Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Obama was too sexy for his shoes

Remember that song?  It was funny and had a good set of dopey lyrics but was a huge hit.  Most music like that is consumed by the young just as  Rock and Roll was by me and my generation.  Most music has a message of some sort.  If it had a good beat most youngins could care less what the lyrics were.  This is my view of the our youth voting for Obama in 2008 and 2012.

They were into the beat.  Not the lyrics.  Obama was cool, a mixed race fellow who was truly a real "African/American.  His momma was a white American his papa a black Kenyan on an Odyssey around the global.  His papa left his seed in many places and Obama has a few half brothers and sisters in other countries.  So, here we have a cool guy who looked cool, spoke in a beautiful baritone and was a college graduate.  Just like the young people who he knew were lazing their way through college on mom and dad's dollar, Obama was more like them than that old fart McCain and the stuffy businessman Romney.

So, Obama and his campaign people marketed the cool man to the young college minds full of mush, incidentally put there by liberal professors with minds fill of mush and tenure.  The young did not listen to the lyrics.  They loved the beat.  But the beat was simply a way to suck these lemmings to the cliff without them becoming suspicious of the lyrics.  Promises of "fundamentally changing America", sympathetic lyrics on college loans and ease of borrowing them, and of course the first "black" President was all that was needed to engage the pull of the lever for Obama.

Oh how these youngins screwed themselves.  Their carefree life of living off of mom and dad's hard work so they could get a leg up in this competitive world would go on forever.  Any shortfall in those college bills would be taken up by Obama himself.  And they could stay on their parents healthcare plan until they were 26!   Oh my, let us change the country!  And now we see the change the man was foisting on those young minds full of the beat.

Obamacare was how we would all discover "fairness" in America.  The choices granted by government to repair your body in a hospital would now be mandated by a health panel and not some lousy insurance company.  (Even though their dad works in insurance, irony?) Yes, all Americans, hell, even illegal immigrants would now receive that free health insurance coverage.  Orgasms were heard all across the country's college campuses.  Snow White would administer the bandages, all will roses.  But, But, oh my, the lyrics were now starting to be understood.  They said "college youngins"  you gotta pay!  "Oh crap" the youngins have shouted, "you never said we had to pony up money!" "You said the others guy has to".  Or, maybe the evil insurance companies, or maybe it was a freebie from Obama!  Oh, I guess I really was not paying attention to the lyrics.  I  was dancing to the "cool" beat.

We now see the big lies made about keeping your healthcare, your doctor and your college loans. But we all knew this years ago but because we weren't "cool" like Obama, the youngins did not listen.  I knew though that as soon as these young voters had to reach into their own pockets they would realize they had been had!  Nothing like another "bill" to get people's attention and make them mad.  The bill is coming due for that cool beat.  Millions of these young minds are now growing up and realizing Obama is no different than their parents.  The one difference however is their parents love them.  Obama doesn't.  Good luck when the bills arrive you youngins.  Food?  Or fine for ObamaCare.  Hmmm.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Remembering JFK Fifty Years gone

Photo of John F. KennedyYes it has been 50 years since the communist, Lee Harvey Oswald murdered our President.  I was in the eighth grade at the Junior High on Park Avenue in Grass valley and we had just broken from class around 11 AM I think.  The word spread fast that the President had been shot and his condition was unknown.  The Principal called an assembly shortly thereafter and all of us filed into the auditorium.

Through a bunch of tears, our  Principal told us that the President had been shot and was killed in Dallas Texas.  Most of the kids including me were not yet into politics and the words of his murder did not have the same affect on us as it did our teachers and other adults.  There were a few of my schoolmates who did cry.

The whole week after the murder I paid attention to what was happening.  I watched the oath of office being given to LBJ, I saw the sadness in the face of Jacqueline Kennedy.  I watched the caissons taking him down the boulevard to his place of rest.  It dawned on me early in this assassination just what we lost.  A President is like Ironman.  He should not be able to be harmed but here he was, dead.  So we all grew up pretty quick throughout this time.

