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I took a sabbatical for many years as I got married and had a family. I was a low (326) lottery number in the draft so I stayed home and worked and raised my kid. I started my own business and later worked for others running a 109 unit hotel in Palm Springs. It was there I started seeing the results of "laws" and regulations passed in California and DC. I saw how hamstrung the government made trying to succeed here. But I still did not get directly involved until I had my own business here in Nevada County in 1978. The democrat/socialists got a couple of initiatives on the ballot. Those were to limit building permits to 100 per year and some other crap. We in the building and Chamber and Real Estate fought them and we kicked their ass on election day. I was now really aware of the plans of the left.
Listening to them at forums and in the paper, the left was all about hyperbole and scare tactics. Anyone against them wanted Roseville here. Funny they are still sating that 40 years later. Anyway, there is no lie they won't tell and no baby they won't try to scare. And that attitude went national and we see it every day on TV and in the newspapers. These democrats are unhinged! It seems to me they are so misguided they could become tools in the fascist's armies. I say fascist because they do their best to shut up the opposition. They use violence and intimidation to achieve their goals. They want to be the boss. They want the rest of us to shut up and obey. And if we don't they will destroy us.
Tell me how any American can refuse to see the value of national borders? What kind of brain says it is OK to allow open borders and anyone who wants to come in can. Is that not a really extreme position? Of course but the democrats are making it their platform. And now they want to get rid of ICE the agency that gets those felons and killer and human traffickers. How is that even close to rational thought? Kate Steinle was killed by an illegal alien who had been deported five times. He was released in San Francisco without letting ICE be notified. Now Kate is in the ground and this illegal alien was acquitted by a jury of SF liberals! How is that right? And why would they want this killer on the street? It is irrational and apparently now mainstream in the democrat party and media.
The left's intimidation tactics even go to exposing people who signed petitions and donated to groups and people when those things were not legal to expose. The left says "privacy" is so important that Roe v Wade is their privacy mantra. Yet if you disagree with them they will expose your private thoughts and emails and musing and force you from your job. Like they did with the Mozilla Chairman. They tried the same thing with Chick-fil-a and many others. Now we see them trying to oust a Vice Mayor in Dixon California for saying, GASP! "fairies" when describing homosexuals. He wants a "normal person month" to honor normal people. But the democrats and fascists want him out. No free speech for that guy. Of course, these fascists use terms much nastier and do disgusting things to each other while marching in their parades, but that is OK. Sorry their behaviour is not "normal" and it is disgusting.
Lately, we have seen the democrats "resist" and exhibit over the top slander and violence against people with a opposing views. They do their damnedest to shut down opposing speech. I personal saw this in Berkeley twice last year. Anyone who does not follow their PC mantra is exposed to their hate and violence and it is not pretty. Locally in our little county I was subjected to that kind of behaviuor at the Rally for the Border a couple of Saturday's ago. A little shrimp loudmouth liberal got in my face and started yelling. Of course, he was all about NO Borders and he wanted the illegals to not be treated like the two million incarcerated felons in America. Those people get the kids removed for safety and care when they get the jail cell. Anyway, the loudmouths try to spread their lies about the issue and we who have the truth try to counter them. Obama era policies parted kids from their illegal entry parents and they were put in cages. These lying democrats want to make you believe it was Trump's policies. And they screamed in our faces to try to shout down the truth.
That is what they do. If you try to straighten them out with the truth they double down on their lies. And don't even try to suggest that Obama did this first. Oh my. You then are a racist and a bigot. As we all see this kind of unhinged response from the left we must take pride that we did not allow them to win the election. And we must keep up the fight to make sure they never get in charge of even the dog catcher position. I really think many of them are mentally ill. They want their way and probably always did when they pressured mom and dad when they were growing up.
Life is tough enough without these loons stealing all our stuff, our money and our country. Don't back down from them. That is their stock and trade., Intimidation and guilt trips. Don't fall for it. Stay tough and true and do the right thing. America needs you to stay that course.
