Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

It looks like the OWS is a burnout

The last gasp of a phony movement?  Kind of looks that way to me.  Even in liberal cities like Oakland, Portland and of course New York, these spoiled brats are getting booted.  After Bloomberg tossed them from the park yesterday the OWS seemed to me to melt away.  It looks as if all their effort was no more than a tempest in a teapot.

I appreciate a good protest as much as anyone, but this one was a contrived and manipulated one from the beginning.  How is it that a bunch of kids, many in college and living at home, have the smarts to change the country?  They didn't and without a fine tuned message and a manifesto, at least one written down, they were never going to make it very long.  Besides, these occupiers were dirty, smelly and trashy.  If they had shown some cleanliness instead of junking everyplace they were occupying, then maybe they would have gotten more support.

People in America come from Puritan stock and Puritan values for the most part.  We like things in their proper place, we like cleanliness, we like courtesy.  What we saw from the OWS was the exact opposite.  We were all seeing the 60's counter culture front row center, 2011 style.  These poor little waifs, clutching their I-Phones, laptops and battery operated TVs, were not viewed as a sympathetic bunch.  How could these folks be believed when they possessed all the terrible things they disdained?

So, what has happened over the last seven weeks was what we have seen happen to some of the political candidates for President.  They were hot, now they're not.  Most Americans just polled are now shunning these whiners.  Unfortunately, the OWS was so unorganized they allowed true nutty people to speak for them.  Some fellow yesterday was screaming how a "Molotov cocktail" would happen to Macy's for goodness sakes.  These OWS folks were their own worst enemies and they have now alienated the American people.  All of this while the Tea Party Patriots accumulate power to exercise real change in America's elections next year.  The OWS luminaries will be in line for a handout at mommy and daddy's house.


  1. You're not too perceptive, ha? Being split up by fascist local governments is burnout? Not quite. Rather, those actions are only fueling the fire. But you'd have to read more than Fox News to see it. Oh well. Must suck to have a backwoods exposure to life.

  2. Jason, why so nasty and why attack people living in rural areas? It does not become you, a socialist/commie? No the OWS is toast because the American people have had it with them. They are a bunch of spoiled brats and they have terrible hygiene and manners. Americans don't like those traits. So, go stomp your feet and beat up an old man to get over your frustration.

  3. Do you even know the difference between a socialist and a commie, or do you mindlessly just throw them together like your ignorant right wing leaders?

  4. Well Jason, let me see, hmmm. A communist is an advanced socialist so combining them with a forward slash is quite appropriate. It appears from yor response that you have no idea what you asked. So, here is your chance, tell us how wrong I am in calling you a socialist/commie. Tell us all about your political ideology. Here is your chance. We rural typs have inquiring minds.

  5. Don't fall for it Todd. This is just their newest little talking point BS crap trying to exclude themselves from the label by using any number of "other" definitions of "socialist" or "communist". The terms are used to describe all sorts of particular ideologies and governments. Truth is just because there are some differences between these ideologies and governments in history they think that gives them a pass. Case in point is you could even call what we live in now as a socialism and you could call China a capitalism. So don't let that little commy get away with it. He is a scum bag by any measure. If he wasn't a scum bag he would have the guts to wear his label proudly. What does that tell?

  6. The lefty lovers do try to obfuscate their ideology and they think they are so smart. Well, this fellow Jason is no Einstein and I bet he is a college graduate! He is what our education system has been churning out. A bunch of loons.

  7. Ah, you just gotta love simplistic, meaningless rhetoric spewed by folks looking for some right wing comfort. Fortunately the actual world, and the world of intelligent discourse, has moved beyond the capabilities of this tiny little local group you have here. And oh my god Bob, you are a very angry guy, aren't you now? What's bothering you so much?

  8. You! It's ignorant immature blood suckers like you. That's who. You wouldn't know the real world if bit you in the ass. And you know that it is you that is miserable and you will always be miserable just because you don't have the intelligence to take care of yourself.

  9. Say what? LOL.

    Holy Toledo, someone's quite hot!

  10. I think Jason is really MikeT. Too many keywords. Just another run of the mill liberal/socialist/commie. LOL

  11. Now that you mention it I think you're right. And that would explain my reaction wouldn't it? Funny how the way words are put together sometimes has more meaning than what the words are even meant to convey. And it is also interesting how right on my intuition is as regard to my adjectives.

