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What an exciting year to be an American and part of
the political process. Our country is a
example of how we can proceed as a country without bloodshed or a civil
war. And no dictators either. We run the place and once in a while we must
tell our bureaucracy that we do. They
work for us, right? But over the years
as we work our jobs and raise our kids, the government forgets who their boss
is. But November 2016 changed that. Donald Trump won and the status quo changed.
And the opposition to Trump went berserk. The very first day saw a bunch of wild women
marching against him in Washington DC.
They seemed a bit off their rockers to me as I listened to them
speak. Madonna said she wanted to see
the White blow up and others were as nutty as she. Later we saw a decapitated head of Trump
shown everywhere and late-night hosts on TV told denigrating “jokes” about
Trump and his wife and family. And so,
it goes.
This year the democrats said they would pony up women
at all levels of politics to challenge sitting Republicans and open seats
across the country. And they have. I think it is great to see so many new people
jump into the fray. I think they are
concerned about the direction of the country and those that are in power. That is what is great about America. And then the democrat leadership and their formal
cheerleaders, the “media” told us there would be a “blue wave” coming. Meaning the democrats would wipeout the
republicans and take over the Congress and other seats down ticket.
That was their meme.
They beat that horse everyday and did their best to inculcate it into everyone’s
brain. But what is happening two weeks
from election? There seems to be a
turnaround and now I predict a “red wave” will take place. Meaning the Republicans will hold the
Congress and the Governorships across the country. I watch the polls and I am seeing a huge
trend to Republicans at every level. And
I think we all know why.
The democrats are simply unhinged and show it everyday
on TV and in the news. Riots, Antifa
(the brown shirts of their party) burning down Berkeley building to deny a
conservative the right to even speak.
The Kavanaugh hearings where they paid people to scream in the hearings
and get escorted out. While Chairman
Grassley made sure he treated all with respect to show who the adults were in
the room. The Republicans treated Ms.
Ford with all due respect. Then we saw
the political fiasco of California Senator Feinstein and her “October surprise”
foisted on the county in September. And
then how her party members treated a good man, Brett Kavanaugh. All lies and bogus accusations unremembered
by the ones accusing. Kavanaugh’s
personal defense was so real and compelling that he swayed millions of
Americans away from the democrats and into the arms of the grownups, the Republicans. I say thanks.
And that was the beginning of the turnaround in my view. People saw for themselves how low the
democrats would stoop to get their way.
Like little kids at the grocery counter screaming for that candy. Then we saw their progeny scratching at the
Supreme Courts doors and screaming at the moon.
Their paid protestors on the steps.
Americans got to see these people and many millions have said to
themselves and others, there is no way we can give these people power. They will run America into the ground. But of course, they still have a chance and
it is up to Americans of good will to deny these democrats power. We see these people are anti police, pro
illegal immigrant, socialist in medical issues and higher taxes. We don’t need to return to that do we? So please follow my lead and vote for
Republicans this election. America is a
great place for all but we must remember we are a nation of laws. The last vision for us should not be
thousands of illegals pushing their way into the country. But if the democrats get the reins of power
that is what we will get. And you all
get to pay for them.
The red wave is comming Nov. 6th. The liberals have riled up too many voters from all parties.
ReplyDeleteTim Gore
Perfect example of the mindless liberals. Taxpayers money flushed away.
ReplyDeleteThe controversial drive in San Francisco to register non-citizens, including undocumented immigrants, to vote in school elections signed up 49 people at an estimated cost of $310,000, or about $6,300 per voter, reported KPIX.
The city had started registering non-citizens to vote in the Nov. 6 election in July, reported the San Francisco Chronicle.
The move followed passage of a 2016 ballot measure by San Francisco voters opening school elections to non-citizens who are over the age of 18, are city residents and have children under age 19, as previously reported by The Sacramento Bee.
“This is no-brainer legislation,” Hillary Ronen, a San Francisco supervisor, told the Chronicle in July. “Why would we not want our parents invested in the education of their children?”
