Jeff Ackerman describes the show well and even though the men look like they are from the backwoods of Louisiana, oops, they are, sorry, they are successful American entrepreneurs. I think Phil Robertson was a quarterback on college football and I was told when he graduated, Terry Bradshaw was his replacement. If anyone knows the truth there, let me know.
So Phil was a QB and went to college. Yet the reason I think the uptight anal (oops, can I say that?) writer from GQ did the story on the fellow was to show his latte drinking comrades in those liberal cocktail parties in Greenwich that he and they were sooo much better human beings than these corn-pones from Louisiana and elsewhere. (I think the magazine is trash but they have "free speech" I support) Never mind that most of the cable shows have there own shows trying to make fools out of middle Americans. I don't watch them because of that. America is made up of many types of people. Could you imagine the A and E doing a reality show on poor blacks living in Watts? Hell no. They would not because those folks are a protected class by the the liberals running these shows and the lamestream media.
How about a cable show on the bathouses of San Francisco used by homosexuals to hook up? Of course they would never have a show like that. But the DD people are millionaires with scraggly beards, they are white, they are from the South and they are Christians. So, they are not coming from the "protected" class and are fair game for the liberal elite comrades of New York and the coasts. As it turns out though, A and E (it sprang from Nickelodeon for goodness sakes) got a taste of something they don't like. They were ridiculed along with the "gay rights" organizations that tried to deny Phil Robertson his "free speech" rights.
These homosexual rights groups, the activists, are dangerous to freedom in American. While chastising the 98% of the people who are not homosexual, they cannot take any criticism from anyone that they say diminishes them. I say, tough cookies. Americans can say almost anything short of libel and slander and that used to be protected by all. Now we have "hate speech" "hate crimes" and a myriad of other muzzles on people's freedoms. Hate crimes are totally ridiculous in my view. People naturally have the ability to hate (or love) regardless of what the government says. Any crime against the personal body of another is a crime. Now if the press says someone was beat up or killed and they were a homosexual, a certain religion, gender or "name your favorite", that an additional number of years will be added to your sentence for "hate". Give me a break. If someone does not like someone or something the reason they should go to jail is the actual crime. Not some PC law that tries to figure out the intent of the criminal's thought process regarding likes and dislikes.
All of this PC stuff is unAmerican in my opinion (same with confiscation of property by the law before a trial). If someone does not like someone and says so, where is it in our Constitution that says he cannot say it? Why is the government telling us all to toe the line about what we say? If someone dislike the homosexual lifestyle why is it unlawful to say so? Is there only one opinion allowed? Apparently so. I believe Americans must fight back on this PC speech protection crapola. That old saying about "birds of a feather" trues out every time. Government cannot force us into liking each other (remember forced busing?). Or if it can and if the courts and politicians can somehow make these things "crimes", then we are lost as a free country.
I was raised to be respectful of all people and so I try to live that way. Of course when someone provokes or attacks me or does things to me or my family that are not right, I have been known to return the favor. Verbally of course. But how is it these interest groups can get between me and the person I may be in disagreement with? How did this come about? You cannot even mention "woman or man" in a rental home advertisement you may have (in newspapers or even Craig'sList). You can be legally punished and fined. I think they can toss your ass in jail! Why can't I say I would like to only rent to a man or a woman? How is this private contract subject to the government oversight? The world is full of boors, liberals are the worst, but I defend their right to be boors, in speech only of course.
Duck Dynasty opened a lot of eyes and ears. Like I said I never watched it until yesterday. It is a nice family, a close family, and they have their own beliefs. A and E knew this prior to signing a contract and had to know these folks were "what you see is what you get". A and E caved to GLAAD , a homosexual pressure group, and made a stupid choice. Of course they can fire anyone they want and there doesn't have to be a reason. (Unless you are a company who closes down in America). I agree A and E could boot them. What I don't agree to is the reason (that is my free speech right). It then turned on them because the 15 million people who watched the show rose up and slapped the company upside their collective noggins. The viewers said "hey"you are wrong and we like the show, get real! The DD Robertsons said we will leave for other places and we don't care. So adios!
