It looks to me these thugs are leftwing anarchists and communists. Socialists and malcontents. Many have just emerged from their momma's basements to become "somebody". Like Marlon Brando in "On the Waterfront" they could have been a contender. Well maybe in diaper repairs. But as far as having anything of value to say, they don't. I watched them attack people in Berkeley who were simply speaking the words of the Constitution. And those speakers were black, white, brown and more. Antifa just wants chaos and they get it.
They have spread out across America and show up at most Free Speech rallies. They find out where conservatives are going to gather and make their way there to attack. Last weekend they attacked peaceful men and women in Berkeley again. A lot of that was videoed. I watched some and others were telecast on major news programs. I said FINALLY! The major news was disregarding these anarchists and were doing so in my view as they are simpatico with them. Only FOX spent some quality time assessing the antifa rioters. And today I watched an INFOWARS video taken this week in Austin Texas as Trump was landing to help. The host asked every single "protester" why they were carrying signs pushing for Trump's impeachment what he did to get impeached. Not one had an answer.
Ironically the only person not yelling obsenities at the host was a lone antifa white kid. No mask on so maybe that is why he had tempered answers. But his information was incorrect and I could see why, believeing the lies, he would wanyt to impeach. Maybe if he heard the truth he might change his mind? Probably not. But the Infowars guy and his cameraman were under verbal assault by these leftwingnuts. Even a couple of older women attacked them with the finger and vile profanity. And all for asking a question. That seems to be the extent of the intelligence of these people. Low at best. And their language! WOW!
![]() |
Mayor Jesse Arreguin and Friends |
But he wants to simply call them a "gang" Sure. The man is a part of another thuggish group called "By Any Means Necessary". Known for their own thuggery. It looked to me the police were told to stand down so their usefulness for protecting the peaceful people was non-existent. Of course Congresswoman Barbara Lee who represents this area is the only avowed communist in the House of Representatives. So it is of no surprise all these folks would be anti-American, pro-communists.
But now the thuggery of these groups from the left is too much to overlook by their pals in the lamestream media. We are starting to see them begrudgingly allow video and stories to be be shown. And as they do the outrage of the America peoiple is increasing against these thugs. We cherish our "rights" and love freedom of speech and expression. Though the leftwing placed a Jesus Christ cross in urine and calls it art, we did not come rip it down and beat them up. But try to read the First Amendment in a park in most any American college campus or park and these thugs from the left show up to cause havoc and violence.
Americans don't really care for these left-wing extremists. They create disorder and we like our country's predictability. We like law and order and fairness. We seem to have little patience for these lawless types. And now I sense there is a change coming. Maybe we can go to Berkeley and see Milo and Coulter without these creeps pepper spraying us. Or starting riots and trying to burn down the venue. Just maybe all this exposure we have brought forth along with FOX and others on the radio are making Americans see the folly of these thugs. Just maybe!
Fortunately, we have Todd's "mullisha" (pronounced as a drunk would pronounce Mellisa) to protect us along with the MAGAmen mullisha. You can't make this stuff up; if you do a Google search for the Mullisha image it links to Betsy DeVoss! ROTFLOL! Yes, Betsy the white trash contingent needs some edjucatin'.
ReplyDeleteHey I think it is funny. Mullisha. What a hoot!
DeleteJaye or Jacquieoff you are really a piece of work. "edjucatin'. What are you trying to say? You are obviously a liberal as all with no class.
DeleteWhy pick Ms. DeVoss? It makes no sense and not even germane and an off the wall stupid statement, but from you anything you write makes no sense.
I still think "Jaye Smith" is fat boys alter ego derived from the fat boys sick mind. Jeff Pellinskey you really should seek professional help.
Would that be Mullisha from Mogadishu?
DeleteHere is a copy paste from some broad commenting on my article about Trump. Now this woman is a good case study in how a moron thinks. Simply trying to debate the issue this moronic woman came up with the following, which I responded to. Cracks me up. But this is what the left does to try and shut down debate. I would classify her as a antifa adherent.
ReplyDelete"Claudette Paige
Hey Todd, can I assume you are a David Duke fan? That you subscribe to the "14 words" and "88" dog-whistle code words? Can I assume that you were cheering when the domestic terrorists in Charlottsville were marching with their torches, Nazi flags, Confederate battle flags, their anit-Jew rhetoric, their well-armed (but unregulated) militia to protect them? Have you put up a picture of James Fields, the murderer of Heather Heyer, in your man cave?
