Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Utopia University! No-Safe-Spaces investigates!

Freedom 2017! Can we keep it?

America is quite a place.  And it is quite the idea.  We are coming up on our 241st year of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.  Those men who put that document together were propelling the planet's age old governance of Kings into the dustbin.  They decided to empower each person to be their best and make them the owners of America.  And we have seen that all the way to today. 

In one generation, mine, I have seen the relentless attacks on our way of life.  Our brave men and women saved the planet from the Nazi's and the Fascists and the imperialists of World War Two.  And what did their children do with that sacrifice?  We rioted in the streets for free stuff.  And we spoiled our kids and grandkids with free stuff and no responsibility.  And look around what do you see?  People whining and complaining and living in the past.  Many can't get past the childish blame game of three year olds who want their way.  Every sub category of humanity trying to wrestle free stuff and "rights" from the others.  Takers of those hard workers almost outnumbering the "makers" who supply the manna of life.

And it seems every day there is a new aggrieved group who we allow the right to air their issues in courts and on the media.  People trying to make the "normal" folks feel guilty that these aggrieved people are somehow biased against.  Hogwash in my view.  But they have done something I expected many years ago.  I saw a lot of this when I was an elected official.  People wanting free stuff are also very vocal.  And in America, they all have "advocacy" groups.  There is a "welfare" advocacy group or probably many of them.  So we have a large number of freeloaders of the hard worker's money banding together to get power to get more free stuff.  And they have lawyers to help!  And multiply this times all the aggrieved groups.  Now we have "transgendered" people who rode in on the coattails of the homosexuals who won court cases all the way the the US Supreme Court.  We must now accommodate less than 1% of the population or be sued and fined of our money if we "lose".

I am and always have been, a compassionate person regarding people of all stripes.  I have friends of every color and gender.  But now, like those in Canada, one cannot say anything out loud about any of these groups without risk of arrest for "hate speech".  And that speech is subject to the interpretation by a "speech" expert.  So somehow in America, the land and people that conquered most of the problems that have plagued mankind for millennia, you can be arrested and jailed for "speech".

But wait!  It seems that hate speech is a one-way street.  Democrats can get up on the floor of the House and Senate in DC and call Republicans "murderers" and worse for trying to deal with the failed ObamaCare fiasco and they are not penalized.  Well, maybe the people of America will.  By not sending their sorry butts back to power.  That is along shot though.  If you disagree with a liberal and they screech loud enough the media will and always does, carry their water and their message.  GUILT!  Americans should feel guilt so they become compliant.  And that was what we saw under Obama and the leftwing media.  But that is now being scrutinized and the cause of that is DONALD J> TRUMP!

We finally have someone that is not taking their bait of guilt.  And he does not sit back and let the left attack him and his family without him giving back as good as he gets.  And other than the over-educated pinheads on the coasts or from Academia, Americans are giving Trump applause.  He may be a bit crude but so are we throughout the land.  If someone insults you either you take it or fight back.  Republicans have always taken it.  I used to yell at the TV when George W. Bush did not respond to the scurrilous attacks by the left.  So I did it for him.  Now we have a man who does it for us.

When you add up all these grievance groups across tha land and now even across the planet, what do we see?  We see a hate for white males mostly.  But for all races of the American population really.  And why is that?  I think it is because we have been a success in the progress of the human condition.  And we have become self-sufficient.  America has led the way in bringing the planet's people out of the cave and into the light.  But like the weakest of the humans, jealousy is still rampant.  Look at the Paris Accord on "climate change" as one example.  We Americans were to transfer our wealth to the third world as they did their best to lay the guilt trip on us.  And of course the liberals here obliged.  Obama and John Kerry sold us out to make themselves feel better.  But now we see that rejected by Trump, thank goodness.

America is a land of opportunity but we must stay vigilant to remain so.  Obama and his minions tried to whittle us down into a "sameness" with other countries.  And he almost succeeded.  But the resilient people of America rose iup to reject that diminution of America by the left.  We are better than they are.  They should aspire to our greatness.  Not the other way around.  Humans were always just cannon fodder for the kings before America came along.  And you, each and every one of you, is important.  Not only to yourself but to all of us.  Why would we want to return to being cannon fodder?  WW1 and WW2 left 150 million mostly men, dead and gone.  The KING tried to regain you.  But America said no.  And we must not let those that would try to destroy us through force or subterfuge to regain power.

