Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Local politics, your chance to have a voice in the community. Just don't listen to the liars.

I have been reading the Union and some of the local  blogs this week and for the life of me I cannot understand  the angst exhibited by some folks here.  We have a number of local races as usual, each race has a set of personalities.  I actually think that the politics here in Nevada County is really mild in comparison to the days of yore.

I read the Union article today about the "It's Miller Time" sign on a privately owned property in Grass Valley.  The sign is a attempt to use a slogan most of us know, to advertise a candidate in the District Three Supervisor race.  This has set off a firestorm of protest by Jeff Pelline and his five posters at his blog.  He has done a number of posts and I read a couple.  They are just plain funny!  For a guy who constantly uses a "saying" that "local politics is so nasty because the stakes are so small" I just laugh.  If he thinks things are so small, why all the ink?  We have two candidates, probably equally matched in their desire to win yet both are being fairly civil.  I think this is making Pelline mad.  He wants blood in the streets and Miller and Lamphier are being gentlemen. 

The Chamber of Commerce is in the building where the business of the property owner also resides.  Why would this cause a problem if the "journalist" Pelline is a free speech guy.  Pelline made a comment about Miller Brewing should be notified their trademark is being used.  My goodness, the candidates name is Miller.  If the sign said "DRINK Lamphier Champagne, it is time" I bet Terry would use it.  It is fun!  The attempts to start pitting the candidates against each other, even for the smallest and dumbest of reasons, seems to be a Pelline forte'.  I saw him do it in the Diaz/Pruett race and some others.  This season is very calm here and I for one think that is very civilized.

When I ran for County Supervisor thirty year ago this year, things then were really nasty.  I actually researched personally the incumbents voting records for her three and a half years she was a Supervisor.  I used here own voting records in a couple of mailers to the voters.  All I did was list here votes and that drove the opposition nuts.  They called me a dirty player!  Hell, it was her votes!  No commentary.  Then when I legally had poll watchers and also people legally more than 100 feet from the polling places handing out flyers, I again was attacked.  They called what I did "Chicago Style" politics.  Nasty tactics they said.  They even got the Elections official to issue 100 foot strings to make sure if it was ever done again that the 100 foot was not encroached upon.  Then when the opposition could not think of a legal way to deal with me they started a number of whisper campaigns.  The lies they told were shocking but they did not work.  I walked and worked and called and I won twice.  I stayed above the bullshit and it paid off.

Though there were many in the opposition who acted like Pelline does now, the tactics failed.  Hard work and a hearty handshake worked then and I think it still works now.  But after many years of the lies the opposition tries to foist on the people, Nevada County voters usually separate the wheat from the chaff.  The only time it failed though was during the "Gang of Four" years.  Lies and fibs prevailed then and I still can't understand how that happened.

Nevada County is better than the BS shoveled out by the Pelline's of the world.  He is the local purveyor of crap that we get nationally by the Associated Press (I call it the Obama Press) and the Sacramento Bee and LA Times here in California.  They spread their bias and have all of my life.  Now we have alternatives like Rush Limbaugh, other talk radio hosts and FOX News.  We have blogs galore as well and I try to read many of them.  I read the left and the right and all the ones in between.  It is wonderful to have so much choice.  I have tried to stay out of local politics and endorsements since I last ran for office.  I want people to make up their own minds and this also forces candidates to run hard.  If a candidate sits on his/her ass and does not do the work, they will not win here.  So, disregard the tripe about the chambers and the candidates that Pelline and his liberal cohorts write about and make up your own minds based on input from many sources.  Be smart about your precious vote.  Whether it is local state or national, every vote is important.  You voters out there need to cast that vote and not make stupid excuses why you didn't.  You want a good county, state and nation?  Exercise your vote.  If you don't then just shut up and accept your consequenses.  You will get a whole lot more Yee's and Calderon's.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Pelosi and Van Hollen put lipstick on a pig, defend ObamaCare

Pelosi's face lift is failing! Just like her lies! LOL!
I watched and listened to these two democrat lovelies last week and just shook my head in sadness.  HERE is the 42 minute news conference from C-SPAN.  If you listen to these two you will understand why America is in deep trouble.  These are the "leaders" of their party in the House.  My goodness, Pelosi was third in line to the Presidency while Speaker of the House!  Watch her gestures and her eyes while she bloviates.  I think she has a screw loose.