The Republican party does not need your endorsement or support. The party has many good people in it, and you are not one of them.
Wow, is this broad a loony tunes or what? Nut case refers to the Republican Party?
Delete"Claudette Paige" you certainly do a lot of assuming and in reference you infer you are a good republican? I doubt that and consider you off the wall and a confused liberal evidenced by your statements.
You are just a nut job looking tor a place to land.
Pelline is now claiming he has housed evacuees in his house. Really? Where is the proof?
ReplyDeleteOf course he did Todd, how did he get them here so quickly?
DeleteHow many can he house in his home? OK I know how he did it, he called Scott on the Enterprise and they were beamed up and down on his front porch.
Wow only a feat the magnificent FUE could pull off.
Leave it to the most hated narcissist FUE to manage to wedge a ME ME ME into a disaster. For a blob he can sure kiss his own ass like no one. The porcine one did not really help anyone he just reposted real offers of help and signed it with his family. You have to feel sorry for his kid, could you imagine? Ruinit is wondering how she can scoop up OPM off the deal, she had to have lost money on the whole Dakota Access disaster. LOL
ReplyDeleteOf course Ruinit perhaps lost money on the Dakota Access sortie but her taco stand was not a winner, but perhaps her more successful ventures brought in millions of dollars so it's simply a tax write off.
DeleteDid she make thousands from the sale of the "Pink Pussey Hats"?
Who knows, and perhaps she will next initiate a defense fund for Heidi Hall defense fund to get her .22 blow thrown out of court based on executive privilege?
Small town crooked BOS folks breaking the law.
Didn't she have worm farm that failed? And a large grant of money went poof?
DeletePelline sent me a private email that said his son is doing great. That was in response to someone here who felt sorry for his kid. I think the comment was not about the kid's intelligence but perhaps having him as a father. LOL!
DeleteI didn't realize the extent of the animosity towards Pelline in the community. Crabb's post in Facebook went damn near viral. Apparently we aren't the only ones who have been "touched" by Pelline's anger and pettiness. In any event have a great Labor Day weekend Todd. Go Bucks.
DeleteYou should consider yourself fortunate Barry. It appears the only thing that "The House that Donuts Built" has to fling at you is your election loss. Seems to me to be an acknowledgement of an exemplary life!
DeleteRemember......he is so petty because the stakes are so small!
Life is good David...better than ever actually...and winning.
Though I feel like and old man and am two steps slower than 10 years ago! 😂
Though I feel like and old man and am two steps slower than 10 years ago! ��
DeleteCongrats on the victory......and ugh....thanks for reminding me! Everytime I rise from a seated position it sounds like somebody is breaking a bundle of sticks!
Pelline is truly disliked in this cracker community he chose to come to. Maybe if he had a different view of the residents they might give him a chanve? Naw, he is a Marin County boy and we all know about that species. Have a great Labor Day Weekend both of you and if you have to get bail, call Heidi.
DeleteI just can't get what he was thinking.....he moves to a town for the quaint and quiet (translation - retired, older and usually more conservative) and then can't stop complaining about it!
DeleteGo back to Sausalito jeffy and be amongst your own kind!
He has the personality that likes this attention. Even negative. In Marin he would not stand out from the crowd as they are all assh**** so here he can. But in his hart he truly is podunk, and there would be worse.
DeleteYou are absolutely right David! My knee pops so loudly when I stand up that I am surprised it doesn't hurt! Since I got knocked out last summer, I decided to play ball like I am 47 instead of 27...have a great weekend!
DeleteWe all get creeky as we age. But really fat people have the problem at even young ages. Dp we know any really obese people that fits that?
DeletePelline and his three posters are dissing the cops again. Some joker said something stupid in LA and now they tarnish all cops with that. I say perhaps they need to attend the funeral of Officer French, murdered by a thug two days ago. Ge some perspective on the dangers their pals create for honest people and police.
DeleteThe Nevada city way, can ruinit be far behind? That fat fool fue has a new post that can best be summed up as; mememememememe. What an insufferable self centered pig masquerading as a journalist who primarily blows smoke up his own rear.
DeleteMaybe this is the FUE;s way to feel better about supporting the cop hater?