San Francisco spent about $310,000 setting up the new registration system and informing potential voters, the Chronicle reported Sunday.
“We assumed that it would be many thousands, potentially, that could register and so far we’re at 49,” said John Arntz, director of elections, according to KPIX.
The deadline to register passed Monday, but California voters can conditionally register and vote on the same day, reported the Los Angeles Times.
The city also distributed $100,000 to nonprofits to notify non-citizens of their new-found right to vote in San Francisco school elections, according to the station.
DeleteThe immigrants know ICE will see these registrations and take them out of the country. The BOS must have not thought this out very well. The money would have been better spent cleaning the shit off the sidewalks.
Delete“The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday (11/2) shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove.“
ReplyDelete“Rasmussen Reports' final White House Watch survey showed Democrat Hillary Clinton with a 2.0% Popular Vote lead over Republican Donald Trump. After all 136+ million U.S. votes were counted, Hillary Clinton led the Popular Vote by 2.1%.”
ReplyDeleteI am just gonna put that “right” there. 😂😂
I think the American people will do the right thing and reject the democrats.
Delete"If you think about it, you probably know President Trump’s positions on almost every major issue. And obviously, he has doubled down on immigration as the make-or-break issue for him and his party.
ReplyDeleteWhat exactly does Barack Obama stand for? Bernie Sanders at least has free college as an idea you can remember, albeit vague.
What about House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., or Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.?
Other than investigations and impeachment, what are the Democrats running on? They have made an issue of health insurance coverage for pre-existing conditions. Trump has said he too would cover them. The Democratic idea is not a health-care plan, but an attack.
Nor do Democrats have an economic plan many people can remember. Nor a plan on immigration. Nor a plan to deal with jobs migrating to China and Mexico."
The author, Mark Penn, is managing director of the Stagwell Group. He was chief strategist on Bill Clinton’s 1996 presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton’s 2000 Senate campaign, and Mrs. Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign.
Obama is babbling on in a Florida High School gym for Bill Nelson and the commie Gillum. He is back with the I, I, I . What a hoot!
DeleteUnhinged Bruce and Progressive Pelline are touting Nate Silver's polls.
"Hillary Clinton has a 71.4% chance of winning the 2016 presidential election."
I'll just leave that one here as well.
That Levy follow is still around? Thought he would be admitted to a rehab for floundering liberals. Oh well.
DeleteDemocrats need a seven to eight point advantage in the generic congressional ballot to take over the House. They are at three points today. Not gonna happen I don’t think
ReplyDeleteI pray you are right!
DeleteAccording to MSM/fake news polls, the Democrats have a 70% chance of winning the House back. You know who also had a 70% chance of winning according to Fake News? Hillary Clinton.
ReplyDeleteObama can't get more than a 1,000 people to a rally, and Trump supporters are flying places to see him, and one rally topped 100,000 requests to attend in Houston. These facts sound a lot like 2016. His crowds are HUGE for a presidential election let alone a mid-term. I really don't think there is going to be this huge blue wave. There might be but it certainly does not feel like it.
FYI...we were calling Pelline fake news before Trump made it trendy and popular. Lol
Obam,a got 500 today in a high school gym in Florida where he spoke for his new pal Gillum.
DeleteIt's not about polls it's about voter turnout and that will generate the red tide, too many republicans pissed off about the Kavanaugh thing, the border thing and at the dem's in general.
DeleteTim Gore
I hope that gets them out to vote. America is at risk!
Delete,,,Red Tide Coming!!! Toxic algal bloom with MAGA caps!!!
ReplyDelete,,,A Trump rally is like Burning Man for Meatheads!!!
No Trump's rallies are for smart patriots. Try it sometime. Oops, you are a moron so don't.
DeleteTodd, Mr. Meat head is too funny, algal is singular as in blue tide that will be swallowed up by the red tide.
DeleteAnd the liberals cry civility while making off the wall comments as Meat Head made.
Where do these dorks come from?
Too much dope at an early age?
