Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Breitbart Honored, lamestream media exposed again!

I watched this RightOnline tribute for a while after mowing the lawn today and it was simply great.  Andrew Breitbart was once a die-hard liberal who saw the light via Matt Drudge and became a fearless conservative.  I put him in the same category of brave men as I do David Horowitz.  I tuned in by chance and got to listen to Sarah Palin then Michelle Malkin, Hugh Hewitt, a young fellow from and last, Roger Hedgecock from San Diego radio.  They were all great and I especially liked Sarah Palin's speech.  Her husband has the best name on the planet.

HERE is a article on FOX you can read.

This gathering in Las Vegas of bloggers from all over the country was in sharp contrast to the Netroots meeting in Rhode Island last week.  CSPAN followed the conservative meeting speeches with a bunch of leftwingnuts form the the "progressive" meetings.  My God, what a difference in life's outlook.  The conservatives are positive people, the Netroots nuts are just scary.

Breitbart of course passed away from a heart attack this year and most of us on the right were devastated.  He was a brave man, entering into the lion's den of "progressive" gatherings and taking their crap.  He exposed many of the lefts lies and was pursued by them relentlessly.  Andrew didn't care.  He wanted the truth out there.  The lamestream media would not do it and he, along with many people he inspired by his political and journalistic courage, took up the slack.

Sarah Palin was a hoot!  The important thing is the truths she tells.  After excoriating the media for not pursuing Obama and his story, she went after the lamestream media's obsessive behavior regarding conservatives.  I liked her point about the lamestreams never reading Obama's autobiography for goodness sakes.  Drug use, dog eating and the "New" party might have been kinda important for the American people to know, don't ya think?  She made a cute point too about the lamestream constantly complaining about their companies budgets being cut and having to trim news operations.  She said that didn't stop tem from traveling by the score to Wasilla to uncover what coffee Bristol drank in the morning at Starbucks.

Michelle Malkin followed and as usual, this 90 pound dynamo of Philippine heritage was right on the mark,  She is so smart!  She too is tough and stands her ground.  Even when those OWS thugs were in her face she stood tall.  The rest of the fellows were also good.  There were  some real gems of California insanity discussed by Roger Hedgecock.  He mentioned the CARB forcing bakeries to put scrubber on their exhausts because they considered the smell of baking bread was a pollutant.

I think the people have got a way to get the truth now and there are millions of us bloggers doing our best to discuss the information we come across.  The old media and the journalists that populate it are becoming dinosaurs in the information age now.  Yet, with all the competition, the lamestreams still won't change.  They don't even admit they are liberals!  Well, the niche of conserve bloggers has grown huge.  Even here in little Nevada County the conservatives kick liberal ass on the Internet every day.  Exposing the lies of the left lets anyone who reads the blogs see there really is another side.  The cherry picking and slanting of the information deemed important by the left now has competition from many people like me.

So read the blogs, left and right if you wish, freedom to do so is always under attack but when I see meetings like the one today in Las Vegas, I know America will  make it just fine.  Watch and listen to Sarah.  It is about 37 minutes.


  1. Be careful Todd, the new tactic of "SWATTING" isn't below our local Progressives. ANY Conservative blogger is in their cross hairs.
    HELL. I wouldn't put it past them to try that on me. Good thing I changed address and phone numbers a few months back.

  2. Interesting and worthwhile. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Palin's speech in contrast to the Netroots fiasco is so telling.

  4. You continue to sink deeper and deeper into a morass of slimy accusations, along with the rest of the crew behind the mainly Texas financed attack on Kerry, who actually had the courage to go to Nam and not hide at home like most of the Republicans did:Bush; Cheney, Wolfowitz, Feith, Perle. The only Bush with any honor and due any respect was Bush Sr.

    1. Yeah, those vets who served with Kerry and knew he lied through his teeth. Those darn vets, just a bunch of liars eh Ed? You are just wrong.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. What are you talking about. I made one comment and it wasn't on this thread.