Reading your screed today (Sacramento Mayor, Daryl Steinberg) about the Dixon Vice Mayor tells me all I need to know about you. You are a fascist! Why can't a public figure speak his or her mind? And why should he not have the right for a opinion on things that might not be to your PC liking? He is simply speaking up for "normal" people. You have to admit that homosexuality is not a normal, natural thing and many people are sick of them throwing their lifestyles and pictures and parades in our faces. Why should little kids be subjected to that? I call that "child abuse" and perversion if one looks at their SF parades. My goodness, normal people don't copulate in the street parades I have been too. Anyway I am sure you will shout your PC crap as you are a pal of the SacBee but rest assured, I and many millions of Americans think someone speaking their minds about controversial issues is all about freedom of speech. Dixon voters can boot him if they want to. You should shut your pie hole and stick to the mess you have created in Sacramento.
ReplyDeleteDemocrats are self destructing, I say get out of their way and let them!
ReplyDeleteGreat article Todd!
Steinberg no doubt is a fascist.
Tim Gore
He is.
DeleteOh, yes 1964 I turned 21 in April and voted in the June Calif. Primary for Barry Goldwater and in the General Election as well and remember LBJ's adds with the little girl and the mushroom clouds.
DeleteNelson Rockefeller and George Romney hated Goldwater almost as much as LBJ did. Goldwater lost but his Conservative movement did grow.
Nixon won 68-72 and 72 -76 but resigned in 73, Ford 73-76, Carter 76-80, 80 thru 88 Reagan, 88-92 Bush and Hill + Billy 92-2000.
Obama was a wasted eight years. Trump 2016 - 2024 looking good!
Tim Gore
Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff and Harris, where do these radicals come from?
ReplyDeleteIt keeps getting worse every minute. They don't support anyone other than crackpot socialistic beliefs.
What idiots vote for these fools?
Tim Gore
Thet aree the gifts that keep on giving.
DeleteGood article. Todd. Just stand back with a face shield on and let the Democrats fling their pooh. Like a deranged man catching himself on fire while trying to burn our flag, the unhinged exploding heads on the Left cannot but help get the caca all over themselves in plain view for all to see.
ReplyDeleteI try to look away from the ghastly self implosion and gory body parts being turned inside out and spewed on themselves as the Liberals disintegrate, but I simply cannot turn away for very long. I just got to look. I know I shouldn't stare, but the pleasure is irresistible.
The left is covered with their own excrement. nd they are full of it too. America is rejecting them. Red wave coming.
DeleteOh Todd, you are flipping out because your boys are going to jail, your leader is a damn liar, and you are just getting irrelevant!
ReplyDeleteNot at all. But you as usual are delusional and your side is losing big league. MAGA!
DeleteSounds like a pink pussy hat wearing toxic male who is missing the seismic shift. A shift that puts the country back on track for more than a generation! Resist, call for the end of ICE and why not throw in reparations. Your leaders are socialists and we the people aint going there any more self hater.
DeleteWho is this idiot, "Oh Todd, you are flipping out because your boys are going to jail, your leader is a damn liar, and you are just getting irrelevant!"?
Another "No Name liberal"?
Tim Gore
Kavanaugh will be confirmed before mid-term.
ReplyDeleteThanks Harry Reid for the Nuclear Option.
Tim Gore
DeleteInformation for un-informed and ignorant liberals.
Read and you may be "Educifiacted as you are not Evacuated"
Have a long 30 to 45 years with Trumps new SCOTUS.
Cheers, Tim Gore
DeleteThank you Todd.
DeleteNow Chuckie Schmuck and Nancy plus Harris and others will have one hell of a time stopping Justice Kavanaugh's confirmation.
A long drawn out waste of time and money.
They are not intelligent to realize they are scuttling their hopes for election of party members in the mid-terms.
Justice Kavanaugh will be confirmed before mid terms and they are shooting themselves in the foot. Only wild assed liberals will fight a battle against all odds and loose the battle and loose moderate voters as well.
The above is signed by Tim Gore.
DeleteCSPAN did a live feed on the loony left's rally in fron of the SCOTUS building after the announcement. Many lefty maniacs spoke. And they are creating many "chants" and are practicing their shouting skills. America is amazing. These people seem to me to be ignorant of reality and looking for mommy and daddy .
DeleteTimmy, are you bummed out about your wackydoodle religious cultist handmaid Supreme's pick Amy Barrett choice not being picked, you seem angry, lol!
DeleteTimmy, are you bummed out about your wackydoodle religious cultist handmaid Supreme's pick Amy Barrett choice not being picked, you seem angry, lol!