The DD family stuck up for their values, their opinions and their guns. America needs more of this and a lot less of the GLAAD people. The things these homosexual activists said will someday be their own undoing as they try to control others speech. The majority in America could turn on them and pass laws muzzling them. Well, probably not, the majority of Americans believe in free speech and would not muzzle them. I say if the homosexuals have a problem there is a way to air the issue. Debate in public forums. Convince people you are right or wrong. It is the American way. These homosexual groups went after Prop 8 signators here in California. They tried to obtain the signature pages of the initiative so they could harass. If you think that is right then we will definitely have conflict.
Todd, what do you think about the duck boys recommending that men marry 15 year old girls as came out in the news the other day? Do you think this and their anti-gay statements are just for ratings or are these folks really red neck sleaze balls at heart?
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you post your name and email? Chicken eh?
DeleteThese men are God fearing men and as Phil said (I assume you did not read the article) he was a bad boy who found Jesus and was born again. The trouble with you libs is you have to find one thing to pounce on that might be questionable while over looking the hundreds of good things. It must be really boring and sad in your world.
These people are really having a lot of fun. You should watch the show. But all that happiness might make you throw up since it is a unknown to libs.
Sounds about right for you Todd. You like to be able to spread your bigotry in the open but cry victim when people call you out for it.
ReplyDeleteWhite Christian Millionaires don't rank in the top 1000 for discrimination in the USA. You're old so maybe learning something new is impossible but here it goes anyway. Racism, Prejudice, Discrimination, and Bigotry all stem from a position of power.
The Undergirding Factor is POWER
Toward an Understanding of Prejudice and Racism
BenE, I may be 63, you know the new 43, but I am way smarter than you. You are the person who carries a huge chip on his shoulder for Americans that succeed. You are a flop BenE, and you would be better off admitting it so you don't resort to medications. Power is and always has been something every human who ever lived wanted. Why? Because there is always a person like you who wants to control them and they want to defend themselves. I and the rest of the people you disdain and call names are much more fair and kind to the poor and powerless than you. You just are living in a twilight zone of denial.
Delete" Power is and always has been something every human who ever lived wanted. Why? Because there is always a person like you who wants to control them and they want to defend themselves."
ReplyDeleteYep, you are the smart one between us.
Thanks for acknowledging the truth BenE. It will set you free.
DeleteSince it is obvious you didn't check out the link I will post a paragraph from it. It might make your head explode.
ReplyDelete"The other factor is fear, and this one goes much deeper than ignorance, for its strikes at the root of prejudice, the issue of privilege and power. What makes racial prejudice so sinister is not just the act of prejudging a person or a group. Prejudice is an inflexible, rational attitude that, often in a disguised manner, defends privilege, and even after evidence to the contrary will not change, so that the post-judgment is the same as the pre-judgment.. In the definition of prejudice, the indictment is greater for post-judgment than for pre-judgment. If you don¹t have post-judgment in your definition of prejudice you don¹t know what you are talking about. This is because racial prejudice is the refusal to change one's attitude even after evidence to the contrary, so that one will continue to post-judge people the same way one pre-judged them. This is the due to the fear of losing the power of privilege. In prejudice people are basically defending privilege of position and thus stand to gain emotionally, culturally, socially and economically from an attitude of prejudice towards others. Whenever people sense that these privileges are threatened they become fearful of the Other and react. The old adage applies here: "A person convinced against their will is of the same opinion still." Prejudice thus becomes the mental framework to protect from fear, thereby safeguarding a position of social advantage and privilege over others defined as different, and therefore, undeserving. People find great social and economical benefit from being prejudiced. And as long as these gains are forthcoming, people will continue to maintain their prejudice, in spite of the evidence to the contrary, for prejudice is more visceral than cerebral."
BenE, you need brevity man. This cut and paste stuff is ridiculous. Regarding prejudice. I have none except for liberals. I have lived and worked with people of different colors and been friends as well. You know nothing about real life BenE. Go live some and then I will perhaps read your cut and paste perhaps.