  12. By the way Todd, that statement that "people in America come from Puritan stock and Puritan values for the most part" is so utterly, demonstrably false that it is stunning. I can only conclude that you have Michele Bachman's grasp of early American history. The Puritans were always a tiny minority of America's colonial settlers. Many more were Anglican and Catholic in the first 150 years and as immigration advanced the successive waves of immigrants were a wide variety of other Protetant, Catholic, Deists, and even a smattering of Muslims and Jews. I believe you are confusing Puritans with other Protestants. But then you re the big history buff so perhaps you could dig up the facts from one of your comic books.

    SF 100

  13. Real Name required that you. Your history is not very good so I would suggest you go back and study up. The first large wave from England and France were Puritans. If you disagree then supply the facts.

  14. First Todd, its me, Steve Frisch, and I guess I have to use my full name, but BW, Woodsey, and all you buddies don't Huh?

    Seccond, go read any early American history. Puritians colonized the new england colonies of Mass, NH, RI and then break away elements went to Conn.

    New York was Dutch and Protestant, New Jersey was a polyglot, Pennsylvania was Protestant, Anglican and Catholic, Maryland (you know named for Mary) was Catholic, Virginia and the Carolina's were largely Anglican, and Georgia was mixed. Of course we don't count Florida, and New Mexico, because they were part of the Spanish colonies, but they were Catholic.

    If you are going to spout this crap you should be able to source it yourself.

  15. American history is crap eh Stevie? I think you would have made a good Puritan, the old fashioned kind. Uptight and a broomstick up the keister.

    Regarding the other fellows, I have told the complainers numerous times I know these people and they are friends of mine so they get to post their monikers.

  16. BTW, here is a little ditty to think about when you think you know it al. Also, Puritans were a branch of disaffected Protestants.

    "Certain Protestants, however, took the Reformation a step further and tried to simplify or "purify" the Anglican Church, since they believed that even Anglicanism was not as much a reform from Catholicism as they wanted. These Protestants were called Puritans, and they believed that they did not need priests, Anglicanism, or its Church, but that they, alone, could talk to God. Such a feeling was common to all the Protestants, so they decided that they would attempt to create a Protestant nation in North America. Since they knew that changing the ways and customs of an existing society would be far too difficult, they left England and headed straight toward the New World."

    So, it looks like I was on to something.

  17. That was from this link.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. To the anonymous poster who used profanity and personal attacks. This is not allowed and you will be removed when you do it.

    Regarding the substance of my link. It is obvious you did not read the link since your diatribe to allegedly disprove me was bogus. If you do research on the issue you will then see I am correct that the Puritans were disaffected Protestants and they were the ones populating the continent in the beginning of the European exodus.

    Try harder next time.

  20. If Steve Frisch wants to post here I would suggest no more name calling.

  21. As someone well informed by psychology - I have to say, Todd your steadfast and entrenched political ideas do not serve you. You seem to have some resentment for the educated. Over the top hostility always exposes those inner demons, don't you think? Your hostility toward those with education is telling. No one has to be educated to see the hole in your being. I think you never became educated, didn't hold those higher vales for yourself and now seem to hate all who went "further" than you. Psychology 101 - but, you expose yourself all over these pages. What I get is a strong and frustrated personality that, in spite of religious belief, sits in a pool of hostility, spite, anger, and foolishness that actually hurts other people. Trying to marry religion and hate makes you appear unthoughtful. Attempts at "humor on the square" demonstrates a person immeshed in a not so subtle world of more and more hostility. Oh, man, you seem to be in a struggle of helplessness - trying to find a way out! However, letting loose your anger at the community at large is self-defeating. Can't you see that?
    Abraham I. Schultz

  22. You didn't learn a thing about people but it appears you know how to read Psychology 101.

    Todd Juvinall

  23. Todd, Please let's not talk about education my friend, as with your spelling I'm pretty sure you didn't pass the third grade, let alone take college classes.


    M. Mooers

  24. I admit I don't have the smarts to grow the crop you have but I assure you, I am truly much smarter than you. No haze in my house. My guess is you probably got a GED and that was tough as you were in over your head. Right?

  25. Oh, dear. I forgot the Ph.D after my name on the above post.

    Abraham I. Schultz, BS, Masters, Ph.D. MT, Self Employed (2 businesses). I have more if you're interested. I also see clients.

  26. Sure Abe, I think forgetting something as important as you PHD means the only thing we believe about what you write is the BS part.


Real name thank you.