro-life" position , the powers there would not allow it.  We cannot have a apostasy here they cried!  I knew then the democrat party was going extreme and "free speech" even at their own convention was now kaput.  No debates allowed and no shirkers of the mantra allowed.  So here we see the latest iron fist of the extreme lefty party in its rejection of a duly elected candidate!

All this in light of the extreme positions the democrats, their mayors and party hacks and the left wing homosexual lobby have taken against Chick-fil-A this last week.  Fortunately though the American people, those folks who believe in our Constitution, have rejected the attacks on the business.  These extreme positions taken against Christians and now their party members has shown the country the demise of a once inclusive and powerful party.  It is as Ronald Reagan sad.  The party left him so he became a Republican. 

The Republican Party is truly the antithesis of the democrat party.  We believe there is room for all points of view and we allow anyone to speak.  Even here in our little Nevada County we see the intolerance of the left.  A recent article in a extreme leftwing blog decries the sponsorship/hosting of a candidates forum by the local Tea Party and our Union Newspaper.  The lefty complaints were vacuous since all candidates of all parties were invited and they did show up.  The forum was well run and totally fair to all participants.  Yet the local left whines about the Tea Party being a host and tells us how they, the left, would never attend and how it was wrong.  No free speech or association allowed by these liberal extremists.

So, this rejection of one of the own in Tennessee is no different.  If you don't do what the lefty whiners in power or opinion want, well, hell, we will just take our ball home and screw you!  America will hopefully pay attention and reject these tactics.  In the Tennessee race I support Corker so watching the democrats self destruct does not break my heart.  My point is simple in all this.  Free speech and more of it.  Democrats now show us all that their speech is only for those who toe their mantra and if you deviate from that, you are out.  Pretty soon thee may be no more democrat party!


  1. So who will be making the gay, pro-choice speech at the Republican National Convention?

    1. Hell, I don't know RL but I would say if there was a request it might be honored.

    2. Yeah sure Todd, and RL Crabb can hang with Michael Phelps in the 100 butterfly.

  2. Who will be making the speech for Christian values at the DEM convention?
    I know plenty of people with a "D" next to their name in the Catholic church.
    Forget JFK was a Christian? Those people are not going to go against their core beliefs just for a political agenda.

  3. Todd,
    Mother Jones agrees that Clayton is a birch society type of candidate.

    "On his issues page, Clayton sounds more like a member of the John Birch Society than a rank-and-file Democrat. He says he's against national ID cards, the North American Union, and the "NAFTA superhighway," a nonexistent proposal that's become a rallying cry in the far-right fever swamps. Elsewhere, he warns of an encroaching "godless new world order" and suggests that Americans who speak out against government policies could some day be placed in "a bone-crushing prison camp similar to the one Alexander Solzhenitsyn was sent or to one of FEMA's prison camps." (There are no FEMA prison camps.)

    1. Tennessee is a total lost cause with every Repub and Dem now seemingly trying to prove they are men of the 19th century. Its prime Chik-fil-A territory and I think I'll steer clear of that area.

    2. BenE Mother Jones is a far left mag so the Clayton fellow is probably a moderate. I thought you were opposed to party orthodoxy?

    3. Tennessee is the home to "Deliverance". The democrats there are a bit toothless.

    4. Actually, Deliverance was set (and filmed) in Georgia. I know, I was living in Atlanta when it came out. A lot of Southerners showed up at the theatres to see a Burt Reynolds adventure movie made in their backyard, and they got a little more than they bargained for. I still remember the gasps of shock when that now-famous scene appeared on the big screen.
      After the movie came out, some friends and I decided to raft down the Chatooga River where they made the movie. After looking at the rapids we changed our mind, but we did see a slice of Appalachia on the trip. The movie didn't exaggerate the living conditions there.

    5. where ya going there, city boy?...

    6. RL I checked and you are correct about the film. I only watched the movie once and that was when it first came out. I still to this day get the creeps thinking about that one scene. I can see why the northeast liberals have such a idiotic view of southerners.

  4. So needle bending leftists disown their own peoples choice.( sort of)
    There are more JFK type DEMS in Tenn. than Obummer style Progressives.
    They voted for "their" Representative, and not the one Progressives
    had hopes for to help dismantle the Constitution.
    The one the Progressives had in mind would have probably done his best to run Barret Arms out of the state, or out of business. We know how Progressives feel about "assault weapons". Look no further than Moonbeam Brown, and the ones in Sac.

    1. We know how most Americans feel about assault weapons. To allow and his uncle anyone to purchase them is INSANE. Worse than insane.

    2. You mean what a gun "looks" like? ( menacing) Because it might be the same style as what is carried by cops and military?

      Most Americans that I know ( and have heard of) love those things.
      They shoot good, and are reliable.

      We are not going back to single shot weapons, and muzzle loaders.

      Just about every repeating gun is now based on the AR and AK operating platform. Why? they work. And quite well.
      From .16 all the way up to a .500

      In our book, "assault weapon" is full auto.

    3. Don't like guns? Then don't buy one. Just because you don't like them don't give you the right to stop others from having them.
      Read the 2ND Amendment. ( don't bother with the "well regulated militia argument anti gun people love to try. I have the answer to that already... But don't let that stop ya' LOL)

    4. I don't have a gun, (just an ice pick and a baseball bat), but I do know the term "assault rifle" is a leftwing contrived term. They created it to scare people into undermine the Second Amendment. While Diane Feinstein was bemoaning guns, she was owning some.

      Perhaps Robert can describe to us what an assault weapon is? Also, all the murdering going on in Chicago is being done with handguns.

    5. My I suggest you fix that little problem Todd. Shooting is a great sport. Home defence is paramount thou. A 12 gauge pump is my tool of choice for the home. Think someone is there that shouldn't be? Load one shell in the chamber, and it will be heard through the whole house. That alone is just enough to make the bad guys think twice.
      A bat? You really want to let them get that close? That doesn't even work in the movies.

    6. I see Rob stole the comment "We know how most Americans feel about assault weapons." from the anti gun, letter to the editor.
      Is Rob the proverbial " mouse in the pocket"?
      Since Rob read the article,, Yes gun sales are WAY up. ( I wonder why....not really) If there was a whole lot of "we" sales would have gone down, not up. MOST of the nation loves and respects our 2ND Amendment. Only a bitter few want to see it abolished.

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  5. Since rob loves polls and believes them without question when pertaining to anything Obummer, He might want go check out Gallop on his golden child's
    job rating. Out of 50 states, "O"'s numbers are in the crapper in 37 of them.
    But in D.C. it's 87%. ( it's really not hard to figure out why)

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Tmccoy is booted becasue he is a sock puppet and advocates vilence. Not a real email either.

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Real name thank you.