More hysteria from the left about why they lose elections nationally. Rather than taking responsibility for putting lousy candidates forward for the voters these liberals have to blame others for their failures. This screed by Stormsgaard is the latest.
Gerrymandering is only a problem when supposedly done by Republicans. Yet he does not mention the Northeast of America where not one republican congressman is elected in Massachusetts and Connecticut and Rhode Island. And his flawed analysis of why Obama or Hillary won certain states while losing the majority of Congressional seats is laughable. Americans usually like a divided government. So Obama or Hillary gain the states Electoral wins while the opponents gets the House and Senate. Nothing conspiratorial about that. And of course, the loser democrats cite the popular vote totals to gain sympathy in their hate for the Electoral College. But that is the rule. California supplied all the surplus democrat votes for Hillary. If left out then Trump wins the popular vote in the rest of the country.
And of course, the old lefty whine that Republicans and the states they control electorally "suppressed" the votes of "others" to gain an advantage. Of course, no proof exists for this but it does for the democrats. They are the suppressors yet Stormsgaard fails to alert you to that fact. America has over three thousand counties and they each are in charge of their electoral systems. Many are run by democrats. So look in the mirror democrats.
Lastly, Stormsgaard whines about the Citizens United decision by the US Supreme Court. He says that gives Republicans some sort of advantage in money for elections. Fake News again. Hillary Clinton and the democrats raised three, some say four times the money Trump did. And we know the results. Money is speech and the democrats will try their best to shut the opposition up. Thanks goodness rational people on the Supreme Court agree.
This country is divided, no doubt about it. But I say not because of those on the right. The democrats are all about keeping the pot stirred about any issue they use to get their way. I think we are coming to a point in the country of exhaustion. The left is relentlessly yapping about how bad the majority of Americans are and we are not seeing it. We have tried our best to get along in my lifetime since 1950. Yet every time we think we have achieved a step forward the left is there to drag us all back two steps. I say stop the whining democrats. California is now all yours and as a “super-majority”. All state office are democrat. No Republicans in sight. And look at the nirvana they have created here. NOT!
More hysteria from the left about why they lose elections nationally. Rather than taking responsibility for putting lousy candidates forward for the voters these liberals have to blame others for their failures. This screed by
To Jeff Pelline for politicizing the church shooting while the bodies aren't even cold, I say to you the same thing as has been said to Handler for dong the same thing...
ReplyDelete“Does your career depend on you being a vile, callous person, or is that a personal choice?”
His commenters are really dirtbags too. Willer and Levy spewing their hate. It must suck to be them.
DeletePelline, Willer & Levy prove out the old adage that "You cant make Chicken Soup out of Chicken Shit". Their problem is obvious.
DeletePellinskie does not have a career or a life but is a vile, callous person and has "Wet Dreams" of being the next William Randolph Hurst". Sorry Pellinskie you blew it and couldn't keep your job at the Union.
DeleteThat is OK as you are still a legend in your little mind.
Have a nice miserable day.
I read Pellinskies and his minions comments to the church shootings.
ReplyDeleteTheir own mind set is skewed far above a moderate liberal more correctly a radical liberal. They have lost all of the mental ability to think reasonably and are as mentally deficient as the shooter. They are filled with hate for those who don't agree with their warped political mind set.
Evidenced by Pellinskies comment "Todd Juvinall needs counseling. I’m sure some of his ex-wives would agree." People in a normal mental state do not say these things.
Pellinskie obviously is a loose cannon and is the one in need of counseling or even better a frontal lobotomy to protect citizens of Nevada County.
His comments relating to Mr. Juvinall are really out of line and only serve to substantiate my evaluation that Pellinskie is a nut case.
Tim Gore
Pellines panties are wet again. Someone gets him all excited and I don't think iy is his wife. He does not like a poster here. Aww, shucks.
ReplyDeleteDo I not really care who Pellinskie likes or dislikes as he is an nonentity persona with no redeeming social values, just a 600 pound dumpling in the liberal soup bowl.
ReplyDeleteHis only contribution to the Nevada County environment are his emissions of methane gasses. A true legend in his own mind.