DeleteNah.....Trump can nominate and have her confirmed when Ruth Bader Ginsburg goes to that great beef jerky factory in the sky!
That is my guess too!
DeleteNope, not bummed out at all. Amy Barrett would be next up when Ruth Bader Ginsburg retires. With all the liberal socialists are back on their meds, Fluoxetine Hydrochloride they will be fine.
DeleteTim Gore
RL Crabb is now self destructing. He claims I said bad things or believe bad things about "gays" and that I want a final solution. These druggie types and alcoholics sure hallucinate a lot. Anyway, I consider the source. He is a self proclaimed druggie and that is all people need to know.
ReplyDeleteProof that you are on opiates,,,'''I think all this Trade War stuff is actually a Trump, long-term strategy. Same with NATO and other issues about money and economics. All the left does is think for today. Trump is looking out for America over the next few decades. How long can America foot these bills and not go under? So while most are thinking short term Trump is actually saving the country long term by getting parity on trade and making NATO countries pay their way.'''
DeleteNo don't do any drugs or drink booze. But thanks for copy pasting my comment within my own blog. You are obviously an idiot and ignorant.
DeleteI stayed up and watched the lefty rally in front of the SCOTUS Building last night on CSPAN. If those people ever get any power our country will not last very long. They hate white people, especially white men. My guess is if they ever get power they will do their best to take our stuff and bump us off. Here in America, we have invited people from across the planet to come and stay. All we ask is allegiance to the country, the Constitution and speak the language. Most of those arriving are "brown" so that alone makes their claims of bigotry total BS. Anyway, I listened to these unhinged people for an hour and the things they say are so shocking I was appalled. If they truly believe their claims I suggest they return from where they came from and experience true bigotry and violence. My goodness, we clothe, feed, shelter and educate them and this is how they pay back America?
ReplyDeleteI think we need to stop all immigration for a while and get the immigrants assimilated as Americans. And those that can't need to go back to their home countries as they seem to be ingrates anyway. The DACA immigrants can stay here on a green card. No voting. But the ones that are activists against the country and those that are lawyers should be booted. We have enough people telling us how rotten we are. As they eat our food and take advantage of our good nature. If you think this is a rational argument then "share" it and pass it on. Immigrants, legal ones, have always been welcomed. But now we need a breather from all this rancor imported here. Our good nature and patience is being tested and for me, I am tired of them name calling the people that feed them.
Stopping all immigration is the sane thing to do and just post a sign "BORDER TEMPORARILY CLOSED - NO ENTRY"
DeleteTim Gore
What are these liberals thinking? We can't seem to take care of our homeless but we keep bringing illegal aliens in and giving them housing, food, cloths, welfare, free healthcare, drivers licences (in California), on and on.
ReplyDeleteClose the borders to all of them.
Sorry but I care more for American citizens than illegal aliens.
Tim Gore
Don't be sorry. A movement to close the borders is taking off. No asylum either. The Central Americans can seek asylum in Mexico.
Deleteyou people are fools. there is no massive migration across the borders. it has slowed down for years.
No we have 20 million illegals already here you idiot go check this out
I question who is the fool.
ReplyDeleteTim Gore
Noi need to question it, we know it is a liberal.
DeleteStrzok strokes congress. Only the liberal socialists believed him.
ReplyDeleteHope all voters remember when they vote in the mid terms.
Tim Gore
That disgusting kidie porn perv Lamphier again thinks that anyone gives a shit what he thinks. He has not yet come back to reality in his sick mind. He does not recognize that his advocacy for anything is a kiss of death. Just ask John Foster.
Lamphier is well known for his proclivities and please just pass him by now.
DeleteSorry. I gotta brag on my daughter who created the Nevada County Heroes Softball Tournament supporting the Nev Co Law Emforcement and Fire Protection Council. We were on KNCO yesterday talking about the third annual...
You have raised good kids Barry. Congrats on all you and your family does for the community.
DeleteBatshit crazy Kiddy porn lover Terry Lamphier is at it again in the Union today. He's demanding a moratorium on new housing construction in Grass Valley. Lamphier is insane! Will the FUE call Lamphier out on his BS?
ReplyDeleteLooks like Lamphier is just another "raise the gate" guy. How will young families ever be able to live here is we don't build houses? Does he have any kids? How selfish. His attitude is what got me involved in politics in 1978.