    2. What I meant to say is the comment posted on this thread was meant to be posted on the thread where tou called Kerry a Liar. And, Todd, most of those swift boaters weren't with Kerry at the time, and plenty other vets confirmed Kerry's version. It was all sleeze, with the money to spread the sleeze spewing like oil from where so much sleeze emanates. Todd you just don't get it; how to source information. I had no intention of ever commenting again here, but, bored, in bed, I saw another personal attack w/o facts, so responded. Take a course in historiography, as the subject in question now falls under that catagory. And remove the caption that this comment has been removed, or show me what I posted. Maybe I passed out again.

    3. The comment was a duplicate of the one on this string. You must have hit enter twice.

    4. EdP, you just don't get it man. The fellow in charge of the Swift Boaters (a Swift Boater himself) debated Kerry on National TV, the David Frost show as I recall, soon after Kerry trashed the military and its soldiers after returning to America. If you want to defend Kerry, the fellow who called you a murdering thug, go for it.

      Regarding my information. ou simply get it wrong and maybe you need some further schooling to catch up. Sorry you are in bed ill but your bad behavior is still not allowed in polite society.

  6. Just some basic research on this subject to refresh my memory revealed that, again, you, Todd, are totally wrong. You need to look at more than just sources that you know are going to validate your hatreds. Capt. Roy Hoffman's after action message stated that the tactics of Kerry, Rood and Droz were "immenslely effective . . . and this operation did damage to the enemy." 35 years later he changed his story. Elmo Zumwalt praised the tactics. Charles Colson hire O'Neill for Nixon'ss White House as O'Neill is totally partisan. Corsi, per Factcheck, writes with "a mishmash of unsupported conjecture . . . and outright falsehoods." Bob Perry spent 4.5 mil on this smear and lie campaign, the connection to O'Neill being Rove. Most, if not all of the Swifties have already been discredited and proven to have lied. It wasn't David Frost, either. Kerry didn't call me a murdering thug--shame on you, pants on fire--he testified to what all of us over there knew were common occurrances. And I could go on. BTW, I've exhibited no bad behavior, so don't need any advice on how to act in polite society. I could add much more from my notes, but I'm not going to spend any more time on this subject. It was all sleeze and Bushie boy wasn't man enough to stop it, although McCain tried.

  7. No EdP, there are two sides to this, I am very familiar with both and you are wrong. Go back and watch and listen as Kerry addresses the Congress and calls you a murdering swine. If you accept that then I cannot help but feel sorry for you. The Swift Boaters were men who served there and they were able to expose the BS Kerry dished out.

  8. No Todd, the story is bigger than the testimoney. I was very up on it in 2004, just had to refresh, as I always do. Chech and recheck facts. Verify. Neutral sources. Corsi is a nutcase. The book itself was panned. A sleezy attack, nothing more. It never ends with you guys, and you're good at it. You put out really slick propaganda--the Republican mind works that way. Of course there are two sides, sometimes more, to how events are interpreted. That's why I urge you to apply the proper methodology to arrive at the truth of a story. If you believe atrocities don't happen in a war zone, then you must believe in the tooth fairy. I'm also very familiar with VVAW, as I joined too, but quit them as I found them controlled by Marxists from NYC. I turned against the war because of unnecessary atrocities, ordered by over zealous Lts. and the clear fact that the war was unwinnable. I guess you had to be there. That's all folks, I've spoken my piece. Unless I see another outlandish bit here, to your great pleasure, you won't hear from me.
    What puzzles me, Todd, and I'm being sincere, is why a church going man like yourself is so filled with vitriol and hate and always on the attack.

  9. EdP, you must be a bit slow. Others know things too. You are simply wrong.

    Regarding you last paragraph. I think you need to look in the mirror trgstding nger and vitiol. I love everybody who deserves to be loved.


Real name thank you.