Others can recount the President's life story, PT-109, his family's fortune, his philandering and especially his papa.  I simply recall him as a nice looking man with a very beautiful wife and two kids.  I never got into the conspiracy theories about a man on the grassy knoll and/or other shooters.  Or it was Castro or the mafia.  Others spend their time on those things.  I will always be sad for the times America could have had had this man lived a full life.  But not to be.  Communists killed him, simple as that.  But I guess those bastards are all dead now so it matters not.

I remember this  picture the most from the funeral procession.  It still tears at my heart.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Tea Party Party Last Night, my guess, it was a big success

I was invited to the Party last night by my friend Bob White.  He and I became friends back in the mid 90's when he was appointed Planning Commissioner by District Three Supervisor, Jim Weir.  We all thought he was going to be a lefty like his appointer but he tirned out to be a very smart, pro property rights guy.  His support of property rights was quite a shock to the left and to his credit, Weir left him on the PC.

So Bob, his wife and daughter and some others sat with me at the table and we watched a fully packed building, the old senior center, erupt in song, laughter and speeches.  Congressmen Tom McClintock spoke and as usual, he did a fine job.  He reminded us of our history and gave us some updates to what is going on in DC.  I must say, the Tea Party members were very grateful that he is representing their views on most of the debt, deficit and Obamacare issues. 

Mark Meckler
Later, Tea Party founder, Mark Meckler spoke and he sounded just like I would imagine Thomas Paine sounded two hundred and fifty years ago.  Meckler is from Chicago Park here in our little county.  I think I heard him say he is now a Virginian.  He is working on the next phase of taking America back from the usurpers.  He is trying to put together a Article Five, Constitutional Convention.  He spoke at length about what those words mean in Article Five of the Constitution and how to make it happen.  He has a book coming out about all this.  (I am not as positive it is such a good thing however).  The people were ecstatic that he was in their midst and he and Tom received standing O's.

Those people at the Party seemed to me to be the salt of the earth people America has millions of.  I sat next to a retired policeman and his wife.  At the table was Bob White, a mould maker, his wife a realtor their daughter a worker in a local business and a fire fighter and his wife.  I saw many people I knew and many I don't.  They simply want the government to reduce drastically its presence in their lives, balance the budget and behave in a Constitutional manner.  Pretty simple.

All in all it was a pleasant night and I did not see or hear one liberal whining!  I bet there was not one there!  So a liberal free zone is really pleasant.  The people were friendly, the food and wine tasty and the whole evening was well run, just like America is supposed to run.  Here are some pictures I took from my camera ma.

My table mates

Mark Meckler Speaking to us all

Saturday, November 16, 2013

ObamaCare is making America sick!

Day after day we get to read and hear the problems with the ACA, or the Affordable Care Act.  The little naming trick the politicos use to put sugar in the medicine of creating laws. We all know this travesty as ObamaCare.  It is the brainchild of the left in our country and was formed in trickery and unlimited power.  When the law was turned out for the American people to see and read, it was not a hit.  The people of our country, at least a good majority, said "no thanks".   But the democrats said tough and shoved it down our collective throats.

Over two thousand pages of law will turn into 100,000 pages of regulations and every word in both are a nibble at your personal freedom.  Now we all can see why Nancy Pelosi said we need to pass the law to find out what is in it.  It is communism.  Then when the Attorney Generals from numerous state sued the monstrosity, Chief Justice John Roberts showed Americans why we can't even depend on our courts for justice.  He made up a new reason to pass the ACA which was not even alleged in the Obama Administrations response to the suit!  A tax was something the US Constitution allows said the Chief.  Even though the Legislators never said it was anything other than a fine.  They knew if they said it was a tax the bill would fail miserably in the vote totals.  But the Chief saved the monstrosity and we now get to see the results.  When something is contrived in secret, contrived with subterfuge and vice, it cannot last.

I am no lawyer but I thought the SCOTUS could say "OK a tax is legal, but the mandate is not" and that would have been that.  Sure the Feds can tax the crap out of the people, but they can't force us to buy something we don't want or need.  That would have been the way to kill the beast but somehow the Chief didn't see it that way.  As we all can see to date the monstrosity is out of control and the American people are having none of it. The start to finish of WW2 was done in less time than the creation of the Obamacare website for goodness sakes!

