RDR is a fairly new kind of care facility in the country, at least in our little county. The people proposing this waged a six year process to get their approvals. It was a painful example of the slow pace of things in our country now. But the proponents, Jim and Carol Young, were troopers and kept going (and spending a gazillion bucks) when things did not look good early on. Now when all the cobwebs are finally cleared, construction could begin this year.
The Young's had a lot of support at the meeting and many speakers. I even spoke for three minutes in favor. Of course there were some neighbors who were opposed and a couple of them alledged the age old crapola of accusing the Board members of being on the take. Each BOS member stated they never received one penny and the public was welcome to review their contribution lists. Been there done that.
So after all the presentations, and I must say the staff did an excellent job, the BOS deliberated and asked many questions. I was impressed with the questions they all asked and they were really looking out for the public. No one wants a project that will fail and the Board was carefully wading through all the documents and the questions asked by the public. Terry Lamphier was concerned about water and air quality, Nate Beason wanted protections for the open space, Richard Anderson was asking about the CCRC criteria. Ed Scofield and Hank Weston were concernes about the fire issues and the gate.
After all was said and done, the BOS voted mostly 5-0 for approvals. There were a few, maybe two of the 10 or so motions, where Mr. Anderson voted against and the votes were 4-1. I tip my hat to the BOS because this was a unique project and it tool some real courage to step outside "comfort zones" of planning orthodoxy and be bold.
So congratulations to the Young's, and to the BOS for moving a get concept forward into reality.
Yay!! Good report Todd.
ReplyDeleteThanks George. My only regret was the chairs we put in the room killed my ass.
DeleteTodd... I'd like to invite you to the opening of the 25 year time capsule, placed at the base of the flag pole in 1988 at the Chicago Park Post Office (you were a dignitary at that event, I believe). We will be having a ceremony here on Tuesday, April 30 @ 1 PM. If you'd like to know more, you can call me at the PO: 530-272-3957
Will do, thanks for the heads up Bo.
DeleteWell, for once we agree. A worthwhile project well presented and researched.
ReplyDeleteFor once we agree. A worthwhile project well presented and documented. I wish I could afford to live there when the time comes.