Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Orwell called out the current left even though he has been dead a long time

One thing about mass media on planet earth these days, they sure spout a lot of Orwellian mumbo-jumbo.  I have been saying this for many years.  I saw it in government locally thirty years ago and I have seen it every day since, all over the news and mass media of entertainment.  I think to myself, "how can they actually think that way"?  Meaning the left and in many cases feminists.  Back when feminists were starting out I saw their proponents reacting to historically accepted interactions between men and women.  Don't open the car door or the door to the house, "I can do that">  "Don't tell me I am beautiful".  I was taken aback that even small compliments were rejected as attacks on feminist beliefs.  A couple of days ago we saw this attitude by the left in the observation of President Trump and France's First Lady.  He is reported to have said,

" You're in such good shape," Trump told the French First Lady. Then, appearing to turn to Macron, he remarks, "she's in such good physical shape. Beautiful isn't she beautiful"

The full link.

Well the fire works were off.  My goodness, you would have thought he said she was a pig?  They complained about this set of compliments.  So what do the feminists say should be said?  And crickets prevail.  My goodness, the people that were critical of his statement must be mutts and never had a date or a compliment.  Basic human interactions are verboten to those Orwellian feminists apparently.

It seems to me the left is really trying to change the human meanings of words and phrases and the news media is their "strike team".  Batter someone constantly and try to embarrass them into silence.  If violence in Berkeley by the "Antifa" thought police is any indicator of where the left's actions are headed, America and the free world are in trouble.  We cannot let them gain a foothold past what they have now.  Trying to silence someone who simply tells an obvious truth or fact is not American in the least.  Trump likes to compliment women.  He was the owner of the Miss America and Universe companies.  All for the benefit of helping women achieve greater things.

So he compliments a woman for being in great shape for a sixty something gal.  I thought it was great that he pointed that out.  In America, we are supposed to not pay attention to a fat person's weight anymore.  Even though they and the rest of us know it is bad for the health, and good for "junk food" purveyors, we must not mention the obvious in conversation.  OK, sure, we are all sensitive people and try not to say bad things or things that may hurt others feelings.  I don't because those people that are obese say they are not at fault. So we are to remain quiet, except the media does not.  They actually have programs on cable that are all about a "600-pound life" or "Naked and Afraid" or other ridiculous ideas.

And so we are supposed to watch this crap and not have an opinion about the obvious?  The huckster "Jerry Springer" has these kinds of miscreants on every day and all those talk shows invite the oddest and goofiest people on so we can yuck it up about them.  I guess to get ratings?  But our President is chastised by the mass media buffoons and the feminists for complimenting the beauty of a woman?  See the Orwellian angle?  If a person has an immutable trait there is no place for ridicule of course.  But as people make choices to be lazy, fat or living a lifestyle dependent on others largess, then I think they are fair game.

If you are a lazy ass and don't want to work for your porridge, then food stamps should be a form of paper like it was and not these "credit cards".  Bring back a little shame to those that are taking advantage of the system and the goodness of the rest.  But no, we have to look out for their feelings.  Having worked all my life and paid taxes and fees in the high 6 figures, I have a little resentment about the lazy folks.  I have seen it all my life.  Of course, those that are truly in need we need to assist, but not support for generations.  We supply as taxpayers, free K-12 schooling for all.  And many whiners drop out and can't even take advantage of the huge and costly "freebie"!  So we get a huge number of people not carrying their weight in our country.  But OH MY!  Don't point out the obvious as the liberals and their lackey's of Orwellian thought will beat you up.  And make excuses for the neer-do-wells.

So somehow we as a people need to reject all this political correctness BS and get back to the common meanings of life and what words actually mean.  All this coddling of people who game the system or are upset with a compliment must be ridiculed and rejected.  Americans cannot let the left dictate our speech and the meaning of words we all know.  Push back.  Of course, they will come after you and try to intimidate you into silence but stand up and don't let them.  We need to return to having some guts about the things that are real and not worry so much about hurting a scofflaws feelings.