Democrats won in heavily democrat states yesterday and you would think it was a Republican that won in their state. Hysterical. When Republicans won four congressional seats in Republican Districts it was no big deal. The lamestream media proves their bias every time the write about these things.
DeleteThe fat fool FUE wishes he was actually part of the lamestream media.
DeleteDoesn't matter much and the only fat fool I am a ware of and that is Pellinskie. Not part of anything.
DeleteYou know you screwed up bad when you have to hire that commie Munkelt as your defense attorney like the owners of Simply Country Feed Store at 10000 Harvest lane in Rough n Ready. Animal abusers are often wife beaters and child abusers in that kind of abuser profile. Exactly the kind of people Munkelt loves.
ReplyDeleteSomeone needs to leave the animal abusers in this case in that barn for 2 weeks without heat, water or food just like they did to those poor 600 critters. Shame on them and shame on Munkelt for even taking the case. Close them down now!
What you suggest is a kangaroo court followed by a lynch mob. Is that what you are suggesting?
DeleteIf that is the jurisprudence you are comfortable with then move to North Korea as you will fit right in.
You are an idiot at best so shut up and let it go through the courts.
Actually Mr. Munkelt fills a necessary plac in the justice system. I would not be so hard on him. Someone has to defend the lowlifes.
DeleteI think Simply Country and Ridge Feed deserve their day in court.
DeleteWhat happened to being innocent until proven guilty?
The person that accused them and then accused their attorney of being a "commie" and then inferred hearsay statements relating to wife beating and abusers is absurd and need their asses sued till their noses bleed.
These people that wrote this are red neck idiot's or mindless liberals with diarrhea of the mouth. If anyone is a communist it is these fools.
Todd, I believe what you wrote is partially correct but "Someone has to defend the lowlifes." Is a statement I would expect from an uneducated person but not from you. I do not consider the owners of Simply Country or Ridge feed "Lowlifes". Does innocent till proven guilty ring a bell?
DeleteI believe what happened there is unfortunate and perhaps management took their eyes off the ball and relied to highly on employees to manage properly and apparently something slipped through the cracks.
Animal Control, Sammy's Friends and the rest of the like groups delight in these events as they are an opportunity that presents additional income to them. The dollars are their first driving force and the animals are second.
My "low lifes" was not specific to anyone. You have to admit America hires and pays lawyers to defend some pretty reprehensible people.
DeleteTodd, your 6:45 above is true, and thank God it is. Everyone gets to defend themselves against charges, even if they can't afford it. Without that, we become something we don't want to be. If you consider the current flood of "sex abuse" charges all over the country, you have to think that some of them are just made up as retribution for some real or perceived slight in the past, sometimes decades in the past. The person who wrote the 11/10, 6:13 post above should apologize. That is really unfair and inappropriate.
DeleteWe are the beast country for justice. And we pay a lot to be so. Some folks forget that "there but for the Grace of GOD go I".
DeleteTo Anonymous 8:49 AM 11/11/17 said, "The person who wrote the 11/10, 6:13 post above should apologize. That is really unfair and inappropriate."
DeleteYes it certainly is inappropriate as well and said by someone who wants a pound of flesh even before the investigation is complete and charges are filed. This person is lacking any ounce of intelligence as to how the system works. Charges have not even been filed yet.
Tim Gore
Todd, you state "We are the beast country for justice." I know you meant best but we could be a beast country also when the liberals are in power, as evidenced by the Obama reign for eight miserable years.
DeleteThank the good lord through the grace of God we have President Trump.
Tim Gore
DeleteWhoo Hooo Beast Mode!
DeleteWhile it is true that the owner of Simply Country Feed Store should get his day in court it strains credulity that they did not know since their son was there when it was raided.
DeletePlaying the victim card is a classic shark in a suit tactic as in this case wanting to deflect from the animal abuse by shouting the sheriff deputies had some procedural error.
If they had just took a plea it would all go away fast and people would soon forget. Munkelt never lets a chance to bash law enforcement go unused.
Mr. Todd is correct that Munkelt has a spot in the world just like leaches, ticks, lice and bark beetles.