So let us stop the ridiculous quest for "diversity is our strength crap" and become Americans.  Without hyphens.  If you are living here and want to partake in the freedoms then get rid of those phony differences and just be a AMERICAN!

Sunday, June 18, 2017

ALT-Left Wrecking America

Americans if the LEFT Gets their way
I am worried that America is under siege from within.  And those that wish it ill are from the left side of the political aisle.  All my life until at least 1990 or so, America resisted and confronted the communists and the socialists on planet earth.  We confronted and went to war with them as our people knew the left was all about tyranny and big government.  All those communist countries with their Stasi police, all more or less like the World War 2 German Gestapo.  No freedom for the individual, only power for the state.

And in my lifetime I have seen the people of America slowly accepting bigger government as some sort of "savior" for them.  Each day we see more personal freedoms whittled down.  The old "frog in the cold water" story. But look at what is has come to.  Political Correctness, AKA PC has run rampant and our citizens are afraid to speak their minds for fear of being called some inflammatory name. Traditional things are belittled and tossed into the trash.  Religion in America, well Christian religion, is mocked and others like Islam are propped up as some sort of measure of tolerance.  Many people last week held rallies against "Sharia Law" coming to America.  They were attacked and counter protested by groups of people  Sharia Law would obliterate.  Homosexuals and women (feminists) were out there protesting the protesters.  But if Sharia went into affect as it has in other countries, the homosexuals would be tossed off buildings to their death and women would never go outside without a male escort.

So it seems to me the world for some people is upside down.  I went to a "Free Speech" rally in Berkeley and those calling themselves "Antifa", for Anti Fascists, were there creating violence against people reciting the US Constitution!  The Antifa's were the fascists yet they are so dumb they think not.  I blame the lack of critical thinking NOT taught in our schools.  Where everyone gets a trophy so no one's feeling are hurt.
So here we are in the 67th year of my life and I am seeing things happening in America I thought we defeated 25 years ago.  What is worse it is the lack of leadership in America that has me worried the most.  All the debt and those yearly deficits undermine the future of America even more than an attack by some enemy.  We are only as stable and powerful as our economy.   But 535 people we send to Washington DC cannot seem to help themselves about the spending.  Wishing to be all things to all people they have put our country into a very precarious place.  Can you imagine paying a hundred dollars for a loaf of bread?  Or a tomato?  It has happened in the history of the planet.  We are allowing the politicians to be irresponsible with our money.  And they are getting record amounts of our money!  Never enough.

California is the best current example of "never enough".  I wonder how we can have such a low unemployment number as reported last week and have the highest welfare population.  How is that possible?  But the information is not trustworthy and we are all skeptical about "fake news" now.  All this angst and the attempts by the ALT-LEFT to undermine President Trump and his administration are making people distrust those we should not distrust.  But when 90% of the press is voting ALT-LEFT and donating their money to Democrats we see the problem.  The press is always preaching about the money (Citizen's United)  in politics yet they give millions to the left.  Not much to the right.  They are buying their own demise with their support of one party over the others.  But they deny they are influenced or that they influence the process. And we all know that is total baloney.

In my humble opinion, I think the ALT-LEFT and their lackey's  in the media are overplaying their hands.  Americans like to support the underdog.  We don't like it when someone or something is piled on.  And that is what we see with their attacks on Trump.  Most of the "fake news" is underwritten by anonymous sources.  And those sources are saying some really terrible things about Trump, his voters and the process.  And I think there will be a tipping point" that no one will like.  Trump was duly elected under the rules of our Constitution.  Those that want him out are committing treason and should be shunned.  Of course, they have their "freedom of speech" so have at it, but watch out.  I would suggest the left will be wiped out over the next few elections and the country will finally get right thinking people in charge of the place.  Well, except for California and New York.

America is the last best hope of a place where an individual is important.  Communism, socialism and whatever runs Europe could care less about you as an individual.  But I think you do.  And if you want to preserve this great place and the experiment unprecedented in human history (except Greece circa 500BC) you had better get involved.  In one generation we can lose it all.  In my lifetime I have seen this happening and if you don't pay attention you will become what most of history had you as.  A piece of canon fodder.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Fight the democrat/media coup attenpts!