DeleteCharles Tim Gore
ReplyDeleteMr. Lamphier states "There are local land owners open to low/moderate income housing construction and there are financial incentives to make it profitable, but there allegedly has been reluctance on the part of Grass Valley officials to work with Nevada County to provide said housing.
My Questions Are?
1. What are the financial incentives to make it profitable?
A. Reduction of building fees?
B. Property tax reduction?
C. Zoning revisions to provide higher more units per acre?
2. There is reluctance on the part of Grass Valley officials to work with Nevada County to provide said housing.
A. The County and cities don't want to reduce building fees.
Putting a blanket moratorium on new housing developments will simply drive up prices of resales and a BAD IDEA. A moratorium on new housing development, no plan, no forethought just an open ended moratorium. GREAT IDEA from a guy with no development experience, a ex city and county employee with a bad idea.
There are no incentives. The government is so dumb that if you want a "favor" to build a project of low and moderate housing, you must commit the price stays the same for 40 years! That is one thing. And that is for any favor! The only way to build low cost is it must be totally subsidized by the taxpayers. California and local jurisdictions have added so much to the cost of a home it is not possible to build a "marjet rarte" affordable home.
DeleteDon't forget Zero Net Energy,
Nirvana City has the equine one as mayor again, God save them from the tender mercies of ruinit. Is she going to find jobs for Hillary Hodge and Terry the perv?
ReplyDeleteThe equine one? Probably not an Equine but more correctly a Equus Africanus Asinus.
ReplyDeleteTim Gore
Lobbying in quainty city is now just a few cubes of sugar and some sustainable, carbon negative, give it all away blather and you will make the mayor whinny and swish her tail in honor of her tie dyed, freeze died hippy cult.
DeleteYou all best watch every penny with that worm farmer. Expose every record and be a truth teller that does not let it go sisters.
The internet is changing the way we communicate, you can not make this stuff up, only special big boned boys can fetch coffee for journalists that matter.
ReplyDeleteWhat a total capitulation from the most hated unemployed journalist FUE! Ackerman is giggling that the FUE has to use a Swift communications portal. Did der wiener schnitzel will give him a life time supply of chili fried potatoes if he is never seen gobbling their products. Pallets and pallets of generically labeled velveta!
Hey. Jeff Pelline is the smartest unemployed journalist in Nevada County. You’d do well to take his advice aaaaand flush it down the toilet. 😂😂
ReplyDeleteBarry that is too funny!
DeleteSilly. Why keep bringing attention to the fact that The Union is your former employer? I still don’t get it.
ReplyDelete"Silly. Why keep bringing attention to the fact that The Union is your former employer? I still don’t get it."
DeleteProbably because he feels guilty for loosing his job through no fault of his own and is justifying that in his own mind he was not fired. Or he is proud to be an ex-employee?
Tim Gore
You and I know his ass was fired but my post " A look into his thought process and nothing to do with reality but just my evaluation of his thought process even if it is flawed.
DeleteThere is no doubt his actions and false accusations of other to pump his sub level ego. Again I am not defending him.
Does this apprise you of my feelings you misconstrued as you did understand my point. And bu the 'Dude" it's Tim Gore or Mr. Gore, Dude!
"Tim Gore,"
ReplyDeleteIf I were you, I'd be crawling under a rock — not being a blowhard.
Is this really you? https://www.theunion.com/news/crime/couple-in-animal-neglect-case-gets-30-days-community-service/
Not man enough to sign your name?
DeleteI know who you are but who do you blowhard?
OK dork, I'm sure you have a first name but born an illegitimate child the last name could be many. I'll bet your birth certificate lists your fathers name as John Does 1 through 23.
DeleteThanks Jeff Pelline for your kind words.
DeleteI know you are the vindictive person that wrote this.
As being an ex-employee of the Union you should be aware this puts you in a precarious position. To copy and paste excerpts from the union and use that to degrade a person questions your intent.
Then to broadcast it on a blog with the intent which is to cast someone in a bad light is illegal.
Tim Gore
You guys have been kicking his balls and it is wonderful to watch !
DeletePelline, afraid to post your name still? And using your cataloged link of Mr. Gore is "old lettuce" as you always say. Get something new.
DeleteThe fat fool has nothing but old lettuce. And a huge belly. And the nastiest attitude ever. And a resume that is laughable. And nothing better to do than stalk people to see what they say about him. So I was told, but I could be wrong. LOL!