Delete"Hate crimes are totally ridiculous in my view. People naturally have the ability to hate (or love) regardless of what the government says. Any crime against the personal body of another is a crime. Now if the press says someone was beat up or killed and they were a homosexual, a certain religion, gender or "name your favorite", that an additional number of years will be added to your sentence for "hate". Give me a break."
ReplyDeleteTodd Juvinall
Do you do any research before you make statements like the one above? Does history have no influence on your opinions? Here is the FBI link to hate crimes
I bet Matthew Shepard's parents would 100% disagree with you.
Yes BenE, you liberals have created "hate crimes" from whole cloth. I would suggest you re-read my statement and you will see it is truly correct. You as usual are simply a bleeding heart without knowledge. I would also suggest you read about the little boy murdered and cut into little pieces by two homosexual men a few years ago in Tennessee or Kentucky. Convict them on the crime. Hate crimes simply make liberals feel important.
DeleteBen..I guess you didn't hear about the Gay investigative reporter who wrote about the Mathew Shepard murder. Mathew Shepard was not murdered because he was gay. Mathews' killer knew him, had gay sex with him, used meth with him and was attempting to rob him after being up for a couple of days. This is hardly the definition of a hate crime unless murdering a drug dealer/user can be considered hate.
DeleteThe facts don't fit BenE's world view so he will leave this fact alone. Just like all the rest.
ReplyDeleteWhat you are saying with the entire post is people should have the ability to say what ever they want when ever they want. The ridiculous position of your post "If someone does not like someone and says so, where is it in our Constitution that says he cannot say it? Why is the government telling us all to toe the line about what we say? " no laws have been claimed to have been broken and no government anything has been invoked. Only you have inserted the government. With the hate crime statement you are claiming despite the motivation a crime is a crime. When a crime is motivated by hate it is actually an intimidation crime on top of whatever the crime was to begin with, so an added sentence it attached to it. If a black man is murdered it is a crime if a black man murdered because he is black is a message to all black men you better watch your P's and Q's or else. That is why the reference to the KKK on the FBI website.
BenE, your positions are ridiculous. Most of your post actually supports my positions. Thanks for that. But you failed to render an opinion on the two homosexuals who murdered a little boy. Why did you fail to address that? Perhaps when your world view is shown to be nutty, you just keep on keepin on? No a crime is a crime. To commit one is no different if you like or hate or anything else. You are simply wrong.
DeleteStatistically many more white people are killed by blacks than the reverse. Are those "hate crimes"? My guess you will say they are just crimes.
ReplyDeleteDid the two homosexual murder the boy for a specific trait or were they just messed up in the head and performed a immoral and disgusting act? Lets say they killed the boy because he was Jewish, then that is a hate crime on top of it. If the motivation is created by a specific trait (he was Jewish) of the victim it is a hate crime. Lets say the boy was Jewish and he was taunting the gay couple and they lost it and didn't chop him up into pieces but bludgeon him death out of rage, not a hate crime.
"Statistically many more white people are killed by blacks than the reverse. Are those "hate crimes"? My guess you will say they are just crimes. "
Your ability to process new ideas is virtually non existent. It would depend on the circumstance of the crime.
BenE, you cry out for help but I cannot help a mind that is far gone. If you cannot see the fallacy of your points on "hate crimes" then you are a scary man. The men killed the little boy and did vile and disgusting things to his body. What is the difference if the hated him too? He is dead. My goodness.
DeleteAs far as new things being learned. If they are as dopey as the liberal put out incessantly then yes I am unwilling to learn them You are a "bandwagon" critic, you just jump on anything as stupid as "hate crimes" comes along.
"Why is the government telling us all to toe the line about what we say? "
ReplyDeleteWhy did you invoke the government into this conversation? It is your beloved market playing itself out. A & E feel like the comments hurt the station more than it will bring in viewers and advertising, so they dropped it.
BenE, ever heard of the EEOC? How about a DA? Of course your comment shows you did not read the post since I stated A and E had every right to fire him (with or without cause if the contract so states). If you are an employer in America and want to close your business you are forced by the government to go through a series of steps to deal with the employes. The government interjects itself into all aspects of employment an life now. So, a diligent lawyer perhaps on the Robertson's side could have sued and guess where it would be adjudicated? Government courts and judges.