DeleteGuess the victims need to purchase Hickey-Freeman $2000.00 Shark Skin Suits.
DeleteHow could the accused take a plea before even arraignment?
Seems the "Anonymous" poster 11/12/2017 @ 1:51 PM was an eyewitness at that time. Thats my guess and it is certainly not "wild assed"!
We have to defend the indefensible sometimes.
DeleteHow can one defend the indefensible?
DeleteIf it is truly indefensible there is no defense is there?
Sorry but that statement has me scratching my head as it seems to be a double negative, without a sensible solution?
Tim Gore
Meaning morally and ethically, not legally.
DeleteThe 6:13pm poster is obviously a PETA lib.
ReplyDeleteDon't know what a "PETA lib. Is but if I don't know what one is then I must not be one.
DeleteTim Gore
Used to be Armistice Day in the mid 1950's. Great military parades in ORANGE COUNTY, City of Santa Ana, Marines from El Toro and Camp Pendleton, Navy from San Diego, and Coast Guard from Long Beach and the Army. Now Veterans Day.
ReplyDelete"Liberal Hysteria on display in today's Union Column"
ReplyDeleteGuess me and others got off the track of the original post discussion?
Animal Control for the County of Nevada will spend 1000's of man hours and dollars on the investigation to determine who is at fault and what caused their death?
let's assume for a moment these birds did not die and were sold to people that would purchase them to produce eggs or at maturity slaughter them and throw them in the stew pot, on the BBQ or into the frying pan for a Sunday Chicken Dinner?
Was it the piglet with the rotten ears that infected the chickens? Sounds to me like the chickens were diseased prior to their arrival if they were not hatched there.
With 100,000's or more abortions a year or more, those are human beings killed and we now are more concerned about a bunch of frigging diseased chickens?
What the F*%K is happening to the mentality here? Priorities relating to human life?
Nope, lets just protect the chickens?
It is interesting to me as well about priorities.
DeleteIt is obvious this is just another left wing hit piece on the Sheriff by team Munkelt. Who is Munkelts choice for Sheriff? Foster. The owners son is a grower and who do the growers want for Sheriff? Foster. The veterinarian called everybody and their brother on this. The pictures by the animal rights folks are for emotional impact to get cash donations. So its a win win for the local left.
DeletePelline today calls The Union “podunk” for reporting on the possible drugging of a female at Golden Era. Really?! Obviously Pelline does not have daughters. Dollars to donuts...Pelline has a conflict as Golden Era is probably one of his advertisers in his “podunk” magazine that he started after he got fired from The Union. What an asshole.
ReplyDeleteHe is truly podunk himself. O have a male acquaintance that was RUPEED in SOCal at a bar last month. Thanks goodness he had friends with him. You have to make sure you do not leave a drink unattended.
DeleteYes. I used the article as a reminder to my daughters of the dangers of being a female and being in a bar. Kudos to The Union for reminding us of the concerns that we all should have...even in quaint, little Nevada City.
DeleteIn my travels thru the dating world I have met women who have been roofied and attacked. One was married years ago in Cabo and she and her husband were victims. Another gal and her friend on vacation in Aruba had it happen to them. All are glad they are alive. You cannot leave a drink unattended these days. Sad that Pelline is unconcerned about this. What a dick.
Delete31 years ago my wife and I would camp with our 78 Westphalia VW camper van at La Boufadora south of Enesada, BC and went to Hussong's one afternoon for Margaritas and 2 or 3 and before I had not finished the last one I was on my ass, the room was spinning and I knew damned well I had been slipped a "Mickey" by the bartender. That was the last time we ever went to Enesada.
DeleteI never leave a drink unattended in a bar so it was the bartender that slipped it to me in the 3rd Margarita.
I was VP at a large developer in Newport Beach at the time and the President had a time share in Puerto Vallarta at the Costa Veda south of town he did not use so he would book us a flight out of Tijuana on Aero de Mexico for the last two weeks of November, first class with expenses as a bonus and that was five years running.
Pelline is simply yet another example of some men not taking sexual assault seriously. It is sad.