It has been my experience that the only time people get really PO'd enough to show up to a public hearing, a march or a rally is when their personal money or property is at risk.  This is human nature I suppose.  We elect politicians to take care of the tasks of commonality and to watch our money.  Obamacare is now a part of turnout because it is mandating our personal healthcare issues and how we spend our money on ourselves.  It also gets between us and the doctors and others we have relationships with.  Two trillion bucks a year and to get some we have to bow to the masters and the "death panels".  Or we get a "tax" to keep us in line.

Americans are rebelling.  They will take this out on the rascals that did this.  They will boot them from office in the marginal districts and strengthen the power of those opposed to the monstrosity.  Of course those heavily gerrymandered districts like Pelosi's and Charlie Rangel's will not change.  Those districts are filled with the "takers" and a "free" healthcare system is their baby.  But I believe the Republicans can lose the political advantage if they let up the pressure.  Just ask any reporter making $35,000 a year who will now have to pay a fine. See if the editorial bent of their story's  protect their "messiah".  This has brought the "messiah" complex down to earth and reality.  Mess with my doctor, mess with my appendix, mess with my chemo at your own risk.

After-all, this is America and not Albania.  Americans want to pick up th phone, dial their doctor's office and get an appointment.  They want to do this quickly.  ObamaCare will force all to wait for permission from someone at the DMV.  Or is it the IRS?  There will be a come to Jesus for those that voted and supported this mess.  My only hope is the people fighting it don't screw their chance to get rid of it by making stupid mistakes.

It appears to me that this ObamaCare trumps all other issues.  Look at how the press is making it a top of the fold headline.  Now we see some attempts by Obama to backtrack some f his outrageous lies.  Keeping your doctor being the biggest lie.  In order to appear compassionate he is now by political fiat, telling the country he will allow people to keep things one more year.  Is he nuts?  This is not how America works.  We have a system to ensure a President does not have dictatorial powers and pick and choose laws he will enforce or not.  That is not the Constitutional job description.  But I think he carps allot about the rules and tries his best to circumvent them.

The valiant Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Marco Rubio and the Tea Party members of the House are to be applauded in my view.  If Cruz had not filibustered, the press would be right there with Obama on the misinformation about the law.  Exposing the backroom deals is the press's job, but they have been AWOL for almost five years now.  Cruz forced them to write about these things.  He should be thanked for getting the message out about this travesty on American freedom.  I am hopeful as I said that the people of our country will not let this stand and they will replace the usurpers of our freedoms with people who respect and honor their posts.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Money in politics, liberals are the hypocrites

King Dollar Reigns for the left
This being an off year for most of the country regarding elections, the small number of races exposes the upcoming tactics of political parties and their sub-groups.  I watched the elections in Virginia, New Jersey and Colorado and tried to follow the money trail in them.  It is very tough to follow since the system is as volatile and and uncertain now.

The USA Today has a followup story today on how the left has outspent the right 2-1 in the November races.  HERE is the full article. It was actually a fair article and lo and behold, the left, those protectors of the "progressive" ideology and the finger pointers of too much money in politics (especially by the right) have been exposed.  Now we all know money is the "mother's milk" of politics.  We know it costs a lot of money for advertising a candidate.  We know in order for the constituents to get to know  a politician. he/she  has to buy TV, radio and direct mail advertising.  We know all this does not grow on trees don't we?  Well the left has always been disingenuous about the expenditure of money.  Before the playing field was leveled by the "Citizens United"  Supreme Court decision we on the right had to endure the endless carping about money by the left.

Of course the left had figured out their ways around the disclosure laws.  They perfected the 501c4's to pump money into their liberal politician's funds.  They used creative ways with PAC's and even in our little county I saw them at work.  They couldn't let the people know they were getting bunches of money in our little county so they used a mechanism called a "auction" to raise money and get around limits.  They would have a article donated and then auction it off for ten times it's real value.  Pretty smart.  I never knew those hippies had so much dough here in little Nevada County.

