Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Netroots? What a bunch of loons!

I was watching a bit of CSPAN today and there was a panel on the dais of five or six people.  The banner said this was a Netroots convention on bloggers and the Internet, or something like that.  So I listened and lo and behold, it was a bunch of radical leftwing nuts with the nut Paul Krugman right there in the center chair.

I listened for a while and all it was was a Republican/conservative bash fest along with the usual "kill Grover Norquist ands take America from "rich white guys".  My goodness, are these people serious?  Apparently they are and now that they are being whipped at the ballot box all across America, they are desperate.  If any Republican said the crap these leftwingnuts said, they would e censored, fired and driven out of business.  These liberals were glad handing and backslapping each other and it was quite a sight.

One white skinned gal was the culprit who stated that Grover had to be taken out no matter how.  She also said the "people" had to take the country back from the "old rich white guys".  Well, looking at her I can see why she is angry.  Probably not had a date for a long long time! LOL!  Then the black babe was railing on and on about the Republicans and "voter suppression".  She didn't see the turnouts across the country I guess.  Here in California where this Netroots is based I guess, the turnout was something like 25%.  Now how can there be "minority" voter suppression by the white rich guys if most of the people were white and they did not vote?  I guess logic is not a course these nuts take in those government schools.

Krugman was his usual dopey self.  The [people that give this man awards must have been drunk or stoned since his recommendations are totally bogus.  My 21 year old granddaughter is smarter about the world of economics than that Krugman.  Then they had Richard Trunpka of a commie union speaking and he is not worth listening to.  But I did as I tried not to wretch.   He yaps the party line about the evil corporations and money in politics.  Well, not his money I guess, just corporations.  He should travel to Poland and talk with Lech Walesa  who I consider, along with Reagan and the Pope then, to be true heroes in bringing down communist rule in Europe,  to see what real repression is all about.  He, Trunpka, is one lucky S.O.B. to be living here in America.  What a ingrate.

But this Netroots group seem a bit harsh to me.  They actually clapped and whooped when the white gal said Grover should be "taken out".  Remember the criticism when some person said a much milder comment shouted out at some Tea Party rally?  Or Rush calling Fluke a slut?  Where is the lamestream?  Oh, nowhere as usual.  Thank goodness for CSPAN and each of us with access to a computer and a blog on the Internet. 

Based on what I listened to, I would suggest we on the right prepare to parry all the lies and crap these Netroots loons dish out.  Don't let them get the upper hand and don't let their lies stand too long without a response.  We can keep things civil while showing the American people these liberal Netroot nuts are to be summarily dismissed.

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