Tim Gore
DeleteBy the way I call them the Three Liberals" Denny Wilson, Coma Diddily and Lee Todd Jr. all make nasty, fradulent statements against Doug LaMalfa which are not true and any clear thinking Conservative Republican as well.
DeleteAre these three yahoos typical of what the public educational system produces up here, I think not as you were educated up here and every bit as conservative as I.
I suppose they suffer from ignorance and 1/2 a brain?
Those three yahoos are typical liberals. That is what we deal with. All are trnsplants. They wrecked the city they lived in now they are wrecking our country.
DeleteDemocrats need at least a five point lead to win the house. Today, the day before the election, Republicans are up by one. Lol. Better get some boxed wine to drown your sorrows.
Someone smoked out the Steve "whitey" Frisch. What a hoot!
ReplyDeleteHere comes more of those San Francisco values. Lol
The saying is like a fine wine. It just takes time to ferment.
DeleteI see P{ellines female sock puppet Annie Fannie is showing confusion again. Must be that time of year.
ReplyDeleteThe FUE has come here as anonymous and spewed his box wine and chili cheese fried mind. Sorry, adios bub.
ReplyDeleteUh oh, Pelline is whining that I booted his trash comments here. You cannot make it up the man is a total leftwing hypocrite. And thanks for admitting you posted as anonymous when telling everyone you never do that. What a dirtbag podunk.
DeleteMr. Censorship himself whining because you removed distasteful comments. #notshocking #TRUEFUE
ReplyDeleteSince he has me blocked on his FB I cannot read his slander on my colimn. Apparently he comes across as unhinged and hot for my body.
DeleteBarry you really have a some free rent in his mindless noggin. He denies those comments were his but we know it was him. Too many similarities. The man is a dufus.
DeleteMy mommy said I was her biggest boy and had big bones! Its not my fault the cloths did not fit! You pleabs should genuflect at my beautiful pictures of my traveling corpulence! I get 3 more hits a month now that I do not put my brilliant, engaging, sexy self on my I love me. Bovine, porcine, you can tell me but velveta, frozen econo past date fries are my thing! Slathered in the lowest priced gallons of whatever. Kangaroo, aardvarks, emus or Chinese puppies! Todd is so annoying putting a spot light on my homeless filled neighborhood. Homeless jeryky, is that a thing? Did you know I got to fetch covfefe for people that mattered? Did you know I am better? Screw you, I need to stir my out of date velveta!
DeleteBy this time 11:47PM 11/6/2018 the giantic waves from from the red tide will still be breaking.
ReplyDeleteTim Gore
Nice call Todd & Timmy! hahahaha
ReplyDeleteIf you think Mueller had a plan for when Jeff Sessions was fired, then you don't understand Mueller.
A new Acting Attorney General can't do squat if there are already sealed indictments, which there almost certainly are.
Trump is in over his head. He just doesn't know it.
My understanding is if the indictments aren't served they can be squelched. Trump knows exactly what he is doing.
DeleteIf there are already sealed indictments, which there almost certainly are?
DeleteYour wild assed guess is exactly that.
Every heard of discovery?
You are the guesser. I am confident there will be no indictments ofanyone from the campaign of 2016. Discovery is something I would love to see. Then we will see the crooked Hillary crap/.
DeleteTodd, why do you want to squelch the indictments.
DeleteBe afraid, very afraid.
Your reading skills need help. I never said that.
DeleteThe most hated unemployed journalist FUe is a RACIST! Just look at this, he used Charlie Chan!
ReplyDelete"The touch-button panels in Shanghai’s high-rise hotel rooms would baffle Charlie Chan"
On I don't think that is racist. I loved Charlie Chan especially when that German Peter Lorre played him.
DeletePeter Lorre played Mr. Moto not Charlie Chan.
DeleteYou are right.
DeleteDear Moron: "Charlie Chan" is a detective and a fictional character. All sorts of nationalities perform the role.
ReplyDeleteGod, the people who comment here are butt stupid.
Failure to recognize the irony of using commie pc standards on the blob that ate quainty city.
DeleteThe commenters here include you. Self hater eh?