ReplyDeleteHe lives in a cloister.
DeleteI find his defense of drugging women way too crazy. To diss a article that alerts people to the problem is indefensible.
DeleteFirst Pelline is defending his advertiser for no reason. While it may or may not have happened at Golden Era the article states that they have been awesome and we would expect nothing other from a great business in town. Nobody in their right mind could blame them; it could happen anywhere. Second Pelline's criticism of The Union has grown long in the tooth. Clearly he is still stinging from being canned six years ago. Third criticism of the messenger reporting on an instance of assault on a woman is just plain stupid.
ReplyDeleteFunny how a person outs themselves when the chips are down. He seems to be unhinged and still PO'd he was fired. Oh well, that is his problem.
DeleteNo doubt it's his problem and his attitude is his downfall. When I read his dreck it's crystal clear he is his worst enemy.
DeletePelline attacked the Union for doing an editorial about the proposed Dollar General stores claiming they had a conflict of interest because they might advertise in the Union. Pelline now attacks the Union for covering the possible drugging of a female at Golden Era that was reported to law enforcement and failed to disclose Golden Era is a paid advertiser in his food magazine. Double standard.
ReplyDeleteWe all know he is a dyed in the wool hypocrite.
DeleteTo call him a hypocrite is a real insult to hypocrites. He is much worse than that, evidenced by his standing in the community which is non-existent. Even his "friends" don't want to be around him. Total podunk loser.
DeleteHe can't even acknowledge that a police report of possible drugging in a local bar is news! Amazing!
DeleteAnd he let's that left wing commie Joe Coyote to spew as well. That guy thinks Kim Jong Un is a hero. Amazing.
DeleteNot a hypocrite he's a hipo-crite
DeletePelline is not on the "watch" list in the real estate pamphlets. Why is that?
DeletePelline says I have a housing project. Where the heck is it? I can't seem to find it. And that is what a "journalist" like Pelline does. What a hoot!
DeleteWonderful, whats the performa Pelinskie? Do you know what performa is?
DeleteAny developer building a project in Nevada County or the cities is nuts.
Land cost on a single lot basis is out of sight,fees of $35,000 to $50,000 per lot and construction costs of $125 per sf and higher.
Makes more sense to buy existing stuff and remodel it.
Pelinskie, go talk to the owners of Winchester they have l ots for sale.
I would suggest you not involve yourself in the development industry.
Go for it, as you are a legend in your mind.
The FUE cant find his family jewels either, hasn't seen them for a long time either. ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteHe can't reach them either. LOL!
DeletePelinskie is a failed dork and needs to remove himself from our environment.
DeleteRoy Moore - Thoughts?
ReplyDeleteBill Clinton and Al Franken - thoughts?
DeleteYou tell us your ideas on this and then the Al Franken picture.
DeleteAll sexual assaults are bad. Can't you guys just say Roy Moore is a disgrace to the GOP. Instead of how about Clinton & Frankin
DeleteOf course all sexual assaults are bad. My position is totally American. Innocent until proven guilty. Yours seems to be something else.
DeleteThat's not true Todd! Only if they are Republicans do you say innocent until proven guilty. You've called Weinstein, cosby and others rapist before proven guilty. Don't say I'm protecting Weinstein & Cosby either. They belong in hell with Roy Moore, President Trump, Fox News(Roger Ailes & Bill O'Reilly) and ALL sexual predators.
ReplyDeleteProve that I said what you said. No, I am consistent. But you are not. I wuld call you a tyrant.
DeleteI would call him a wild assed liberal.
DeleteI will donate $100 if I can't prove it to your favorite charity. but if I do give you proof, will you not comment on theunion.com for 6 months???
ReplyDeleteNo I don't bet. And I have a VOO coming soon.
DeleteOh and why would I bet a anonymous person anyway. NArd up and post your real name.
DeleteI can't. I'm in your inner circle!!
DeleteI have no "inner circle". What are you talking about?
DeleteHe or it must have you confused with Robert De Nero in the Folkers movie.
DeleteGreat post I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this interesting and knowledgeable article. https://view.ly/v/dvYJjqOLDWrA