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Voters or Electeds? Both! |
SB 54 that makes it illegal to report illegals except those"criminals" in jail or convicted of a crime. So ICE and the Feds would be forbidden to pick up illegals for any other reason. And so the people, mostly local law enforcement, will be committing a crime for telling ICE or the Feds to come get these illegals. Does that make sense? Of course not. A whole segment of law enforcement officials will become criminals on January first.
And landlords will now become criminals if they decide to report illegals trying to rent from them. Brown signed that too. So another major sector of our population will become criminals and in jeopardy of they cross an illegal in the rental industry. Does anyone in Sacramento have any common sense or even the small modicum of gray cells in their noggins? The taxpayers, homeowners, business owners and now police are becoming the criminals. All want the country to enforce the laws on immigration yet Califonia does not.
And there are many more laws passed and signed besides these. So how can this be? Payback I guess. Now illegals in America have more rights than citizens and taxpayers. Move to California illegally and bring everyone related and you have more rights than the dumbass citizens here. When one party has the power, especially the left, this is what happens. A thumb in the eye of rational common sense. Oh my though. If you speak out for your fellow citizens you will be tagged as a bigot! Or a racist or both. But no, we are not those things. We are a supporter of the law. But that is the rub. Since these kids under the dome and our Governor made these laws and passed them, they are in fact supporting the law. Isn't that special? Most of us that have common sense see the abuse of their power. And there will be more, a lot more.
There seems to be no patriotism in our Capitol. Even the AG of California is on board for lawbreaking. And he is suing the Feds and costing millions to do so. And for what? To keep the Feds from removing illegal aliens as well as felons. We are becoming a third world state. Anarchy will soon arrive and no one will be safe. Now that illegal people have more rights than citizens it is only a short time until chaos. My guess is the Feds will force lawsuits to negate the laws and perhaps even to arrest the legislators for treason. Isn't that special? And if these things start, how safe will we be? Not very.
If the people of California keep letting these kinds of loons to be in charge we deserve what we get. We have to try and educate the people about what is right and wrong I guess. The laws themselves are under attack by people who do not have your best interest at heart. Think about that when you cast a vote. Are they for America or some other country?
The most hated unemployed journalist FUe will be calling you a racist very soon, as soon as he stops talking to himself. ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteSince I am white, and in Cali-fornicate and upper middle class, a conservative I am a minority it seems I am a minority so Pellinskie can't call me a bigot or a racist because I can now as January 1st call him a fat liberal communist pig.
DeleteA conservative in California has a snowball chances in hell of seeing this state even close to what it was when President Reagan was Governor.
ReplyDeletePerhaps in 5 to 10 years but thats a long time to wait.
Fish supplied a fact that showed there are as many murders as there have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. A idiot named Ken Jones, (who follows me around on the Union site) said it was not true. Thanks fish for smacking him again! Oh and Jones lives in SoCal. LOL!
DeleteKilled in war time (or police action) is a nebulous number comprised of allied forces, enemy, those killed by collateral damage and citizens killed by enemy forces. I'm not disputing the fact only clarifying cause of death.
DeleteObviously the total number should include MIA's as well.
Does this really belong on this site dealing with "Sanctuary for Illegals trumps legal citizens rights in California"
I think the jist is "Sanctuary for Illegals trumps legal citizens rights in California".
DeleteHas nothing to do with murders here vs. military deaths deaths in foreign police actions.
It rather should address as the article does and the posts for the most part the crux of it that quite simply and very well implies the law makers in Sacramento and the voters are a bunch of liberal fools that have turned this state into a mess not repairable in 5 to 10 years and perhaps not even that. California opened the floodgates to illegals in the late eighties and it has gone from bad to worse. Federal immigration laws were not enforced and the State at that time condoned illegal immigrants to enter by the thousands.
How now do you fix forty-one years of complacency?
You tell me? A good start is start deportation.
How about Moonbeams 20 cents or whatever a gallon tax hike as of 1/1/2018?
DeletePGE rates through the roof?
County property tax evaluations up around 10 %. Where in the hell is the Quid Pro Que here?
I'd have thought the real people who benefit from illegals would be wealthy employers who can maximise profit by utilising cheap labour. That is the whole point of free markets. The wages paid to lower and middle class workers must be too high if you are attracting illegals. Are you against capitalism. Sounds like you are all for government control of labor markets and other communist ideas here Todd. Free market says the availability of labor dictates wage levels!
ReplyDeleteYour reading comprehension is very suspect. I am all about capitalism and borders. The influx of illegals has allowed you liberals cheap help in the home while citizens are unable to find work. It is all about the law. If the people were citizens then your theory is fine. You must be the communist.
DeleteNeobiognosis Is is a typical child reared by Saul Alinsky under a liberal
Deleterock, and must be from Canada as he spells labor (labour).
NeoDick head you are a liberal fool.
