Recent polls are showing a fast leakage of Clinton adherents from the column of "Trust" in her. She is also losing ground to those wascally Republicans vying for the same office. Clinton looks to me like she is a government official who sold her position for money and influence. Sure, she thinks she and her hubby covered their butts with their "Foundation" but the appearance of impropriety and illegality is so strong I believe she will have to bow out. Better to quit then be thrashed in the election by some upstart whippersnapper like Rubio, Cruz or Walker.
The things that the Clinton's learned in law school were not one's to be proud of apparently. It looks to me they learned how to fib and obfuscate and to make huge sums of money by selling their positions to the folks seeking favors. From the "sale" of the Lincoln Bedroom while they were in the Whitehorse, to the Whitewater land scams, and even to the "blue dress", these two Clintons have shown America the worst side of trust. Sure, during the reign of William in the nineties he had a balance in governance supplied by the Newt Republicans and things worked out pretty good for America. But left unfettered I think these Clintons are immoral and unethical when it comes to money.
The latest is the "uranium" deal that involves Canadians and Russians and all this while Hillary was the Secretary of State. Now it looks like their "Foundation" has received millions of dollars for their "help" and the winner is, wait for it, Vlad Putin! He and his country are where America needs to go to secure uranium in some form for the nuclear industry! Some estimates are that 145 million bucks got into the Clinton "Foundation"!
The sad thing is maybe American democrat voters don't really care. They hate the Republicans so much and are so stupid most of the time they will still vote for this woman. My goodness what does that say? Not much for smarts in my view. And if that is not enough, Hillary claimed they were dead broke when they left the Whitehouse in January 2001 (along with the silverware) and scared for their future! Oh please, she and Bill turned their "Foundation" into a billion dollar cash cow and one only needs to look at their travel bill for the last few years paid by the "Foundation". 70 million bucks! Jeeze, and she is out there telling all who will hear (while Bill gets $500,000 per speech) that she is just "one of us" regular joes and janes.
The phoniness of this woman and her hubby is breathtaking. But their is hope. The press, the main-streamers anyway, that is even more far left then the Clinton's is apparently a little skeptical. They would prefer a more liberal candidate, like Elizabeth Warren. So maybe the truth will out?
The thing that bothers me the most is the woman is vying for the highest office in the land which means she should have the highest standards and ethics of all us regular folks. But she does not. My goodness, though Jimmy Carter was a terrible President at least he had very high ethical and moral standards and I do not recall a "scandal" regarding money or access with him. I think Clinton needs a primary battle at the very least and if the democrats want even a small chance of victory in 2016 they better get one going. Otherwise, the democrat brand as pushed by the Clinton antics will wreck their party for decades.
Good article Todd. Unfortunately, what these people are, and get away with doesn't say much for the mentality of those who vote them into power. Very depressing, but if you pay attention to what's being done continually all around us you can't help think most of the worlds rulers are gangsters following the same playbook the Mafia uses. Lots of mysterious deaths during the Clinton dominion. BMW
ReplyDeleteThe trouble is evil is on a par with good on planet earth. We all have some of both in us I guess but only a select few like the Clinton's know how to make into huge sums of money. The electorate that votes for these people, and bums like Harry Reid of Nevada, have got to have a screw loose.
DeleteLooks like your gal will be as successful as the FUE was here. When people find out about these nuts they run fast the other way. I still can't believe Pelline was the editor of our paper. Thank goodness he got the boot before he wrecked the place. Just like Hillary in my opinion. Two gals on a tear of destruction. LOL!
DeleteI thought my gal was a shoo in. Not so much now!
ReplyDeleteIf Hillary exhibited Maggy Thatcher type leadership she would be a shoo-in. But she looks to me like Ma Barker.
DeleteThe sad part is that she always wanted to and planned to be president but she, like the fat girl in the buffet line, just couldn't resist grabbing the goodies (Khazak mining and Saudi oil money) before gaining the office. I guess her handlers didn't tell her to be crooked on the way out not on the way in!
Delete....hey....the know it's changing the way we communicate don't you?
Totally dude. LOL! She did not learn that "perception is reality" in politics. She may be legally OK but morally and ethically she is not. The people want to at least feel good about the person they elect and that is perception.
DeleteWhy is this a fish writing?