So, in Virginia, the left, led by two billionaires, pumped huge dollars into the Terry McAuliffe campaign and also into independent expenditures for advertising and mail.  I have yet to read any articles from outraged liberals complaining about Citizen's United.  I guess it must be because Terry Mc is their guy?  But thankfully the Virginians kept a majority of Republicans in their House and Senate so Terry Mc can't shove "gun control" down their throats.  That issue is the favorite of the one billionaire liberal.  He made his money through a "hedge fund".  One of those money making institutions without government oversight for many years.  Hmmm.

In New Jersey, Chris Christie beat the pants of his opposition for Governor.  According to the Eco PAC's and the billionaires, they decided to forget Christie's race and concentrate on the legislature.  Even though they have a huge majority, the liberals state they wanted to ensure Christie could not run rampant and therefore the Education unions and eco's poured huge sums into the individual races for the legislature.  New Jersey is really a very "true blue" state and from what I read, there was no reason to spend any money helping sure things in their legislature.  I believe it was an experiment by the left to see how they could get away with massive spending.

Colorado was more "grass roots" but I see that there still are many people not giving up trying to create a secession from the state.  HERE is the full article.  In this case the money was mostly local so there was not a lot of it.  I do like the Colorado recalls of those "gun control" legislators.  I saw an interview with Colorado Governor Hickenlooper the other day and golly, he seemed like he got the message.  If he doesn't he could become the second Governor ever to be recalled in America.

What all this show me about money in politics is this.  It depends whose proverbial "ox" is getting gored.  Liberals had a monopoly for many years on the fundraising.  The right was always begging for money from business and individuals.  The left had the unions, the econut groups and their own billionaires.  Now the right has some avenues of fundraising and the left can't escape the spotlight of their hypocrisy any longer.  When a lefty billionaire pumps nine million into a eastern Governor's race, what are we to think?  Isn't the left shouting from the rooftops that money influences votes?  Of course, but sine it is an issue the press usually loves to support, the money does not get the same scrutiny that an oil company gets.  Or a gun manufacturer.

So, now we all get to see the great experiment in all its glory.  Money from the left, money from the right.  It will always be this way unless we make a small change in our electoral process.  Shrink the season of political races to five months including primaries, for all federal races.  Just like England.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Headed to Doug LaMalfa fundraiser tonight UPDATED 11-10-2013

I am looking forward to seeing the Congressman and so are the folks going with me.  It will be at his farm in Richvale inside the huge metal storage building.  That building is transformed from a parking place for his huge machinery to a banquet room.  I expect there will be a lot of people there.

With one year under his belt as our Representative, LaMalfa is the consummate "citizens" representative.  A farmer who went to Sacramento then to Washington DC, sort of like Mr. Smith.  He is a nice man, a regular chap and quite friendly to all, even his critics.

So tonight I will listen to other politicians speak and Doug to inform us all about the DC world.  A place far from the farm lands of Northern California.  I for one appreciate his stance against ObamaCare and runaway deficits and overspending in our Federal system.  We need more people like him and hopefully we will get them.  ObamaCare has come to fruition and now every single American will be impacted by this ridiculous UnAmerican attempt to control us down to our civvies and DNA.

Now we see what a "law", contrived in the backrooms of DC, tainted by the bribes to individual Senators, rammed though in a totally partisan vote means to each American.  The bills will be arriving and I know they will be received with shrieks.  More money, less coverage, and you don't get to keep your own Doctor.  ObamaCare is the gift that will keep on giving for the demise of the Democrat power structure.  Its ripple affects across the land will relegate the perps, the democrats, to minority status (except California unfortunately) for years to come.  And the power to return America into the land of the free will be exercised by our own Congressman, Doug LaMalfa.

Updates 11-10-2013
Doug LaMalfa and Jim Neilson

Craig Lindsay and Maggis McGrath

Todd Juvinall and Maggie McGrath
 It was a very good turnout.  The LaMalfa family is a true American nuclear family and all their relatives chip in to help as well.  300 people or thereabouts showed up.  Saw a lot of old friends.  David Reade, Chief to Senator Jim Neilson was there and we chatted it up.  Doug and Jim were meeting everyone.  Nice dinner of beef, chicken, Caesar salad and some beans.  Ala Bill Schultz BBQ style.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Elections November 2013

What to do, what to do?  Gosh, there was a few elections across the land and all the really smart people in politics are telling us what really happened.  From the bogus exit polls of CNN, the ridiculous reporting of USA Today and all the alphabet networks you would be driven to think what the reporting is sooo smart and foretelling!