It takes a lot to shock me when it comes to politicians spouting off, but Pelosi and Van Hollen were way over the top when discussing ObamaCare.  If I was not aware of their deviousness beforehand, this press conference cemented my opinion on democrats.  There were only about five members of the "stenographer press" in attendance and other than a couple of real questions, the press dutifully wrote down the lies for future publication.  Almost everything these two shysters said was a fib.  They were touting the number of enrollees but when asked to prove it they could not.  They say there are five million but when asked for the actual number who paid they dodged and changed the subject. 

No question was asked about the five to seven million people whose insurance has been canceled.  Not one question about the veracity of the websites security.  Pelosi/Van Hollen did their best to manipulate the actual costs of the plans people are now saddled with under the ObamaCare umbrella.  Almost everyone that has spoken up about their attempts to sign up have experience large increases in the monthly payment and huge increases in the deductibles.  Pelosi said the prices decreed yet had no proof.  She and that other obfuscator, Senator Harry Reid, contend any criticism of ObamaCare is being spewed by liars. All ten million apparently.  Reid was the Senator telling the world on the Senate floor that Romney paid no taxes because he knew he could not be sued for slander (what a dirtbag).   I guess American in general just can't tell the democrats the truth.  Even democrats!

A reporter asked Pelosi a question towards the end of the news/liar conference and used the term ObamaCare.  Pelosi went on a rant that it was the "Affordable Care Act" and repeated that numerous times which I guess she thought would drive it into the skulls of the five reporters.  The reporter said, "but President Obama has called it ObamaCare" to which Pelosi, in Orwellian manner stated  it was now the ACA and you sit down little shit.  It was almost funny if it were not so ridiculous.

I have some acquaintances (not blood related) who have attempted to get signed up.  After many days of trying they finally got through and after filling out the paperwork were told their policies would be this amount and the deductible this amount.  Both were substantially higher, more than twice as much, as they had been paying!  Also, I know many young people who are not signing up because they don't want to.  They need the money for food and rent and the ObamaCare website numbers released so far prove that the young are not signing up.  The young will pay the "John Roberts" tax penalty and use the rest too buy food and shelter.  The other huge lie Pelosi etal are telling America about the numbers has to do with Medicaid.  Now when someone doesn't qualify for the straight ObamaCare plan the people are directed to Medicaid.  So, the poor who could not pay for healthcare before ObamaCare are now still receiving a full ride on Medicaid, all on the taxpayer dime.  Pelosi is including these people as part of the signups!

It would appear that with all the lipstick Pelosi and the democrat party are putting on this ObamaCare pig, thirty million are still uninsured!  Wasn't the deal they sold (without one Republican vote) and utilized graft to pass, that all Americans would be covered?  Why blow up the greatest and best healthcare system the word has ever known?  Simply a power grab and we all told you so.  Now when you listen to Pelosi/Van Hollen lie through their teeth in this press conference you will have some benchmarks to go by.  I have come to understand that regardless of your political affiliation, these democrats could care less about anything but themselves.  They are trying to fool us all again with these lies and I suggest you at least be skeptical.

America is waking up to the democrat party lies about this important usurpation of the individual's rights and I think they will pay a heavy price in November.  Unless of course the Republicans don't keep up the pressure by making the democrats defend the ObamaCare fiasco.  So please listen to the press conference and if you do you will kick these people's asses out of power.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Democrat activist Jim Firth and his ridiculous analysis published in the Union today

I read Jim Firth's tripe this morning and I felt I had to respond. (it may be behind the paywall) So I left a long commentary on the Union website then did a copy/paste of that to here in case they don't print it.  In a nutshell, Firth is totally off the mark on his analysis on what is happening regarding voters and numbers here in Nevada County. 

Honestly the drivel written by democrat activist Firth is so ridiculous.  His analysis and charges of 1% and 99% are simply funny.  First off, he fails to tell the readers that people like George Soros, the billionaire leftist, (a Nazi sympathiser in WW2) gives millions to the democrats.  He failed to tell you another lefty billionaire "hedge fund" man, Tom Steyer, (  pledged $100 million tio the democrats this election cycle if they would get back to their fantasy of "global warming".  Of course the Democrat US Senators did his bidding this last week to get the goodies.  They did a "talk-a-thon on the Senate floor for 21 hours.  They protected their "right" to get the graft from the fellow.

