After a couple of truly fabricated articles, I got into a beef with the editors about their lies. And they defended their lies and never apologized. Not even a correction! They are above reproach in their own minds. Full of hubris. And their targets all deserve what these lovelies dispense. That is what they are taught in those "liberal arts" colleges by professors who think they are GOD's gift. The truth be damned. But these media types think whatever they say or write should just be accepted and never do they have to defend it. Well, now we see they are no different about critics as their targets have been since the beginning of the ink and paper crowd.
Over 350 newspapers across America published articles demanding President Trump to stop telling the people they are "fake news" purveyors. Snowflakes. We Americans who stay informed know a lot of what these media types spew is fake news. And it is tainted with their bias and emotions. We see it. We read it. But the left does not. They think being held accountable to their own standards is apostasy to the American experience. I actually think it is the opposite. Everyone needs to know their "boundaries" of telling the truth and lies. The media has not learned that simple thing we are all taught at three years old. Right and wrong. Don't lie or exaggerate. Tell the truth.
But the media can't hack it. They are all worked up that they have been taken to task by the big bad wolf. Donald Trump is giving back to them their own crap. He is not telling them to stop printing or talking or writing. He is simply saying to these spoiled brats, to tell the truth! Stop the lies and be FAIR to all. But they don't even understand that simple task.
I have watched and listened to Trump from the escalator to today. I see how the media twist his words into unrecognizable sentences he never said or meant. I see the media take his humor and twist it into a meaning never intended. But we Americans with a brain see and hear what he says and what he means. And the media simply drive more of us away as we see they try their best to divide us from Trump and our party.
When you read an article on, for instance, a murder or some attack. The media will not tell us what the color of the perpetrator is. They won't tell us what the religion is. They do if it is a white person and a Christian though. I call that keeping the truth from the readers. But they do this as they have decided what we should know. Rather than report the facts. And I recall the Associated Press decision to stop calling terrorist attacks terrorist attacks and Obama calling them human disruptions or some ridiculous description. Orwell would recognize these things rather quickly. And the LA Times forbidding anyone who says "climate change" is not what their "experts say it is from even being allowed to use the comment section of their paper.
I have had numerous attacks over the years and I have learned those attacks always get the top of the front page above the fold. Any response is on the back page and the last paragraph. That goes for most anything conservative. Anything opposed to the environmental community gets the first para as well. I ran a group called CABPRO that challenged many of the lies the eco groups spewed and saw first hand how the media begrudgingly gives us a para at the end of the article on the back page. And look at the way the media describes those they try and belittle. Eco-terrorists are doing the work of the good. But a person opposing them is the villain. They use all kinds of weasel words to describe and belittle those that hold a view different than theirs.
When we saw the victories of the eco's regarding the Northern Spotted Owl and the demise of the logging industry in the west, we saw the bias in every article. Eco's good, loggers bad. And when towns went ghost when all the jobs left we did not see the articles on the suicides and tragedies of those ruined by those eco "victories". Later we saw that what we were saying about the owls was true, no articles demanding the truth from the media and the eco's. All a bunch of brainwashing.
So President Trump calls the media out and they can't hack it. They still have the free press. And people like me will still fight for the free press and defend it with my life. But we want the "free" press to start being truthful and keep their bias under wraps. My guess is they will not. And so we get to hear Trump tell them to shape up and it keeps us happy who have been consistently attacked by the biased media. 90% of these press lovelies voted for democrats. How are we to believe their feelings are hurt when one of their targets fights back? I say BRAVO! Keep them on the edge, just like they do with us on the right.
The fires in the last two years and still burning 400,000 acres here and there are not contained yet. Lack of Forrest management.
ReplyDeleteOn the east side of the road on Old Auburn Road past the corner 1000 feet or less south has been cleared of old trees and brush thinned out down to the entrance to North Star House, a 1/4 mile or more. The BLM property from there past Hidden Valley needs to be cleared and thinned as well.
WOW! You really are a scary cat. The way I view Trump is totally different than you hysterical liberals. He is a "common sense" man. If you ever try and build anything the government has control over, you might see the light of reason. But you are a bureaucrat and have no idea what the common people must endure from your insane policies. California is the poster child for over-reach. IO am born and raised here. And I have been in local government as a elected official. I was forced to do many things by those brainiacs under the dome in Sacramento. If you cannot see the folly they have created then it is you that is out of touch.
ReplyDeleteSanctuary state? And cities? and allowing people to sleep and crap all over the place? And water for the smelt instead of the people? And look at the forests. Once a person owned the trees on their own property. Then the state decided to force people who wanted to to thin or cut into a "Timber Harvest Plan" of three acres or more. Then they dropped it to one acre I believe. Now we see people do not want to go through that process so property gets unlogged and the fuels pile up. And it burns. And you did this. Not Trump.
California is a laughingstock because it is run by idiots in Sacramento and locally. Hell your policies make it impossible to even build affordable shelter. So look in the mirror and you will see why California is so screwed up. It has nothing to do with Trump but it is all about you and your ilk.
Todd, your post looks like an orphan post. Who are you communicating with, yourself?
ReplyDeleteThat being said, you are all washed up with your viewpoint.
Dumping mine waste into rivers is totally common sense, ha!
Oh I get lots of lookers. You are a coward and not important to me.