Nothing in these races jumps out as any kind of trend.  I like Chris Christie and was really happy he beat the democrat in New Jersey.  All the press mostly likes him (especially because he hugged Obama and  the Tea Party doesn't) so nothing to report.  The Tea Party was no even involved in New Jersey but you would think they were according to the press who tries to Tar Baby them in every loss and never gives them credit for any victory.  Besides, the Tea Party is made up of hundreds if not thousands of independent groups.  Hell, I don;t know if there is one in New Jersey!

Virginia was something I call, money talks and BS walks.  Terry McAuliffe, ex money gather and investor extrodinaire, and a person who never held office before, outspent AG Cuccinelli some say 15 to 1.  Now we all know money is the root of all evil so I would say the Virginia voter just got the most evil man they could to run their Governor's mansion.  Trouble is though, the Republicans lost only one seat in their Legislature and their hefty majority will keep the crook in place.  I watched a wrap up of the race by USA Today on video and they did not even mention the spread or the money.  Somethings never change.  I guess if the Koch Brothers had donated the headline would have been "Koch millions cannot buy Virginia".  Same old crap from the media.

In Colorado, a secession attempt to become Northern Wyoming was defeated.  Six of the 12 counties did not pass the vote.  Even if they had all voted for it the road is an impossible one.  Colorado would not let it happen and God knows the two new Republican Senators might just make a difference in the Congressional body of 100, near comatose all.  But those Coloradans are very unpredictable (my sis lives there) about marijuana.  They voted to allow recreational use last year and yesterday decided to place a 25% tax on the sale of the weed.  So, now we get to see all those projections by the bureaucrats of a gazillion tax dollars come true.  Or, maybe those dopers will bypass the legal mechanisms of tax collection because they might want to get 25% more dope?  My guess is yes!

The national press and even some state and local numskulls in blogs are telling all who will listen (the sheeple) that the Tea Party took it in the shorts yesterday.  I don't see it that way.  This is a movement made from whole cloth and the ties that bind it philosophically are ideas and policies in conflict with many voters on the dole.  And those real smart liberals.  Of course liberals would never vote for anyone the Tea Party supports.  The Tea Party is alive and well.  I am not a member but I have been invited to the local fundraiser at the Fairgrounds in a couple of weeks.  I will get to hear some really nice "grassroots" talk about our system.

The thing that amazes me about the left and those that vote for other parties is this.  Those people sit on their asses and complain but never put forth people into the political system that have a chance of winning.  So, they complain but mostly against those parties and organizations who really do try to make a difference.  The whiners in America don't even understand the two party system or the Electoral College for goodness sakes.  So they whine and complain yet NEVER make a difference in the issue and things they say they are complaining about.  That seems to me to be a full cop-out since they never can win but can always whine.

American elections are so fun most of the time.  Sometimes the difference in a win or loss is as simple as the weather.  It could hang on one issue, like Obamacare (the gift to R's in 2014) or made up lies, well sold like "the war on women". But that is our system, I think now that Citizen's United is in place we will see a lot more exciting times.

My sister's experience with ObamaCare this week.

Here is what my 60 year old sis, a medical professional, said about her journey into the lies of Obama and his lackeys.

"Remember when President Obama repeatedly said, "If you like your insurance plan, you can keep it? Well, he lied. I have an individual plan through Anthem Blue Cross which I like and the premium is $242/month. Anthem Blue Cross is doing away with it, but will offer me a "similar" plan with higher copays which complies with all the requirements of the "Affordable Care Act" for a mere $631/month! That's almost 3 times as much! This is his wonderful Obamacare! This is affecting millions of Americans and I am one of them and I am not happy."

 So there you have it.  One of the biggest reasons the democrats are going to get their arses kicked down the road.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Nevada County Internicine Warfare in politics turns really nasty sometimes

Reading some of the local blogs is an entertaining endeavor.  We have all sides of any issue or proposal discussed and fought over on a daily basis.  In the old days all this played out in the local papers, public hearings and the radio. The words written in these blogs, including mine, are there forever.  So when fights breakout all of what we say is available to readers.  They will judge whether we are relevant or not.

