Our neighboring county has taken on and completed a General Plan update to 2030 and of course now they must have the zoning ordinance to go along with it. Their goal is to help business prosper. HERE is the artucle from the Appeal-Democrat.
I was on the Board of Supervisors until I retired at the end of 1992. Before retiring we on the Board had been pushed to do an Update of our GP and zoning by the Planning Department. We reluctantly agreed to proceed with an update. The process was hijacked by the left in Nevada County and it became an "Overhaul" rather then an Update. We had the longest GP process in California history because the left wanted our little county to become their poster child for environmental policies. What it became was a battleground, an extension of the landuse wars from the late 70's and the 80's.
Out of the battles came CABPRO to try and protect property rights and the Rural Quality Coalition created to take away property rights. It was quite a time. I was usually there to testify as a citizen, representing the members of CABPRO and it was usually me against the "trust baby" liberals who belonged to the regressive RQC and FONA. Those two groups were consistently opposed to anything that contained progress. The RQC even infiltrated the Planning Department before I left office. Their infiltrator from the San Juan area was a well connected lefty who was given the secret task (paid for from unknown planning funds) to draw up our county into 40 acre minimums outside of all the cities. I was personally involved at exposing this GIS fiasco and I did it at the largest hearing we held which ended up at the Vets Building in Grass Valley. The place was packed with the landowners who were totally opposed to the nefarious attempt by the RQC infiltrator to impose 40 acre minimums on every one of them. Well, we voted the 40 acre proposal down and a couple of heads rolled after they were exposed as the sneaks they were.
Nevada County finally approved a GP but it was not that great as far as I can read. I wanted to see small corners throughout the county get allocated with zoning which could lead to little markets or even a gas station or a veterinary. Then people would not have to drive so far for a gallon of milk. I lost. We have ridiculous zones with ridiculous rules and we all get to see the result. No business no opportunity and expensive land. The great leftwing Nevada County GP is a flop along with its zoning rules. You all should read both but the zoning is the real eye opener. If you want to see why we have nothing going on here, just read the rules. Thousands of rules. Enough to make your eyes water uncontrollably.
Well, Yuba County seems to at least have the desire to try and fix the overbearing rules in their County. I have always said we will never prosper here with so much government in our lives and on our property. I think it has proven out I was correct. Unfortunately we have urban nuts like Jeff Pelline who move up here and continue to tear down the hope of people wishing to succeed. I and CABPRO and some other individuals and organizations saw twenty years ago the course we should take to keep hope and prosperity alive here in our County. We lost, the regressive left won and now I am too old to get in the big fight anymore. I'll have a cold one and watch the Giants.
We were a victim of that rezoning. 105 acres of hillside. it was zoned 10 acre min. planned development, high density.( in an agricultural aria) I went to the county and asked if they had even looked at the aria. Of course the answer was "no". This was about the same time they came up with the 30% slope BS.
ReplyDeleteWe did get someone to buy it. The county came out and said "only four homes can be built, and they must be in a cluster." I guess that what flies for "planned development" and "high density".
It happened tp many people and then when the county installed comprehensive sites plans all hell broke lose. The county needs to repeal them.
ReplyDeleteWalt, you think the County should have been taken a look at the aria? With the exception o Music in the Mountains, why would the County care which particular opera is favored by its residents, and where?
ReplyDeleteI suggest Don Giovanni. Or perhaps the aria from The Book of Mormon.
ReplyDeleteWalt and I spell the same way and we really don't care if the spell police are out. I do think Frisch's comment is funny though.
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ReplyDeleteRemoved another leftwingnut doing a personal attack.
ReplyDeleteYou were a wonderful Supervisor Todd. How well I remember those years. What an education! I'll never forget the radio discussion with the attorney who said that people shouldn't be able to build a house on less than 45 acres. You said you had a sack full of mail from constituents who wanted their family members to be able to build on their land. I had to laugh at the attorney who happened to live next door. His sister built next door to him without building permits and when she and her husband split up, the county found out and made her pay up. She also build another cabin out of the material from the old swimming pool in N.C. It's amazing how some people love to make tough laws for everyone else...but exempt themselves.
ReplyDeleteThane Bonnie. My goal was always freedom and Constitutional rights. You are correct about the big shots from the city who moved here and tried to shut down our rural lifestyles. They are back again with eh Contractors Equipment Yards. We held them off for almost thirty years but like a whiny resurgent lefty conspiracy, they want the guy who removes the snow from their driveway and road so they can drive their Subaru to get a latte, to go away. Whew! So,what I tell many whiners who move here and complain, like Pelline, if your ilk (libs) had got their way totally, then you would still be in LA. They don't get it.