  1. Tood I admired you as a county supervisor and your actives in CABRO. I hope I don't wake up in the morning with a bar of soap in my mouth.But.
    Our generation bult the wealth that today the left thinks is there's. We changed the way that our county be came bussiness friendly. We set the pace for local goverment. During our time local,County and NGO'S became business friendly. We survived recalls of our board members and the first asualt by left, or no political groups. They wanted to save our county. Building restrictions, water and infrastructure and new subdivision where agressive protested. We stood by our staff and moved the county forward.

    So what do we have today? A county rated # 5 out of ten county's for crime. A homeless promblem that is out of control. A police force afraid to be politically correct and a BOS that in in trapped and caught up in how to distribute federal government illegal drugs. So my friend we are woefully outnumbered. Having said that the future is bright as I see a new generation of new bussiness and professional people who may soon stop this attack on American.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Les. Nice to read your thoughts. One thing about being a writer of opinion here and elsewhere is you will be attacked by the left. Hopeflly no soap needed.
      We have seen the results of failed policies that emphasize stagnation of our economy and of the hope of our young to stay and prosper. Mainly a "boomer" mentality of the left. No jobs, no young families amd h not much hope for change. So this area will die a slow death as we see it doing.

    2. Les, It is Grass Valley that came in #5 on the most dangerous City list, not the whole County. Shitty judges and politicians who hate Law Enforcement created this environment of lawlessness.

    3. That dangerous city list stuff is a buncha BS. Anyone with half a brain knows it.

    4. Federal crime statistics are a bitch aren't they?

  2. Todd keep writing and sharing your thoughts and opinions. I am not very political but continue to read your professional journalism and appreciate you are not afraid to voice your opinion and knowledge.

    1. Thank you Paula. O was never a wallflower about speaking my piece and I appreciate your comments. Liberals have been effective over the years to silence those that disagree with them. I have done my best to challenge them. Even though they use those old "racist, bigot, homophobe, misogynist" monikers. Doesn't work when you give them return fire.

    2. Another loon liberals comment booted for using profanity. Grow up.

  3. it is common knowledge that the President is a shallow bloviator as are most of Todd's minions. a beauty pageant huckster who marries trophy wives from eastern bloc countries. I am surprised he did not cut to the chase and say nice A$$ or nice T$t$

    1. He does like beautiful women. Yours is not that pretty, evn muttley. You are just jealous as he nd his minions are the successful people f America. You not so much.

    2. Insulting another man's woman?
      C L A S S Y

    3. Oh, so complimenting another mans wife is now a insult to you liberals? You truly are weird people.

    4. Idiot! I am talking about YOU! You just insulted the person above!
      Observe: "He does like beautiful women. Yours is not that pretty, evn muttley. You are just jealous as he nd his minions are the successful people f America. You not so much."
      Take a look in the mirror, you piece of slime.

    5. I mean, really? You are just the worst carbon life form on the planet. Such a LIAR and very rude.

    6. I think you are the slime baby doll. You insult men and call them names of derision. Perhaps you need to look in the mirror. Or are you afraid it will break?

    7. At least I am a carbon life form. You might be a lead one.

    8. You liberals are truly unhinged and loony. Wow!

  4. Todd,

    Once again, you just don't get it.

    1. Todd,
      It doesn't matter WHAT the question is. YOU DON'T GET ANYTHING.
      I despise your blog and your writing and your opinion. You have zero class.

    2. Sure. I am very popular and have many fans who like my opinions and writings. You are just a anonymous big mouth, afraid to use your real name. A coward like all liberals. But Mike, I understand you, no spine.

    3. I love smacking lib asses all over the place. Love it!

  5. My name is not Mike.
    I am a woman.
    I am not a fat woman.
    I am not an unemployed woman.
    I am not a single woman.
    I am not a childless woman.
    I am not an unattractive woman.
    I am not a stupid woman.
    However, I am a woman. And my name is not Mike. You have not shown any regret or remorse for any ugly thing you've ever said and done so you don't deserve to know my name.

