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These two fiddled while Trump saved America |
Almost without exception, the governors of the states have locked down their people. Stay home and wash your hands and face. When you go outside stay six feet apart. If you are sick I say yes, stay home and respect others' right to not breathe your cough. And the hysterical reporting and daily totals of infections and death numbers. Where is the recovery numbers? And how come we never see this when the common cold or flu is running rampant? Looking st the totals it appears this "pandemic" is no more radical than the common flu. Millions get the flu every year and many thousands here die. I have been lucky I guess. I have never had a flu shot. And perhaps my immune system is tough and I don't contract the flu. Or maybe I am just lucky.
American politicians have locked down the greatest economy in the history of the planet and trampled our rights under our Constitution in the process. This is ridiculous. And millions are now unemployed! We have to get these restrictions lifted and tossed into the trash. This is not the America I know. We risk, we challenge, we fix things and make life better. This virus has made the leaders of America afraid. They nuance every speech or dialog with "every life is precious". Yes, that is so but they are so afraid of being called cold and calloused by the media (especially since this is an election year) that to me they sound like wussies. Did the pioneers crossing the desert risk everything to get to California? Yes, and many died trying. And now California and its Governor are afraid of their own shadows.
America is much better than this. We can walk and chew gum at the same time. It is difficult to look at death but remember we all go sometime. And our country has the best healthcare on planet earth. We save a lot of people from death and I am one of them. Of course, no one really wants to exit but it will happen. America conquered polio and measles and many other illnesses that ravaged mankind for millennia. This virus is not statistically worse than many other viruses we have faced. And why is it called Covid19? It is the Chinese Wuhan virus and we should never forget it. Many of these crazy viruses come from China. Hell, they eat all kinds of crazy exotic animals and even little Rover and Kitty! They have five times the population as we do so they say they can lose a few million and not be concerned. Communists never care much about murdering their own. Ponder me this. China and Wuhan started this mess and it seems to have never spread to the rest of China outside Wuhan. Did they create a vaccine? Do they have therapies? Why did the rest of the planet seem to be unable to stop the spread when the Chinese did?
And it seems to me we learned some hard lessons about the "supply chains" didn't we? Why the heck are most medicines and antibiotics made exclusively in China? My guess. No lawyers. We need to heed President Trump whose drumbeat of America First should be realized as a truth. Mocked by the left and the fake news media for saying we should have these essential things made in America, Trump was spot on. When a journalist needs some amoxicillin and can't get it from China do you think the idiot will change his mind? Probably not. The hatred and TDS of fake news is amazing. But hey, if those lice croak in need of things they dissed, who am I to judge? And it also would be wise to tell the Commies we are not going to pay back the debt they bought.
The most ridiculous ads by the democrats lately accusing Trump of being late to the game is amazing as well. While Nancy Pelosi was sitting on the "impeachment articles for over a month and Chuck Schumer was trying to foist the "hoax" trial on America Trump was busy stopping Chinese travelers from coming to infect America. So please save us the democrat rework of history since we all lived through the time. Can't fool any of us but apparently, you can fool stupid democrat lemmings. Today a poll came out saying 60% of democrats blame Trump for the virus and not the Chinese! That is a typical brain dead democrat response to the truth. These people must live on a different planet.
We get the benefit of daily briefings by the task force headed by Vice President Pence. Trump gives a presser as well and if you miss these you really are missing some good fun. The fake news asks the stupidest questions. And they treat Trump with disrespect. But he smacks them back and that is just fine with me. Why are these idiots of the press asking about things they have no experience with? My goodness, they come out of a party time college into a press room without the benefit of real-world knowledge. And it shows when they start their carping. The press in America are morons at best and dangerous as well. They are truly spreading propaganda. Lately, they have been spreading Chinese talking points.
Nancy Pelosi has been hoarding premium ice cream in her Napa mansion. Is that legal? How many poor people could or should she feed with the money she spends on that ice cream? Let them eat cake! She and the horde of moronic democrats in Congress seem to be totally out of touch with the working people of America. Democrats held up relief measures to try and force election day fiasco like "ballot harvesting" and more. They did get some pork to some of their pals while the Republicans were trying to help working Americans. Those actions by the democrats cause me to ask for their mass resignations.
All in all, I give President Trump an A for his handling of this mess China and the democrats have caused. If you think not then start paying attention. Make sure you vote to toss the sorry ass democrats out in November and get some true Americans to replace them.
I completely agree with what you said Todd!
ReplyDeletePresident Trump is a great president he has dealt with a lot of underhanded and falsely accusations and I believe he did a great job handling all these false accusations that were thrown at him by the Democrats! The Democrats have wasted taxpayers time money and Future by not caring about America they have one agenda and that is it and that is not helping the American people! It is time to vote vote out these Democrats that are trying to destroy our nation. Trump 20/20
It is very way over time now it's been proven that the covid-19 virus as it is a very bad virus and very sorry that anyone passed away with that ugly virus however it is now time to open the country and allow the American people to go back to work before the nation is destroyed completely and financially as well as their health all this kills people as well as the covid-19.
