I missed the back and forth on the Meet the Press hour this weekend but Newsbusters has the segment pertaining to the Medicare issues. HERE is the article, video and transcript. HERE is a bipartisan review of both plans. Ryan's proposal doesn't affect Medicare recipients until after 2023.
I watch the program once in a while but I have found that most of the time it is a campaign ad for the democrats and their positions. Whenever a Republican is on the host, David, (I love the left) Gregory shuts them down right before they are able to get the truth out. The exchange here between Rich Lowry and ever pink, Rachel Maddow of MSNBC is fun to watch and listen to.
Usually Maddow slices and dices R's on her program (when one is rarely on) and just like Bill Maher on HBO, the guests are usually of the same ilk as are the audience members. But for once, at least for a short time, David Gregory let the two duke it out on the Medicare issue. Lowry trounce the Maddow.
In a nutshell, Lowry pointed out the Obamacare law, passed only with democrat votes, cuts 700 billion buckos from the program and uses it elsewhere. He points out the lamestream media (my opinion) has never taken Obama and the democrats to task as they always do if a R even mutters in private the same thing. The press would bludgeon the perp on a daily basis and run him out of town. He would be called worse than the devil for even suggesting a slow down in the growth of a program like Medicare let alone a "cut" of actual dollars. But the democrats never get called on this massive cut to the healthcare we all pay into.
Maddow in fact tried to obfuscate the issue by saying the Paul Ryan budget (where the dems made a commercial showing him tossing granny off a cliff) was simply the same as the Obamacare cuts so she touts a "moral equivalency" and refuses to denounce the very cuts she accuse Ryan of proposing. Even though Obama is actually making the cuts! Note the "Ryan" budget passed the House and died in the Harry Reid Democrat Senate). Lowry attempted time after time to get her to take a position on the Obama cuts but she refused. He said are you for or against the Obama 700 billion dollar cuts? She responded each time that she was not running for President. Lowry said are you not a self described opinion maker on your program? He boxed her in to the hypocrite corner in a simple masterful way.
Her refusal to complain about the same issue she bashes R's about reminds me of the tax return issue she and the democrats use to try and diss Romney about. Pelosi and Harry Reid said when confronted with their own refusal to release their tax returns (and both are in line for the Presidency under the Constitution) that "they are not running for President" so they will not hold themselves to the same standards as they hold others. That is why Romney/Ryan will win in November.
Every time these democrat lovelies refuse to do as they tell us to do, Americans backs get tougher. Thank goodness for alternative media. We now get to see the hypocrisy of the left. They have been so protected by their pals over the years in the lamestream media (90% of whom voted for Obama!) these lefties are arrogant beyond the pale. When a "opinion maker" like Maddow gets cornered in her own hypocrisy and people get to hear the truth about these issues, maybe there is going to be a turnaround in thinking. It is the democrats and Obama who are cutting Medicare, not Romney and all the hot air from the left trying to convince Americans otherwise will be soundly defeated.
What is so fascinating to me about the Obama/Maddow obfuscations is they have outsmarted themselves and the tsunami of voters will hand them their walking papers. Maddow already is losing her audience and is probably not going to make it. She will eventually end up over at Al Gore's Current TV and probably get booted from there just as Olbermann did. Even that far far left can't hack them sometimes.
So all you seniors out there listening to who actually is doing What to whom, pay close attention please. The democrats and Obama are cutting you Medicare by 700 billion dollars, not the Republicans. There will be more.
The $700 million comes from streamlining Medicare Part C the privatized section of Medicare.
ReplyDeleteBillion. Yes Obama and the democrats are stripping away the best part of Medicare.
ReplyDeleteYou do realize that standard A and B are incredibly more efficient, and oh yeah, cost effective to the taxpayers? I assume you support that. But maybe you just like the word "privatization." Digging deeper into the fact? Eh, who has time for that!
DeleteObamacare is taking the best parts away. Don't you understand?
DeleteMSNBC host Rachel Maddow clashed with National Review editor Rich Lowry during a roundtable discussion about Paul Ryan‘s budget plan on Sunday’s Meet the Press. While Maddow insisted that Mitt Romney‘s picking Ryan as his running mate is everything the Democrats could have hoped for, Lowry disagreed, commending the choice.
ReplyDelete“Democrats think that this is the best thing that could possibly happen to their campaign,” Maddow said, noting that the conversation is no longer just about whether voters like the way the country is going. “Now the choice is, ‘Well you may not like Afghanistan or renewable energy or Solyndra or health insurance coverage for contraception or something, fine. Do you like Medicare?’” she continued. “Now it is a choice. It is no longer just a referendum on Obama and that’s everything they wanted.”
Lowry begged to differ, viewing the Ryan pick as one that shows “a real commitment to getting things done,” and demonstrates Romney’s eye for good talent. The segment then grew into a more heated debate as the two argued over Ryan’s budget plan as it relates to Medicare and entitlements.
As Lowry noted that Ryan’s plan would maintain President Barack Obama‘s cuts to Medicare while Romney wants to undo those cuts, Maddow interjected, “Wait, but that’s amazing.” She added, “We’re going to have Romney vs. Ryan on Medicare. That’s going to be awkward.”
Lowry then directed specific Medicare questions at Maddow, to which she responded that she’s “not running for anything.” Nonetheless, Lowry repeated questioned, “Do you?” The circular questioning went on for quite a bit.
Lowry baked the big mouth babe into the corner. Also, on the Ryan plan Liberal Democrat Ron Wyden of Oregon was on board. That will be the thing the dopes from the Obama campaign will not overcome.
DeleteSounds like Romney and Ryan need to get on the same page. Going to get real confusing with Romney running from the details of Ryan's plan.
ReplyDeleteHilarious they're holding up Ryan as the Second Coming...but I wonder who is actually running for President- you know, the leader of the free world? Is it going to be Willard the Ken Doll?
Romney /Ryan by seven. Obama is on the ropes. I just love it when a plan comes together. Thank you Ron Wyden, liberal democrat Senator for also being a "Ryan Plan" supporter.
DeleteLove it. "O" is out there yelling about the farm bill, and how it's needed to help the Mid West farmers. I guess he missed the news
ReplyDeletewhile out on the back nine, that it was passed by the Repubs..... Two weeks ago.
"O" needs to have a little talk with his pal Harry.
Yeah Walt, but the press will cover for their man. The American people are the losers with the butt kissing sycophant lamestream media.
DeleteWhen it comes to "Progressives" even a company by the same name acts just like
ReplyDeletethe political crew of the same verbiage.