ReplyDeletePeople’s Republic of California. They want to ban everything that’s fun...but it is okay to smoke a doobie. ������
The lkeft is so humorless and it rears up in all walks of life.
DeleteThe media is the biggest snowflake, and Trump is an angry 6-year old.
ReplyDeleteNo he is a happy well adjusted 72 year old billionaire President. Quite a accomplishment wouldn't you say>
DeleteIt's easy to become president when Putin is pulling the strings....and people are being pushed out of windows....but don't let the facts get in your way, Todd IDIOT MORON Juvinall!
DeleteActually Hillary was the colluder and paid 11 million dor a Russian made "dossier". So you are simply ignorant. Trump is just fine but he does have to deal with idiots like you.
DeleteDorothy Angeini is another lefty potty mouth and I had to delete here nasty profane comment. Where do these loons come from?
DeleteCohen, Manafort, Mueller? Nobody cares. If they didn’t prosecute Hillary and aren’t prosecuting Stzrok et al, it is rigged. Where is equal justice?
ReplyDeleteI think you are right. The people see the bias and the UNequality of justice and have lost faith in the system. Then we see the left protecting killers of young women and getting away with it. There will be a reckoning.
DeleteBuncha paranoid deep staters. Aren't Cohen, Manafort, Mueller all conservative Republicans???
DeleteIf it was just political they could have railroaded Hillary,,,but there was no there there.
It was all overblown rooskie bot hype repeated by asswipes like Alex Jones, Rush, and biased conservative echo chambers.
They are called RINO's.
DeleteNo, they are called average honorable career Americans. They may not be hard core alt-right Nazis, they might even be gasp Liberals, but they do their jobs.
DeleteIt is only bitter losers like the ilk that inhabit these pages that believe the deep state propaganda.
You are out of touch. There have been many expose' on the "deep state". But you commies are part of it so you deny it.
DeleteSorry Charlie, no dice. Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein are of your ilk,
No they are deep staters. That is your ilk bub.
DeleteAnd it is only going to get worse,
HuffPO? Seriously? No that is a lying rag that never gets it right. Try harder.
DeleteThis should make you sleep better,
I'll just leave this here:
ReplyDelete"The flag shall be flown at half-staff
30 days from the death of the President or a former President;
10 days from the day of death of the Vice President, the Chief Justice or a retired Chief Justice of the United States, or the Speaker of the House of Representatives;
from the day of death until interment of an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, a Secretary of an executive or military department, a former Vice President, or the Governor of a State, territory, or possession;
and on the day of death and the following day for a Member of Congress."
John McCain died on 25 August. Today is 27 August. The White House has followed proper protocol according to the US Code.
Time to move on to the next tantrum.
Oh but it is the Trump Administration and he is not supposed to be given a break for following the rules.
DeleteThe daily tantrums are funny now. This flag thing is a whole lot of nothing and left wing kooks are eating it up without any regard for facts. I wonder if they know that Trump is trolling them? 😂
ReplyDeleteThey are clueless.
DeleteWhatever, give me a break you Trumpy goons. Why did Trumpy fly the flag at half staff for Bible Thumper Billy Graham and Barbara Bush; and Capital Gazette and Las Vegas shooting victims? Why did other government agencies fly the flag at half staff for war hero, POW, Congressman McCain? Little whiney boy Trumpy tried to do his best to minimize McCain but two million American Legionaires told him to cut his McCain tantrum crap out.
ReplyDeleteFirst off snowflake he was Senator McCain not congressmen, secondly you sure do not sound like a Legionnaire. The WH did lower it over the weekend, then it was up and then back to half staff. You were probably one of the folks who called McCain Hitler when he ran against b hussein obummer.
DeleteThose liberals are all mentally ill.
DeleteIt is pitiful the way Trumpers have to deny that there is any truth to news they don't happen to like. It must be rough to have to support the worst President the United States has ever had.
DeleteSo you and Lanny Davis and Michael Cohen and CNN are all the lying louses we thought you are. Trump is fine, it is you unhinged liberals that need the help.
DeleteWow, the left wing loony birds are really flying low today. If they were not wild ass crazy it would be funny.
ReplyDeleteThey are loony every day.
DeleteRe Dork Wad's comment "It must be rough to have to support the worst President the United States has ever had."
DeleteGuess you were not hatched yet when Jimmy Carter was president, prime rate 21% hitting 26% as a high.
Obama was worse.
DeleteRe: Ms. Angelini's comments, just weird, really weird.
ReplyDeleteShe and her hubby are pervs. Potty mouths and nasty people. Trolls are better people. LOL!
DeleteSad Todd is trolling Rebanes. He got his ass whipped by the blog master for calling me a racist, then he went into the weeds trolling about military service and had to be spanked again. Try to keep up Todd!!!
M you are mentally challenged and too easy to refute. But try and keep up.
DeleteSigns "M"? M makes wild assed statements but can sign name and take credit fo being a fool?
DeleteTim Gore
The left are all unhinged loons.
DeleteNothing but felons and tax cheats on this blog
DeleteSo you are confessing?
DeleteI've run into all kinds of liberals during my life time but am starting to realize they are a cancer and there is no remission and the only answer is President Trump two terms then another Trump. That person needs to be a fighter.
ReplyDeleteThese idiots on the Union Opinion really irritate me and probably best not to go there unless one has low blood pressure.
Tim Gore
I like it as I like smacking them.