Then Firth starts in on the numbers of voters and his views  of it here in Nevada County.  He is totally off the mark.  The county has seen a reversal in population and at best a leveling off since the 90's.  The jobs back-filled here are of government and other "non-profits" which tend to vote democrat.  The Republicans, those people who usually are the business folks, have fled the county and taken their kids with them (see the decrease in school enrollments).  They cannot find jobs here or sustain a business  so they leave.  Even so the voter registration still favors the Republicans and the "decline to state" seem to be able to vote either way on election day.

Nevada County was once a thriving busy place with good paying jobs and a healthy economy.  The democrats have come here in droves and replaced those business people who created most of the jobs with ones that really harm the economy. We now have a lot of low pay service jobs in tourism and related businesses.  The largest employer here now is government and our county has become a stagnant place with empty store fronts and low opportunity.  Firth and his ilk have caused this malaise over the years by opposing any new attempts to revitalize Nevada County.  We are now reaping what these Firth's have sown.  Good luck.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Racist? State Senator Hernandez introduces bill to overturn parts of Prop 209

Asian organizations are not too happy with the Hispanic Hernandez's proposal to remove them from our colleges.  HERE is a article which sums up their issues with SCA5.  So, now we have a democrat super majority in the state Legislature and they are going to give us all a vote it appears.  What troubles me about this though is when these politicians conjure these things up there are always unintended consequences.

A Petition from/by Concerned Californians says in part  "1/30/2014 marked one of the darkest days in California’s recent history of politics. On this day, the California Senate, controlled by the Democratic supermajority, approved Senate Constitution Amendment No. 5 (SCA 5), which would repeal provisions of Prop 209 and allow the State of California to deny an individual or group's rights to public education on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin."

Truer words were never spoken.  HERE is the full petition wording. HERE is the bill.

So there is consequences to elections and gerrymandering lines here in California.  After the redistricting was hijacked by the democrats, we all knew it would not be long till these kinds of things started.  First attempts  watered down Prop 13 and then others.  But the Prop 209 law?  It passed 55/45 and all but three or four counties passed it in the state.  LA and SF and a couple of Bay Area liberal counties voted in opposition to 209.  HERE is the Wiki on 209.  

What is interesting to me is that the initial hysteria by the opposition groups to 209 that "minorities" would be severely impacted has proved false (now whites are the minority).  There was a small initial drop as a percentage (review the Wiki chart down about a page) but things leveled out and have returned to about the same percentages as they were in 1996.  One exception however.  Whites are down now 10%!  Asians increased and Hispanics are about the same as are the blacks.  So why would Hernandez and the democrats want this bill to tweek Prop 209?

Our colleges should be filled with students of merit, not favoritism.  We should be a land of competition not one of privileged.  Prop 209 was simple.  It said anything to do with government will be done by merit, whether a contract or a slot in a college.  This bill will slice out education and in a Orwellian move, say public education is not "government"!  So it appears those folks who cried the blues all those years for special favors, affirmative action programs, are back.  I guess they can't make it against the Asian kids so they will be slicing those students out of the system.

The rot that affirmative action and favoritism by race and ethnicity causes was dealt with.  Ward Connerly, a mixed race man and one of my heroes, championed 209 and won.  His arguments against favoritism are as strong today as they were in 1995-96.  Connerly was called every derogatory name the liberal lefty scum could conjure up.  He won and went on to get similar bills passed in other states.  Merit is what should prevail in America.  These whiny leftists in control of our state will never give up trying to secure the goodies for their groups.  Why not study harder?  Why not make the teachers in the failed public schools be held accountable for these failed students?

I feel bad for many of the students.  It really is not all their fault.  It is the democrat/liberal system and the teachers unions that have wrecked their chances for a better life and income in America.  Then because those that are in charge failed, they want to move the goal posts of success farther away and call it "fairness".  It is not fair what they have done to the young people of California.  It is a travesty.  Lowering the standard for some while keeping others out (whites and Asians) does not make our state a better place.  It makes us a state filled with mediocre graduates who are now having to compete in the real world.  

Rather that lowering the standards these liberals like Hernandez should be thinking bigger and better not less and dumber.  God help our state, it is in the hands of maniacs.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Bill Clinton loses another Congressional seat. Kiss of death? LOL!

Florida Congressional 13 went to the Republican, David Jolly, today.  Mrs. Alex Sink, the democrat, lost.  There was a Libertarian that gathered about eight percent.  HERE is an article on the results. 11 million is the estimate in campaign spending.  The district was a 50/50 so this is a nice victory for the R's.