    I see your blog as a way see inside the mind of a very sick, sick man.
    Does it surprise me that a disgusting piece of filth like you is also a Republican? Of course not! It all goes together! Not all Republicans are racists, but all racists are Republicans.
    Why don't you just turn on Rush Limbaugh and type what he says? He's your GOD, isn't he?

    Of course you love "smacking lib asses" because you are a violent sadistic monster. Duh. So what else in new?

    You haven't listened to anyone or introduced a new thought EVER. You just don't have anything to say that hasn't been said over and over and over my any two bit shock hate jock on am radio.

    You are all regurgitation and no substance. No originals thoughts of your own.
    All hat and no cattle.


    1. Thanks for proving what I have said about unhinged liberals. All you wrote here shows you are a total failure in life and probably live under a rock. You are not a woman. All the women I know are kind and nice and not weird like you are. You are off your meds and I really feel sorry for whatever you are. Anyway, thanks for the laugh.

    2. Mile, or He / She / It or what ever it is at least had good saying, "ALL HAT NO CATTLE". Just another Spectator trying to BS the Players.

    3. Wrong again, genius. I am indeed a woman.
      It's funny to watch you contort yourself into what looks like a human when clearly you are pond scum.

    4. Prove you are a woman. But you are a chicken sh** and won't. Pond scum? Hey that is highr on the food chain than you amoeba breath.

      And I pray for the cumb bastard that got you. Shreeker.

    5. Todd, the "woman" at 10:59 AM above is our very own gender confused fue. Read the post picturing "him" as the writer and you will see his writing style. He is denies everything he is. Except for being a confused and sick puppy.

    6. You never know about the identity of a troll. LOL!

    7. Nope, wrong again, Braintrusts. I am not Fue, whoever that is ? Who or what is a fue? Anyhoo, I'm still a woman and I still think you are all assholes.

    8. Nope, wrong again, Braintrusts. I am not Fue, whoever that is ? Who or what is a fue? Anyhoo, I'm still a woman and I still think you are all assholes.


      Easy there Shania.....of course you're a woman.....I'm a woman....Todds a woman......RAlphs a woman!

      Everybody here is a woman!

      Chicks with problem!

      It's the law!

    9. She must be one homely chick. LOL!

  6. You are a piece of work. All of your writings will be on display at the Nevada County Fair this year! Aren't you excited??

    1. Really? Sure. Since I am Pulitzer-like I can share my astute views with all.

    2. Het baby send me a picture to prove you are a gal. Or shut your liberal pie hole. Thanks.

    3. "All of your writings will be on display at the Nevada County Fair this year!" What booth and where and the name of and location? Thanks

  7. You haven't heard about our booth at the fair? YOU are a HUGE part of it - hope you'll come check it out

    1. Oh I have been involved with the booth for thirty years.

    2. Nope, Where will it bee and the name?

    3. Just walk around and you will find me.

  8. The liberals in Nevada County are loose and like 1000's of little rabid raptors.
    Call Clark Pest control now.

    1. Well that fixes the age range of 1039am.

    2. This doesn't sound like any woman I've ever met, or would want to meet. This sounds like a very angry former union editor who was fired for exhibiting the behavior shown above. Excess weight, gender confusion, unhappy childhood. It must be tough being "him". Get some therapy dude so you don't stroke out!

    3. I had to moderate as a derangement woman is posting trash and profanity. I think she may be a mutt and is looking for attention as no one would ever consider being with that loser.

    4. It's Deranged not Derangement as Deranged is present tense and a Derangement a state of being not applicable to a person, does that make sense?
      The woman is Deranged, Derangement is an affliction that liberals suffer?

  9. The alleged "babe" says she is a looker. Maybe for oinkers. LOL!

    1. Perhaps you misunderstood her and she said "Hooker"?

  10. 100% positive that you will live to regret that statement.

    1. What are you worried about you are anonymous. So you are fair game for ridicule here. I booted your profanity laced comments but they are pretty funny and indicate your mental state is really unhinged. My guess is you are a lonely, homely little thing with four kids all by separate men. On the dole and food stamps. A real plum of a gal.

    2. Just one click honey and all your comments are gone. Kinda fun for me.


Real name thank you.