HERE is the Plot map I swiped from the Union Newspaper.
Todd J. Juvinall
I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Dorsey Marketplace will see a return of the "no-growth" wars of the 80's and 90's?
Here we go. Not since the Pine Creek Center went up have we seen the potential "outrage" that someone is actually proposing a project on their own land. It is now in the planning stages and I am sure we will all have a ringside seat to the hearings and the comments to come.
HERE is the Plot map I swiped from the Union Newspaper.
HERE is the Plot map I swiped from the Union Newspaper.
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Is it an outrage that local business people don't want more big box and chain stores brought to us by an out-of state developer who could care less about local people and businesses? Is it an outrage that local people don't want to see our area turned into another Roseville? Development for development's sake is stupid and supporting development "just because' is even more stupid.
ReplyDeleteAre these people Americans? Jeeze, where are you from Anon, Albania?
DeleteMakes no sinse anon., free market says do it better of get out.
ReplyDeleteWord on Jeff Pelline's blog is Briar Patch Co-op wants to anchor the Dorsey center, maybe a new Sierra Cinemas too. Guess that needs to be stopped to save the world. LOL!
DeleteGuess the part about 200+ million in sales currently going down the hill each year is a fact the haters refuse to even acknowledge much less understand.
ReplyDeleteIf they promise to sell free range organic chili over organic sustainable French fries and topped with any French cheese (no lousy California crap they call cheese thank you) i might consider dropping my opposition. If they make me the taste tester for the free range organic chili i am down for the cause! I will even cut down a heritage oak if i get free chili cheese fries for a year!
ReplyDeleteIf Briar Patch is interested we will get to see the true hypocrisy of the no-growth community.
DeleteWon't that be fun to watch? it is OK to cut down some digger pines, as long as you sell sprouts in one of the stores! LOL!
DeleteIt cracks me up that the Ex Mayor, worm farm developer, cloud funding beggar, is opposing that Briar Patch move into a bigger place. It is also funny that Enos is now a whipping boy from the left minded no growth folks in Nevada City. Enos will design a nice shopping center and make sure that the brownfields are cleaned up.
ReplyDeleteOnly in America. What a hoot!
DeleteSo the ex-mayor of Nevada City is attacking the city council of Grass Valley and telling them to jump off of a bridge because they will be voting for a land use under the current building zoning code on that parcel. How unprofessional and really stupid can she be? So what that she hiked the Alaska trail and as they say defrauded on the grant which gave her the money to build her worm farm. Where does she have the right to go after Lisa and Howard for approving this usage. If Briar Patch goes in there then their business will more than double, along with their prices. Free market enterprise. I looked at JP's blog and it looks like his new puppets have different names saying the same old things.
ReplyDeleteWell if the ex Mayor of NC said those things then yes, she is mistaken and out of her league for smarts.
DeleteWith a track record of failure like Senums (boardwalk, worm farm, lighting, business retention in NC, measure s and so on) we should expect the Dorsey Market to sail to reality and the begging campaign for the cheese maker to fail. As to having been mayor of NC the reality is they could hardly find enough warm bodies to fill the council in the last election cycle so its no claim to fame in the real world!
ReplyDeleteFunny how some people like her suck money from the system (or beg for it) and fail to make it but then she can try to stop the free market. This country is amazing.
DeleteI don't understand why a former mayor of Nevada City would stoop to nasty personal attacks on the Grass Valley City Council. Does she really think that anyone in Grass Valley cares what she says? Does she also try to dictate her personal ideas on land use to Truckee, Auburn, or Sacramento? Please tell us Reinette, just how much influence do you think you should have on cities you have no investment in and do nothing positive for? You make yourself out to be a complete fool when you spout off about what Grass Valley should or should not do.
ReplyDeleteWhile we may never understand the thinking processes of the gimmie gimmie mindsets, her record of outrageous personal attacks is well documented. She will happily tell you she knows exactly what we all should do to make her world view real. Thank God most of the NC liberals are in opposition to her craziness now.
ReplyDeleteAh, the worm farm scam. Does anyone know what became of the grant money, $40,000 if I remember correctly. Did the former mayor of Nevada City get a grant of public money to start a "worm farm" in Nevada City? Did the money all disappear, but the worms never showed up? Did anyone ever investigate where the money went? What is the statute of limitations on fraud and theft of public funds?
ReplyDeleteYou tree huggers and sprout eaters at the co op better not make a good business decision because I said so. I am sure I consume 10 percent of your products, if you had chili cheese fries for real it would be much more. So Do What I Say or I will talk bad about you and then you will just be like everyone else!