Let's open up America and let's open up California! we can do it with a distance in place and protection in place and allow people to go out in the open! But it is time to open California and the United States of America by the end of April!
The media and Dems were talking about the danger from the start. Which is why Trump said Dems were perpetrating a "new hoax" on Feb 28. And even as late as March 8, Trump told GOP donors at Mar-a-Lago.
ReplyDeleteThe incoherent man refused to provide witnesses to the impeachment hearing because he was running the country, and who claimed his pandemic response was perfect, now claims he was too distracted by impeachment to run the Country and respond to the pandemic. So which is it??
"We have it totally under control. Its one person coming in from China. Its going to be just fine"
"We pretty much shut it down coming from china"
You have TDS and need to take a break from your MSNBC propaganda inputs. The impeachment went on after he shut down China travel but you louses try to remake history, even this recent. We jave your number.
ReplyDeleteGod, that Pelosi "quote" in the comic—it's the lie that won't go away. It's not what she said.
ReplyDeleteShe said it for Obamacare and you know it. That quote is like the one you use on Trump when he announced. So stop your phony outrage.
DeleteYou're wrong again. She actually wrote, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.” ("You" being the press and the public, and "the fog of controversy" referring to such b.s. as "death panels."
DeleteChanging "we" to "you" changes the whole meaning of the quote.
She said it in a news conference. I am pretty sure I watched it and it was repeated many times,
DeleteHere you go.
Yeah. I've seen it. And it's not "we."
DeleteTodd, you fantastical fool.
DeleteNot only does the clip you linked to clearly have Pelosi clearly saying "you" rather than "we," but THE VERY TITLE OF THE VIDEO IS "Pelosi: 'We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.'" What a hoot!
Nice own-goal you scored there. What'll you do for your next trick?
She is part of the WE you nut. She is a member of the House. Sounds like you are not familiar with our Congress.
DeleteSo your whole insistence that she said that Congress would have to pass the bill so that Congress would know what was in it was pretty stupid, wasn't it?
DeletePerhaps you need to take a cognitive class to understand what she said?
DeleteNot at all. It's exceptionally straightforward. The problem is that she didn't say the words that Righties WISH she'd said. The Right's case in that situation (and in the cartoon up above) lay wholly in pretending that she'd said different words than she said in reality.I
DeleteIf you're such a cognitive whiz, perhaps you could walk me through her actual quote and explain it to me.
Maybe you don't understand the English language then. Real clear to me and what I said is 100% accurate.
DeleteThen go ahead and walk me through her actual quote. It's only one sentence, and you have mad cognitive skillz. It should be a snap!
DeleteWatch and listen to her on the video. Can't seem to help someone that is as dense as you seem to be. Get help.
DeleteI've seen you bluster yourself into a lot of corners, Todd. This is no different from the others. One would think that you'd learn at some point.
DeleteOnce again, Todd, here's Pelosi's quote: “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.”
Delete"We" refers to the members of Congress. To whom does "you" refer in that quote?
You must have a problem with your noggin. What she said was what I said it was. Go to bed.
DeleteTIME TO LIFT THE RESTRICTIONS AND LET US GET BACK TO WORK! Hell yeah Todd! I'll drink some bleach to that!!
ReplyDeleteJohn Barron
Well have a glass of bleach for me too!
DeleteShe is part of the WE you nut. She is a member of the House.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteJust in reference to the statement you made, "Looking at the totals it appears this "pandemic" is no more radical than the common flu. Millions get the flu every year and many thousands here die." It is wrong. Corona virus kills up to 44 times as many people as flu. I have never heard of anyone I know dying of flu. Not even friends of friends. I know of several close friends and people I have met dying of corona virus in just the last few weeks of lockdown. Just look at hospitals in New York. Do you see makeshift morgues with bodies stacked high in normal flue pandemics.
ReplyDeleteMass graves excavated in parks? You have posted a piece here which is dangerous and highly misleading. End lockdown and many more will die. To emphasis, I repeat it is up to 44 times as deadly as an ordinary flu. Your post minimises the risk to you and your loved ones. But, of course, dragons are based on myths, and so it goes with you!
I suggest you go read the facts from the CDC and others. With all the testing now happening the corona virus is shown to be less a killer than the common flu.
DeleteIf you bother to go to the news smuggled out of China you would agree they took many people out and they were never seen again. Including the original doctors and researchers. Chine kills people did you forget their history and trustworthiness? And your stats are yours and not the ones you can see in the local newspaper or on TV news.
DeleteIt would be nice if you removed your sarcastic elements out of your posts and restrict yourself to facts, not hearsay. I have been to the CDC website prior to my post and it is obvious you haven't look in depth at the statistics.
Delete"I suggest you go read the facts from the CDC and others. With all the testing now happening the corona virus is shown to be less a killer than the common flu."