Delete"His latte drinking comrades in those liberal cocktail parties in Greenwich," is your take on the GQ writer's article on those Duck people, the implication being Greenwich is stronghold of the liberals you hate so much. This is a prime example of you spouting off and not knowing what you are talking about. Greenwich Town Selectmen has two Republicans, one Democrat; Romney and Ryan out polled Obama and Biden by several thousand votes; the Republican Congressional candidate out polled the Democrat.
ReplyDeleteI lived in Greenwich for a number of years, and our family belonged to a Country Club in Greenwich. I know it very well. On, the most expensive house for sale was just reduced in price from $190,000,000 to an affordable $150.000.000 (or $140 million, I can't remember). Certainly not typical demographics for Democrats.
You know not of what you speak and BTW, Ben is infinitely more intelligent than your blogging indicates that you are.
As usual, you spew out incorrect facts. And it was a compliment to be called a "fact Nazi" by you. Facts do matter.
EdP, after reading you now for a few years I must say you have claimed to gave lived just about everywhere on the planet. You are just wrong about Greenwich Village and it's makeup. But keep trying you may convince someone. All one has to do is see the overwhelming victory of their new Mayor DeBlasio to see you are incorrect. The man is a total left-wing nut.
DeleteThanks for your common sense Todd.
ReplyDeleteNext thing to address.
ReplyDelete"I was raised to be respectful of all people and so I try to live that way. Of course when someone provokes or attacks me or does things to me or my family that are not right, I have been known to return the favor."
In your post(s) you attack liberals constantly. There are millions of liberals who never done a thing to you that you are attacking, you parents wouldn't be very proud of you.
Well BenE, there you go again. You have no clue about this, what my parents would think or just about anything else. Remember BenE how you call me vile names and those others you disagree with. You are a bald faced hypocrite, you and all the other liberals. So, no preaching from a liberal goes unchallenged.
ReplyDelete"I was raised to be respectful of all people and so I try to live that way. Of course when someone provokes or attacks me or does things to me or my family that are not right, I have been known to return the favor."
Ask yourself honestly, would your parents approve of your post and how you answer those who comment.
A perfect example of someone who didn't insult you or your family and got insults in return.
Anonymous wrote;
"Todd, what do you think about the duck boys recommending that men marry 15 year old girls as came out in the news the other day? Do you think this and their anti-gay statements are just for ratings or are these folks really red neck sleaze balls at heart?"
Todd Juvinall replied;
"Why don't you post your name and email? Chicken eh?
These men are God fearing men and as Phil said (I assume you did not read the article) he was a bad boy who found Jesus and was born again. The trouble with you libs is you have to find one thing to pounce on that might be questionable while over looking the hundreds of good things. It must be really boring and sad in your world.
These people are really having a lot of fun. You should watch the show. But all that happiness might make you throw up since it is a unknown to libs."
BenE, I think you have gone over the cliff fella.
DeleteTodd what's going on here is the same as a dog pack attacking you. If they don't like your thinking they don't have to come on your blog. Just like turning off a particular radio show like Limbaugh. I thought it amazing that those who consider themselves liberal got up a petition to ban him locally. What a dictatorial mentality.
ReplyDeleteThey are the true fascists. BenE is one of them. Scary people.
DeleteTodd, do you only attack those anonymous posters that you think are liberal (chicken eh) and leave those you agree with alone? Why didn't you go after "anonymous 9:45" like you did "anonymous 12/31 - 10:30"? There seems to be two sets of rules here, one for anonymous righties and a different one for anonymous lefties. Fair and balanced, that's you Todd, LOL.
ReplyDeleteGosh, let me see. Yep you got me. My blog, my rules. Attack me as anonymous, off you go into the ether. Simple.
DeleteHehehe....maybe the answer is that he doesn't have to defend himself from me. Wouldn't this be obvious to anyone with a little common sense.
ReplyDeleteThe other anonymous is a chicken shit because he/she/transgender simply slams and runs. Too funny.