ReplyDeleteReinette Senum’s Don't Roseville Nevada County Facebook site sure is revealing. Her latest rant sure exposes how nasty and over the edge she is. She's calling for "DIRECT ACTION" against two Grass Valley City Council members, calling for people to go to their homes!
ReplyDeleteHere's a small part of her call to action. I hope she has a good lawyer on retainer, she's going to need one. Senum lives in Nevada City, plenty of lawyers in Nevada City to choose from:
"it’s time we take some direct action and start showing up on the city councils’ personal doorsteps to tell them how we have no intention of riding their train off the cliff. Again, time to show up on THEIR doorsteps, folks. Anyone want to join me?"
I just read that post, talk about going too far. This might be a matter for law enforcement to look into, also clear exposure to a civil action too. Do the lefty's condone this? If an R called for this they would have the FBI and the ACLU all over the poster. If Senum was smart she would be retracting and apologizing ASAP.
DeleteI just read her rant. I think the woman is in need of help. Steve Enos and Lisa S as pals and conspirators? Wow! I laughed my ass off. Now we hear that Briar Patch may b the anchor tenant. What will she say if that happens? She is just your typical NIMBY that we have always had here since the libs moved up and decided to take the place over.
DeleteWhat I found so funny about her rant though was her admission that locals do travel down the hill and it appears to me she laments the lack of "big box" stores. So maybe she is the new advocate for them? Other than that she and Paul Emery can meet and discus his theory of the grassy knoll shooter with her Lisa/Enos connection. Too funny!
If it happened to Pelline, he'd call his good friend the sheriff.
ReplyDeleteHe and Reinette are really close I have heard. Same kind of mentality too.
DeleteTwo words sum it all up... WORM FARM!
DeleteI believe Reinette Senum is on the editorial board of the Union newspaper.
ReplyDeleteI'll bet Reinette is done on the editorial board at The Union. They have standards and she clearly does not. Time is up Reinette. Back to being the worm farmer who couldn't make it with free money.
DeleteDirect Action CALL - Everyone show up at Reinettes house and demand the taxpayers money back for the worm farm debacle.
ReplyDeleteYes! Let's get our pitchforks and our tar and feathers and show up at her house! Screw over the people of your own town fool!
DeleteWow! What a rant! She gets really personally insulting about two members of the Grass Valley City Council who have done more for Grass Valley over the past decades than she will ever do for "her" little town. Reinette represents the very worst of the intolerant progressive left who have to attack personally everyone they don't agree with. A normal emotionally healthy adult would simply say "I strongly disagree with your position". Instead, she threatens "direct action" against people she disagrees with about a land use proposal that has not even been considered yet. What is she going to do, assault Lisa on her doorstep? Hopefully the GVPD will give her a good taser treatment if that happens. Reinette needs to be stripped of her Editorial Board position, and do 30 days for threatening public officials. Nevada City should be highly embarrassed that they ever elected a person like that to any office.
ReplyDeleteTodd, you certainly nailed the headline of this post! The lefties are now going to beat up their own!
ReplyDeleteI just finished reading the Unions Editorial on this and could not agree more. All this was worked out in the General Plan and zoning for the city 15 years ago. All that was as a "long range" planning decree from the State. For people to claim this is something else shows me the foolishness of the system.
ReplyDeleteHere's an idea for Reinette Senum, stay in Nevada City where you live and continue being a bully and dictator there. You are not wanted nor liked in Grass Valley, but that's also the case in Nevada City now. Senum's hateful, angry and nasty methods has turned the majority in Nevada City against her now. Senum's own self serving, hey look at me!, "I'm a fruitcake" movie sure fits. Talk about narcissism!
ReplyDeleteYou know in a lot of ways they help us with their outrageous hyperbole and factually challenged talking points.
ReplyDeleteSometimes that works but in my experience when someone yaps like her they become marginal in the eyes of those that know. So maybe we should encourage her baboonery. Is the Bigboy supporting her positions?
DeleteBigboy always pretends that he doesn't know what is happening when one of "his kind" implodes. Terry Lamphier, and now Reinette. Says a lot about "his kind". But then, who really cares about the irrelevant anyway?
ReplyDeleteThe Union is reporting the application has been pulled for some reworking.
ReplyDeleteI saw that. Golly maybe the developer is really a good guy? LOL!
DeleteDisregarding the usual suspects hyperbole there is no reason to think they are not good folks. Sure lets chase off all those construction jobs for that area that is already surrounded by dense development. Ongoing manager jobs, maintenance jobs, entry level jobs for our kids who are actually willing to work. I would hope for an in-n-out! :-) Or do we just teach our kids how to trim weed?
DeleteI think he is in for a long haul and a bunch of name calling.