Now, the last flu season, 39,000,000 to 56,000,000 people are estimated to have caught influenza. Consequently, 24000 to 62000 people died (Assuming a normal distribution this would give 43,000 deaths in a year) from complications resulting from the influenza. These figures represent one years worth of data.
There are two factors that need bearing in mind when considering this data. The first is that the infection rate for influenza is 1.3 (One person with the disease infects 1.3 others). The infection rate for Coronavirus is 3. Coronavirus has the potential to infect far more people than influenza. The second is that the spread of the disease is being slowed by the lockdown, the objective is to bring the infection rate down below 1.
Now look at the equivalent statistics for Coronavirus. So far there have been more than 1,000,000 infections, of which 60,000 have died. Not in a year but in 10 weeks, and not an estimated figure but a real figure.
Given the potential for this disease to spread, it is reasonable to expect, if it is allowed to spread unchecked, it will infect far more than 43,000,000 (median) people as in the normal influenza season. Given more than 5% of people who get the disease die from it, that makes 1,500,000 to 3,000,000 deaths from CV-19 could reasonably be expected. (a bit more than 40,000)
Yesterday 2612 people died from CV-19. The average number of deaths in the US from all causes is 7452 people per day. So these additional deaths due to CV-19 is an increase of 26% a day on your normal death rate. Unchecked that death rate will rise exponentially, and you could reasonably expect a doubling of that number every 3 to 4 days. Fortunately the majority of sensible people are abiding by lockdown rules. Only the foolhardy ignore them.
Yes, news channels give out vastly different numbers, depending on their political allegiances. CV-19 has no such allegiances. The data above is a combination of CDC data and John Hopkins university. I'd be interested to see where you got your news from, but I'd steer well clear of political journalists where CV-19 is concerned. In the meantime, keep yourself safe, keep your hands clean and keep your social distance. There is a dangerous killer out there, and is isn't bothered whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, it can kill you.
Feel free to reply to me, but be courteous and stick to facts please.
Where are your local newspapers getting their data, and how well qualified is the journalist who is writing the articles?
DeleteCheck sources carefully!
Since you choose to use a phony name and this is my blog I suggest you try harder to be courteous and truthful
DeleteIf you actually understood what you say are facts then I suggest you are lacking in critical thinking skills. The facts I have provided are truthful; and accurate. Perhaps your newspaper sources are the culprits. I look at many news sources.
Perhaps you can explain where I have been discourteous. My sources were the CDC and JHU. The facts you provided I never said were untruthful. I just put them in context.
DeleteAm I the only respondent you have singled out for using a pseudonym? Why? Unknown seems to be a pseudonym you have no problem with, should I use that instead?
DeleteHere is a handy link that proves you are fll of bad facts
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteListing the leading causes of death changes nothing. All of those leading causes of death would be dwarfed by the unchecked spread of corona virus in the US. I must presume you did not read the post?
ReplyDeleteListing the leading cause of death destroys your hysterical views.
DeleteHow? Please explain yourself?
DeleteThere is nothing hysterical in the post. The data is empirical. If you are able, read up on transmission rates, mortality rates. What if it jumped species again, into livestock. It has already jumped species into other mammals. What if it mutated again? All of these things are risks that need consideration. Stay safe Todd and think on!
DeleteIt s obvious you cannot accept a differing point of view. I have used correct links and facts to back me up as well as the actual happenings on the issue.
ReplyDeleteI can accept a different point of view if it can be backed up by evidence. You don't present evidence, you relate hearsay. You don't have any data displayed other than data that I have used in my post and shown to be misleading. I think you are the pot calling the kettle!
DeleteIt appears you can't accept a different POV.
DeleteI see the first official death from corona virus was the 26th of February. How many days ago was that (70 days). To date at least 68,934 have died of this disease. That is a real, and highly likely low estimate of the number of deaths in the US from Coronavirus to date. I see the figures have been revised upwards to 135,000 deaths in the US by early August, that is based on the assumption that social distancing rules introduced to far are 'relaxed'. You just go back to work Todd and not worry about social distancing your medical services will be overwhelmed.
ReplyDeleteJust to point out, American medical services are ranked 37th in the world, not best in the world. They are ranked below Costa Rica. You're not even the best in North America. Canadian health services are ranked way above you.
Looks like you need to read more places. The Wuhan virus deaths are also from other causes yet they list them as Wuhan. The curve is getting flatter everyday. Here is a ongoing count for you.
As far as health care status, I could care less if some idiot says we are 37th. I am a retired person and stay home most of the time anyway.
Looks like you have been infected by a foreign troll. Friend of Jeffie the hut?
ReplyDeleteA troll is a person who starts Flame wars or upsets people on the Internet by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses and normalizing tangential discussion, either for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.
DeleteIf your post refer's to my own post then please do highlight the parts which you find "inflammatory and digressive, extraneous, or off-topic".
DeleteLooks like you have been pegged.