DeleteHe sooths his vapors, self hate and support for psychotic cop killers with pallets of liquid cheese, econo French frys and a bottomless glass of generic chardonnay.
DeleteAnd boring as hell!
DeleteVery familiar the old joints and stiffness, every thing that was stiff 10-20 years ago is not stiff now. When I was playing football in college 52 years ago I was 6'3" and 205 to 210 pounds, now 165 to 175 depending on the time of year. I contribute muscle loss to as I take Liptor and it does that and other things which I
Deletewill discuss with my doctor next week.
Yes we are always interested in a anonymous person health here.
DeleteTrump and Pelline are the same in many ways. Both are very egotistical, think they know it all, always concerned with themselves, like to snark at others online, and carry a lot of junk in the trunk.
ReplyDeleteOh I think they are very different. Trump is famous and Pelline is not known by many even here. Read Crabb'sFB on this. What a hoot!
DeletePelline is pooping his pants again. I deleted a comment even I though was over the top about him and he copy/pasted t to his blog to make a criticism about it. Then he sent me a threat and I sais I already deleted it. Now he says "you published it". I responded that the only copy is on your blog and you should delete it there id you don't like it. The man s a loon!
DeleteIn your own way you've helped jeffy today. He might waddle down to his attorney or the sheriff and get a little exercise.
Post his threat….those are always entertaining.
He keeps emailing me and asking "where is it"? I have no idea what he is talking about. I think he may be imbibing. LOL!
DeleteAnnie the Fannie has reared her head on Pelline's blog. She is saying "white nationalists" are nazis! Of course "white supremacists" would be accurate. People sure are dumb.
Deleteummm, Nazis are a pretty white nationalist bunch too. Ya know the whole kill the Jews and the master race and all that. Nationalists want their nation to be supreme and pure.
DeleteNot at all. Nationalism is something all people of a country desire. No matter their race. You have it confused.
Deletecouple of views, Fake?
My reading of the definitions is this. A white nationalist is a white person that likes his country and happens to be white. That is also true for African nations were the people are black nationalists.
DeleteA white supremacist is someone that thinks they are better than others because they are white. Obviously racist. Same for other races as well.
What if I am a white conservative and I dispute the political view of a liberal, whether they are black, yellow, light brown or a martian with three heads and polka dots, does that make me a racist?
DeleteYes according to a liberal.
DeleteFor decades Trump has been a joKe, so the party of the elephant elected a jackass! MAGA MAGA MAGA
No that would be Hillary. Are you daft?
DeleteAnd the party of the Jackass's lost and the Queen Jenny lost. A Jenny by the way is a female Donkey and Bill Clinton would be a Jack. Don't confuse a mule with a donkey.
DeleteFor decades Trump has been a joKe? Really as Bill Clinton said, "I did not have sex with that Woman" but he was referring to Hillary. Back to Trump for a moment, he is not a McCain, Romney, or a politician but a very successful business man that is pledging one million dollars to the Texas Harvey cleanup.
DeleteCan you find fault with that?
The left will say he wore sneakers when he did that. A no no among the elites.
DeleteGee Whiz, The Donald donated some money as a publicity stunt. Is hat is the first time he has ever donated money to anything?
DeleteThat is why he won't release his tax records.
Yeah his million dollar donation is a scam. You really are touched in the head.
DeleteGee Whiz, you are a dork and a stupid dork to boot.
Delete"Gee Whiz, The Donald donated some money as a publicity stunt. Is hat is the first time he has ever donated money to anything?"
You can't even compose a sentence that makes sense.
You poor mindless fool, you dont even know what a 1040 is other than its 10:40 AM or PM
"That is why he won't release his tax records."
How about your tax records? Does welfare give you a W2 or a 1099?
Did you claim your free Obama cell phone on your taxes?
Gee Whiz! The Donald actually donated some money. He doesn't want us to see his taxes because he is a selfish person.
ReplyDeleteOh perhaps he actually cares? List your taxes here and your giving so I can compare.
DeleteHe doesn't want us to see his taxes because he is a selfish person.
DeleteHe doesn't want you to see his taxes because they're none of your business. Why don't you scan copies of your returns and post them here?
Of course that whiner pays none. LOL!
DeleteIs every whiny ahole that posts here the fue, or do they just all sound like "him'?