On my blog I created it to put my opinion out into the world.  I think I know something about most anything so I bloviate.  Usually I will read-up so I am not coming across too uninformed and the thousands that read me can at least glean something useful.  One of my big deals is pointing out hypocrisy. 

Sure I am not perfect and I make mistakes and there are plenty of folks who point that out.  Just like the section in the paper called ?letters to the Editor" and "Other Voices".  Write anything there and letters of corrections come flowing in.  We have comment streams that allow people to correct or argue the points. 

I have been in some good pissing contests with locals, and sometimes I allow anonymous people to comment as long as it is not nasty or really  uncivil.  If they want to post their real name and address then I usually allow a comment.  Lately I was getting spammed by some nuts who loved the "F" word and called me and my readers some pretty vile names.  This caused me to have to "moderate" comments and just lately I turned off moderation.

So what happens in these blogs that gets people all worked up enough to almost threaten someones life or livelihood?  Words, exposing hypocrisy.  Most people can't take the criticism they dish out so they retaliate with more words trying to one-up, and put the other party in its place.  Take the RLCrabb blog for instance.  Though he has few readers he has a certain puffery that is fairly comical.  Of course he skewers others with his "sarcasm" and God knows we need some of that.  It makes people who think they are hot shit into regular people.  But there is a downside.  The blogmaster there thinks because he is clever in his sarcasm he can get away with skewering and there will be no blowback.

Well, people don;t necessarily defend themselves from that kind of "sarcasm".  But when they do, all hell breaks loose and feelings get hurt.  I got into a back and forth there and the reason was what I deemed the "hypocrisy" of the commenter and the blogmeister.  I used no foul language but simply pointed out their hypocrisy on the topic.  Well, the blogmeister told me to go F myself and I unfortunately returned the favor.  Then I pointed out the hypocrisy of his statement and he went into some sort of physiological babble that I thought I was important because I was once a County Supervisor.  I said, OH!  Now I see the reason the fellow dislike me.  He is jealous.

Then we have the leftwing blog "Jeff Pelline's Sierra Foothills Report".  The fellow I have written about more than once in my blog.  He is obsessed with the former Editor of the Union Newspaper.  He was a Editor there and he did not last very long.  It was common knowledge he was a "unlikable" fellow and his attitude about our community was there for all to read about.  While claiming he is a "middle of the road" person politically, his comm enters and his opinions are always leftwing and radical.  But after a back and forth a few years ago he decided I could not post on his blog anymore because I was disruptive.  I simply defended those people and policies I liked.  Funny how both of the blogs I have spoken about here have something in common.

They skewer people and policies and then when someone comes to defend, they go off their rocker.  What do they expect?  If I like a certain candidate or business and these two "lovelies" cream them. I will defend them.  Most people are silent but I found out a long time ago that silence is acceptance.  Sure, when I defend the things I like from them, that creates heat sometimes.  But in the case of RLCrabb, I have actually defended him, his cartoons (he drew me as the devil once) and have always been courteous in public.  He apparently can't take what he dishes out though.

There are other blogs I read and perhaps the best local blogs are by George Rebane and Russ Steele.  We have similar political leanings and I do like the comment streams on their blogs.  George lets most comments on and many of us get into some pretty heated discussions.  But isn't that what it is all about?  I think the exchange of ideas, the disallowing of bad or made-up facts and the attempts to disrupt people's livelihoods are important topics to discuss and make right.  When Pelline tried to usher in a boycott of local radio station KNCO over the Rush Limbaugh exposure of the phony-baloney Sandra Fluke, many of us fought back their attempts (the left) and KNCO still broadcasts Rush.

There are many other examples of the hypocrisy of these lefty and so-called "moderate" bloggers but I will stop here.  The bottom line in the world is we all have a bias, we all have the ability to be a hypocrite and we all have a "flame" point.  Having been called every name in the book over the years I would suggest these other bloggers get a thicker skin and a smaller mouth and then jump back into the arena.