Jolly battered Sink with ObamaCare and it seemed to work.  Many think this was a proving ground for the message most R's will use this season.  I hope it works again and again.  Jolly wants to repeal.  My kind of Republican.  Even Rand Paul supported Jolly.

Clinton did some work for Sink but if you recall, back in the days of his Presidency, Clinton was run away from by those running for Congress.  The one's that invited him in to help lost!  So, for many years he was considered a pariah.  Now it seems he is.  So keep helping Bill, we hope you can keep up. That blue dress caught you again!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Benjamin Netanyahu at AIPAC today, excellant speech!

AIPAC, (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) is the Jewish  the organization that looks out for the State of Israel here in the USA.  HERE is his speech I listened to this morning on C-SPAN.  Netanyahu is the Prime Minister once again of the Jewish State and I have always liked him and his strong conservative views.  He leads a country surrounded by 1.5 billion people who don't \like him or his country.  But he does his best to bury the hatchet with his avowed enemies, the Arab states, who would like to see his country wiped from the map.

Netanyahu's brother as you may recall, was the only commando killed in the Israeli raid on the Entebbe Airport in Uganda  back in 1976.  It was a amazing rescue of a hijacked plane full of Israeli's.  The corpse eater, Idi Amin, President of Uganda gave the terrorists safe haven.  As we know the raid was a success and all the terrorists were killed with the loss of the one commando and  a couple of hostages.  This rescue shaped Benjamin Netanyahu's worldview and as Prime Minister, he is no Pollyanna about what Israel faces.

His speech was very good in that it exposed again the threats facing his country as well as the west.  The USA is not exempt in the hegemonic desires of the Arabs and Islamic fascists.  Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, Al Queda, all were cited as threats to modern day life as we know it.  He spent a lot of time on Iran.  Though he praised Secretary of State John Kerry (kind of shameless though) he let everyone know his country would never let Iran get the bomb. Whatever it takes he said.  It was also a challenge to Obama's foreign policy that just lately lifted some sanctions on Iran saying it would better relations.  But as we have seen, Iran thumbed their nose at Obama and have gone about their quest for a nuke anyway.  Obama's foreign policy is in a shambles.  Almost as if naivete was an asset it appears.

But Israel knows that you cannot trust the Mullahs in charge of Iran.  He did reach out to the common people though, unlike Obama.  Remember  when they asked him "are you with us" all those years ago?  Of course Obama was silent and the Mullahs murdered many of the dissenters and threw the rest in their gulags.  Netanyahu is a realist.  Yet in his speech he reached out to the moderate leaders of the Arab countries to bridge the gap of hate.  He offered help in bringing them water solutions.  He spoke of the technology Israel uses to make water from other sources in the middle of the desert.  He offered help in technology, computers and telephones and the like.  But I believe he is not being heard.  The Arabs like keeping their countries in the 7th Century.

He spoke of women's rights and what a contrast Israel is to the Islamic ways of gender.  Free speech, the press and other rights we and Israel take for granted, unknown in most of the Islamic world.All in all, he did try and send out the message of "let us all live together in peace".  The Palestinians may not hear that but it would be a good thing if they did.  If they stop bombing and murdering the Jews, and sat down sincerely willing to discuss a Palestinian State, (Netanyahu said he would help create it) then peace could reign perhaps.  We will see.

Towards the end of the speech he discussed a organization  called BDS, (Boycott, Divest, Sanction), HERE is their Facebook page. This organization's intent and desire is too rid the planet of Israel and no one should be naive about that.  Netanyahu listed many things the BDS is trying to do to damage the State of Israel and then compared Israel to the pronouncements and actual "ways" of life practiced by the BDS acolytes.  Modern day Israel vs. 7th century BDS.  Anyone supporting the BDS appears to me to be mired in a "anti" all that is modern and progressive.  So anti West.  The comparisons were stark and to me very very scary.  Sharia Law anyone?

So if you listen to his speech, hopefully you will appreciate the reality of Israel's place in the modern era.  A guiding light of freedom and innovation surrounded by 7th century mentality and hate.  Murdering a whole country and it's inhabitants is spewed against his country on a daily basis.  I see his attempts to maintain a calmness and I hope rational Arabs were listening.  I am not optimistic though.  Even in Saudi Arabia, they teach little minds of mush in their schools that Jews and Americans are Satan's spawn and must be destroyed.  Until reasonable people control those kinds of thoughts, the Middle East will not be peaceful.