DeleteLibs are pretty much all the same. LOL!
DeleteThe most hated unemployed journalist FUE does not actually write anything on his stinking swamp of a blog unless its a Boardman rant. Its all reposts of others words and he still tries to call himself a journalist.
ReplyDeleteHe sure doesn't like Boardman. Maybe he hit on his wife? LOL! Anyway, no one likes the FUE anyway and I still can't believe he was the Union Editor! Thanks to Jeff Ackerman for booting his sorry butt.
DeleteMr. Boardman seems to be an OK guy a bit of a "stuffed shirt" as he lives in the Lake of the Pines, a haven for snotty bay area transplants. What? Boardman hit on FUEs wife? Or verse visa?
DeleteAre they still looking for a copy editor at The Union because I know a guy...😂
ReplyDeleteMaybe. LOL!
DeleteSpeaking of copy editors it looks like the most hated unemployed journalist FUE needs one. In his jihad against the satire of the scooper chili breath posted that "Senum apologized for her unfortunate remark about then Dallas police,". Shouldn't that be THE Dallas police fatso?
ReplyDeleteIt is fascinating the FUE aligns with Senum and defends her incessantly. They must be birds of a feather? Is he a cop hater too?
DeleteThen there is that dregs of the local citizenry, Jeff Pelline. I have heard from his tenants.
DeleteRuinit is the only woman who will talk to the grossly repugnant one. He is enamored with her tin foil hats and accessories. At least we know the FUE was not scared by a horse when he was a grubby fat kid.
DeleteWhat have you heard from his tenants Todd? Inquiring minds want to know. Is he as bad a landlord as he was an editor?
DeleteThe fat fool now says he does not have tenants but he forgot he has bragged about his airbnb ratings! You cant make this stuff up! F'n mornon.
DeleteI heard that too. So he does have tenants. And I bet he paid his occupancy taxes, right?
DeleteThey are all probably dopers who like the smell of stale chili chez whiz French fries. ROFLOL
DeleteOver on the porcine ones personal FB page he is going full minister of propaganda for ruinit. Claiming it was the scoopers fault that ruinit opened her maw and whinnied about her national cop conspiracy to kill blacks. She sealed the deal with Dallas got what they deserved and did it on TV before she realized the depth of the trouble she created for herself. That post is in lots of peoples hands if she wants to try putting the egg back in its shell. Give it up FUE, no one is as stupid as you think they are. Go get a job serving coffee that's your only real experience. Ruinit has a restaurant, oh wait, the LE boycott shut that shit down!
DeleteWhy don't you sign your name. What are you afraid of? POS.
Jeff who?
DeleteJeff Session is posting on your blog Todd! lol
DeleteJeff who?
DeleteIt's Porkline!
Who is this jeff person that calls a complete stranger POS? Could it be the former failed coffee fetcher? I thought he was moving back to Berkeley? POS? Have you looked in a mirror lately dude?
DeletePretty sure that nobody is going to agree, but Reinette is a nice person. I've had many interactions with her in different contexts and each time I was happy talking to her. She is very sweet and kind. You may disagree with her, but there really is no reason to demonize because of differing viewpoints. Alright. Off my soapbox.
DeleteNever met her. But she writes and makes statements that make me concerned for her mental health.
DeleteReally. She is very nice. The thing that concerns me most about our country is the tone of the debate. It simply is not okay to demonize those with whom we disagree (except for he is simply an asshole who demonizes everyone with whom he disagrees and deserves to be called out as such). Once someone is demonized as evil, the next logical step is that it is ok to eradicate evil.
DeleteIf one believes that Republicans or Democrats are "evil," by extension it is okay to violently oppose evil by death if necessary. I am quite sure that this is not the path down which we should be walking as a citizenry.
It is important to remember that the folks about whom are discussed here have children, families, and loved ones who cherish them. There is a real person (most of the time) on the other side of the computer monitor.
It has been my practice to only return fire and not start it in these "blog wars". Having been (and still am) the recipient over many years of liberal lies and attacks I have little use for them. To this day they come here and say the vilest things about me and my family. I delete them before you can see them. And now these same lovelies like Senum call anyone who even simply wants to ask questions about some topic as a nazi or worse. So I am glad you have a much happier attitude towards these people but I don't.