ReplyDeleteSeriously. There are some great things happening around town. If the former editor of The Union was actually a journalist, he’d know that local Cody Rice is playing in the celebrity softball game in DC. Cody was wounded in service of our country and with one leg can still a ball farther than most people I know.
ReplyDeleteAll Pelline can focus on is negative. Tearing people down. He is a cancer to a loving community. Thank the heavens for jeff Ackerman. Lol.
He is a cancer on the local scene. Good call. I did remove a post that attacked him after he sent me another private email. It was not a provable slam so I felt I had to remove it. But the community has had enough of this flatlander that never wanted to fit in to our culture and seems to thrive on creating anger. And he aligns himself with the fringe loons of the local left and that alone tells us all we need to know about him and his politics.
DeleteFit into our culture? What culture would that be?
DeleteNoce people. People that care. Sweetness and light. Helpful.
DeleteTar and feathers used to be the solution for undesirables.
DeletePelline is truly a embarrassment to the local people. I hear them all the time saying he is such a bussoon and they are glad Ackerman fird him. Thanks Jeff Ackerman is a chant many speak.
DeleteHow about a GoFundMe campaign to help him move back to Berkeley?
ReplyDeleteNo he says he is rich from his sale of some company. And since he tells us all the time about his generous $100 donations to lefty causes, I think he can pay his own way. He is such a cartoon.
DeleteHe also says he is human, you can not believe anything said by Jeffie the Hut.
DeleteJust his big mouth sealed his fate here. He wore out his welcome fast. Such a buffoon he is.
DeleteRunning Right Wing echo chambers is like scrapbooking for old ladies. Check out all the opinions on the Opinion page.
You come across as a "get off my lawn" person. Why so angry?
DeleteI am so blessed to have so many friends here. Living here all my life, raising my kids here and dating most of the single women I have a cadre of support for me and my views. I hear it all the time. People on the street stop me and thank me for smacking down the liberals and people like Jeff Pelline. They sure think ha s a stinky man. They call him Jeefie the Hutt. What a hoot!
DeleteI grew up in Southern California, Newport Beach 1/2 a block from the bay and one block from the ocean at the end of the Balboa peninsula by the jetty AKA the Wedge.
DeleteThe point I am making here is my family and I moved to Grass Valley in 1997 and bought a home on three acres in Sunrise Acres 1.5 miles to town.
Since I am a General Building and General Engineering Contractor most of my projects were out of town.
That being said I have paid my dues and am highly offended by comments posted yesterday on this site by an ignorant fool that does know their ass from a hole in the ground.
If someone has an issue with me, I suggest they confront me head on and do not hide behind the "Anonymous" post, which is cowardly but we have many cowards up here, transplanted ignorant liberals from the bay area that have no social moral redeeming values.
Tim Gore
I think I deleted that as I was shocked by the vitriol. But that is what the left deos. They try and shut you down. Pellne keeps your links in the safe so he can feel better about himself when he posts it. He is a s,all man in honor but a large ass in reality.
DeleteTodd, What did you delete?
DeletePelline is a POS and I quite frankly deserve respect and he better keep his fat ass in a safe.
Too much bullshit from lame assed liberals here.
time for me to move on.
Like to meet you some time.
Tim Gore
That link says there are ballots missing from Truckee and North San Juan and there is a reward? WOW!
DeleteTypical for Nevada County employees. Chew gum and walk at the same time.
DeleteHow do you wake up a sleeping Nevada county employee? Hand them a check.
You talking shit about our first responders or just the resistance in Elections and the others in local governments?
DeleteThe commentary on the Pelline blog/rag is so infantile it is amazing the three commenters there read it. But that is their intelligence level. Third grade to match the owners there. White suits coming.
ReplyDeleteYou just insulted thousands of third graders comparing them Pelline's ship of fools.
DeleteWhich blog may that be, please forward the link.
Unlike this blog, populated with geniuses!
DeletePelline is spouting a treasonous post about the President. I think I'll pass it along to the FBI.
DeleteThe most hated unemployed journalist FUE is out there defending the luddite mayor of quainty city for ruining the chance for good internet speed. In this case mayor luddite is also known as ruinit by the masses.
Well she is apparently a cop-hater and thinks they assassinate common folks. I can see why he would like to be her pal.