I have been so amused by the wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth regarding the minuscule "sequester" crapola. R's said a 2.5% decrease in the future spending of the Feds would be a piece of cake to deal with. The D's and their sycophants cried the "world" will end. There is not even a middle ground in my view. The left will spend our country into oblivion and the only thing holding them back is a small R majority in the House of Reps.
I have talked to some local Fed employees who are now dealing with this contrived"sequester" crapola. They say the upper echelon of the Administration is forcing cuts in areas that will garner publicity. I said "you know the cuts are in future spending increases right?" They said of course they do but the language has been changed and their superiors simply are trying to scare everyone. California has long since mastered this subterfuge about cuts and now the technique has spread to the rest of the country and the Feds.
Years ago when I was a County Supervisor, the State of California was faced with Prop 13 ramifications. The politicians used every scare tactic they could muster to convince the taxpayers the sky would fall. They were going to close the libraries, lay off firemen and cops. Food and medical care would be rationed and the schools would have teachers hitting the unemployment lines. I and many of my compatriots at the local level (required to have a balanced budget) said hey! Wait! Start by cutting those thousands of worthless and duplicate programs. Get rid of the 120 Consumer Affairs sections. We can help you trim the waste!
Well the State said go pound sand you local yokels. We know best. What we will do is pass more regulations on you (state mandates) and ratchet down your discretion. We will tell you how to spend your money because we know best. And they spent our money. The State swipes most of our property tax (upheld by our illustrious Supreme Court) and then sends beck some after the skim a bunch off the top for their people. The mafia has nothing on these scofflaws. The property tax money is a huge chunk and with Prop 98 requiring no less than 40% of the State's budget goes to education, one can see the draw for skimming.
When I saw the State's politicians start being late with the budget, I knew we were now being governed by lawbreakers. Our State Constitution says pass the budget by June 30 and that deadline was ignored for many many years. If these State scofflaws can ignore the Constitution the swear to uphold, I knew they would start ignoring other things. And they have (swiping trust funds etc.). Now that has spread to the Feds. The reason they do it is their is no consequences. We have a gerrymandered state with non competitive districts and the same people sending us into oblivion economically are re-elected without fail.
So here we are, a State of scofflaws who ram thousands of new laws and regulations down our throats and ignore the monetary consequences f their actions (even though the Constitution says they have to for any law over a million bucks if I recall correctly). We have a Federal system that has now been polluted by Californication of our binding document, the State Constitution and our moronic voters keep on trucking without change or questions. The state "free press" is simply an arm of the democrat hegemony of our politics so even if the people of the state were interested in changing things they would be unable to read any in depth analysis or condemnation of their fair haired lefty politicians. What a shame.
This malaise has taken over the press at every level in America. Thomas Paine is rolling over in his grave. The only way to get our State and country back on track is for the people to become outraged enough to boot the bastards out (Tea Party?). But it is not to be. That political malaise will remain as long as the people think any cuts on future growth are spending cuts to their favorite programs. American brain power is now at the Zimbabwe level in many cases. The people of that country are convinced Mugabe is a Saint as long as he gives out the goodies and tosses the Europeans out of the country.
America needs to wake up before it is too late and the Obama moron voters take over completely.
For Pete the poster anon. Bite me!
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