DeleteWhat a hypocrite you are FUe, you regularly slam Rebane and his blog yet see no problem using his words to support ruinit. LOL
ReplyDeleteOr pay his TOT! LOL!
DeleteMaybe Laurie O should check out his zoning? LOL!
DeleteTrump's fancy beach house blown away, SAD! Mar-A-Lago next, SADDER!
Jeff Pelline is still angry about the copy editor satire. Hates the scooter. He also won't allow positive comments about me in his blog. Lot so of folks try to stand up for me by commenting on his blog but he won't publish them. Fake news? Defamatory actions? Par for the course for the former editor of The Union.
ReplyDeleteWe all know the sme thing. He is quite a transparent ogre.
DeleteLot so of folks try to stand up for me by commenting on his blog but he won't publish them.
DeleteIn the newspaper business that's referred to as "moderation".
And as along as Barry says this Pelline will continue.
DeleteI wonder why this hard hitting blog comment was approved by "The Nations Editor"?
Deletecurtiswalker says:
September 7, 2017 at 9:20 am
You are a good man, Jeff. I Remember it all too well. Your BLOG is still dear to me. Not sure what Nevada Country would become without your fine and frankly…FAIR blog. All the best. Local Pulitzer type even (need new category) with lower nomination fee.
Curtis Interrupts brings the love!
He is not himself. LOL!
DeleteI've passed this thread on to Dr. Phil for review. I'll let you know what he says.
Jeff who? And please do.
DeleteGee jeffy….same old lame snark…..and way way too much daytime TV.
DeleteFor Jeff, if Dr. Phil won't touch it,
…..pssssst…… Jaye…..jeffy doesn't really want a psychologist to examine the witty repartee found in these threads….he really just has a Dr. Phil Phetish!
DeleteI think you are correct!
ReplyDeleteLove this one...
Still true today!
ReplyDeleteOver at El Jeffe's safe space for Ruinit and the tinfoil antifa he is going on and on about the Finkelstein Fish. Is the fish that posts here actually Finkelstein?
El Jeffe rants that people are taking the Scooper headlines as truth. I wonder if these same Scooper believers also think the headlines on the tabloids at the supermarket checkouts are also real?
Is the fish that posts here actually Finkelstein?
DeleteA mere coincidence I assure you Todd! I am not Finklestein….. Finklestein is not fish!
The Scooper article did sound like real news given the environment at the time but I immediately discounted it. It was the Scooper. I can definitely see why Reinette is upset. I would be too. Pelline on the other hand creates fake news daily so he has no right to demand the indentities of the Scoopers. As soon as Pelline finds out who the Scoopers are he will simply do what he does to George Boardman, Todd, or anyone who disagrees with him. He will seek to intimidate, to belittle, to scorn, to create a false narrative in an attempt to ruin one’s reputation, and if he could ruin someone’s life. Thank God Ackerman took the ink out of his hands and got rid of him. The man has not enough character to work for our community paper. And to you folks at The Union who read his blog….don’t be intimated…don’t listen to his drivel. Our community loves The Union. The whole Podunk narrative is created by Pelline and nobody is listening because we know the source of the narrative is not The Union, but a man who couldn’t keep his job there and who is bitter. Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteOh oh…..sounds like somebody is going be reminded of election results again!
Delete(Seriously though Barry……if this is all that Kim Jeffy has than you're golden!)
DeleteWinning….you yes. Me not so much…..I used "than" instead of "then"…….slaps forehead…..idiot!
DeleteI meant you winning. As soon as you posted "election results" then -BING. Pelline brings it up. 😂
DeleteGood call.
...and then fish said.....and then Barry said...and then Todd said....and then fish said.....and then Barry said...and then Todd said...and then fish said.....and then Barry said...and then Todd said...and then fish said.....and then Barry said...and then Todd said.........
Note also David that Pelline wholly fails to refute the following: "He [Pelline] will seek to intimidate, to belittle, to scorn, to create a false narrative in an attempt to ruin one’s reputation, and if he could ruin someone’s life." Kim Jeffy Un at his finest. ;)
ReplyDeleteSteve Frisch sure gave the FUE a massive public spanking over the League of Woman Voters event about fake news and the NC Scooper. Steve Frisch also called out Ruinit's false attack on police officers and her so called apology. Steve Frisch took the FUE apart. It was a complete and total public humiliation of the FUE on his own blog.