Other issues:
DeleteGot a call early this morning, evacuation Old Auburn Road automation not necessary but possibly evacuation on cell phone.
Nevada alerts that send these out top notch.
The emergency respondenders the best of the best.
Thanks Nevada County:
Fire departments
All police county and cites you guys have are backs and put your lives on the line every day and my thanks you.
These fires are so scary. All your things could be carbon! Thank you first responders!
DeleteWe certainly dont want our home and personal property wiped out but that is insured.
DeleteHuman life and our pets can't be replaced.I spent $5,000 last month making my property as fire safe as possible. 10 KVA propane generator and well pump, and most needed emergency lighting and circuits are switched off PGE by a transfer switch and the biggie is the well for water for irrigation sprinklers and fire suppression and risers with hose bibs spread through out the three acres.
It's called pre planning as that makes the difference when the shit hits the fan.
Addenda to above all my emergency systems have been in place since 1997 and replaced old generator with a new generator 12/31/2016.
DeleteSpend about $5,000 every three years bringing in a processional crew to weed eat, trim trees up 8 feet and chip all the limbs and spread as mulch.
I mow with my tractor every year starting in March through the early summer months.
The fires this week were no surprise as all the rain we had.
The bottom line is having your shit together.
I am sure the insurance companies offering or insuring homes up here will be conducting audits and inspections of their insureds properties and will cancel policies on properties that they feel a risk.
I try and keep my property as fire safe as well. But the foilks that don't are still out there. The fire department did a walk around and told me the thinh=gs i should do and I did it. I have piped water, natural gas and paved road.
DeletePelline is talking food porn again.
ReplyDeleteThat's just his mid morning post snack, snack. ROFLOL
DeleteCan he get to the big 5-0-0? We're rootin' fir ya!
ReplyDeleteVienna Beef is good, but Best's Kosher was the best hot dog for Chicago-style. My man also forgot the sport peppers. Can't have a Chicago-style without sport peppers brother...
ReplyDeleteNot to disagree or agree would be to simply introduce you to my favorite Caspers's but there are so many sausages other than hot dog style offered at Costco. Is a hot dog not a sausage? Others can be grilled and mixed with peppers also. You cant do that with a hot dog. They are not sport peppers as I have never heard them called that. Yellow peppers perhaps? Is additional research is needed perhaps?
DeleteJoe Jost's in Long Beach, California has been there forever, 10' snooker tables, pickled eggs, Polish Sausage, cheese, pickle sandwiches and as many of those yellow peppers for free. It's on Anaheim Street.
It's pitiful that you folks that were born and breed here dont accept people from Newport Beach, California that are 10 x's more conservative than you and were supporters of Barry Goldwater in 1964.
Grass Valley is a nice town to live in but my family and I moved here in 1916 and quite frankly you good old boys are exactly that.
I think most of you are nice fellows but on your site here Todd and Barry you all could forget Pelline and move on to more interesting Jerk offs to whip as I agree Pelline is beyond hope but will you be able to run him out of town?
If you could then who would be your next whipping boy?
DeleteThat's a lot of yapping about hotdogs so maybe you could be our whipping boy? Not too interesting an kinda boring. Pelline is simply getting back what he dishes out. You are a "good ol' boy" in his opinion so you are his target fr demeanment.
DeleteTodd, are you insulting me? Forget the frigging hot dogs, so lets move on to your inappropriate statement I should be your whipping boy? Who's ass are you going to kick Todd, most assuredly not my ass and stop those statements before you get your ass in a jam.
DeleteI don't give a rats ass about Pellinski as he is 20 thousand leagues below whale shit and my take on your comments, you are in his class of sub-human derelicts.
Typical old Union Newspaper employees and Nevada board of supervisors who live in the past when in the past held those positions could not cut the mustard.
Neither one of you were able to bullshit the spectators or impress the players.
Sounds like you have some ssues. Tourettes? And as a person that posts anonymously it shows you are lacking the personal courage to allow me or others to see who your really are. As far as Pelline, I would suggest you are his blood brother and I am no where near any of that. So if you want to insult the blogmeister go elsewhere.
DeleteTodd: Your suggestion to go elsewhere is taken.
Delete"Sounds like you have some ssues." Nope but as a product of local schools your spelling sums up your lack of education.
"So if you want to insult the blogmeister go elsewhere." Thanks I will do that.
Good, you seem like a person on the edge anyway.
DeleteNo I am not a person on the edge and your main problem is you have diarrhea of the mouth and a typical "I am the great one" Attitude when in fact you are not and I am sure your still believable yourself the great bureaucrat you will never be and never were.
DeleteSeems like you are on the edge to me. Just look at what you write. Not a nice person and really nasty. Go away. I have much more on my resume' than a anonymous troll like you.
Delete“Was”...learn English. Pelline is an embarrassment to Northwestern and Chicago. 😂
ReplyDeletePelline is an embarrassment to all states within in the United States.