We must return fire to the liars and usurpers.  Trump is duly elected under our Constitution.  The left is trying to take him out with their phony, made up Russia fantasy.  All their phony attempts are based on a joke he made about Clinton's emails she destroyed.  As well as Trump saying Putin was a strong leader for his own country.  The left thinks they have an opening to take Trump out.  We must confront them at each and every turn.  Comment on their posts wherever they are.  In your newspaper, CSPAN, Facebook and all other media.  Don't let these traitors get away with their lies.

Let us organize and show the country we are behind Trump.  We can have out rallies too.  There are millions of us.  I understand we are the people that actually work so it is hard to get away.  The left has their paid protestors and thugs, we are just plain folks.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Brits are as evenly divided as America!

Theresa May
The elections called by Prime Minister Theresa May were held yesterday and the outcome was quite interesting to me.  The Brits are a Parlimentary system and they choose their President (Prime Minister) from either a outright Parlimentary majority or a coalition of two or more parties.  Well, that is the case as we see the loss of seats by the Tories (like our Republicans) to a total below the 326 needed for a one party majority.  So May will have to get another party to join hers in order to keep the majority.  The Labout Party (like our democrat party) did not gain enough to form a government with any other party.  So Britain will still have a Tory in charge.

HERE is the results.

What is interesting to me is how the press reports all of this.  The press in Britain hates the Tories just like they do the Republicans here.  Even though May and the Tories got 318 seats this is deemed a loss by the press.  But just a few years ago we saw the same thing with the Tories winning David Cameron was the PM) and having to bring on board the Liberal Democrats to gain the majority.  And it worked just fine.  So a small party of 12 seats gets to be a important part of the government.  Unlike here in California where the democrats have a "super majority" and do not need to talk to anyone else to ram their agenda down our throats, the Brits will have to talk to the LibDems.

So my view is the Tories will do just fine and their manifesto will be in force.  There are some Tories that will now have to be listened to like Boris Johnson.  He is a strong voice on immigration.  And the Brits will be easing out of the EU and it is better to have them in charge than the Labour party.  That party is now in charge of a communist!  All in all it will be fun to watch the BBC gnash their teeth in disbelief that the Tories won.  Good luck to Theresa May and the Tories, they get as much respect as Trump does from the leftwing media in America.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

D-Day June 6, 1944. Thank you men for saving the world

All those brave boys storming Fortress Europe.  Americans, Canadians, Brits, French, Poles, all fighting to rid the planet of fascism.  Hitler had less than a year left.  To those who remain in the cemetaries of France and Belgium and the Netherlands, your souls are safe in Heaven.  Thanks you for being so brave and willing to risk your own lives for us. I only hope that the Europeans remember who saved them.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Liberal apologists are on the job

Is it any wonder we saw a sea change in the election of Donald Trump?  A man who tells us he will protect us as best he can?  Saturday he made a statement from the Ford Theater on the latest vile attack on people by Islamic terrorists in London.  Of course he said these very things during the election campaign while Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders wanted to "dialog" with those terrorists.  People know the difference.

But we seem to have a slice of America that thinks playing patty-cake with the killers is all we need to get along.  If we are "nice" to them, don't call them what they are they will leave us alone.  Well, we have seen this tactic fail repeatedly in Europe and elsewhere.  The first time I saw this failure was in Bali, Indonesia.  It was a favorite tourist destination and the people living there were peaceful and welcoming.  The terrorists attacked and murdered 202 people with bombs and other tools of death. Most of the dead were from Australia.  And we all got to see the indiscriminate murder of innocents.

But even after the downing of our Twin Towers in 2001 the left made excuses for those killers.  Oh "what did we do to piss them off" said many liberals and apologists.  And that attitude by the left is on display every time there is an attack.  Europe has tried to walk the line of not making it appear they are concerned the killers are of the Islamic faith.  Every time I listen to a European leader speak on immigration I say to myself "are you nuts"?  They let these people in as they seem concerned about the birth rates and replacement people for their countries.  But how can they not see they are bringing in people that refuse to assimilate into their culture and lifestyles?  They are committing suicide!

The terrorists in many cases are first generation jihadi’s who never assimilated and never learned the values of life itself.  They practice the culture of death.  But how many innocent children will die because the leaders there don't want to be called bigots?  When you look at the numbers worldwide I say to myself who is really the bigot?  There are 1.6 billion practitioners of Islam and we hear that 20% like Jihad and beheadings.  So 300 million people want you to lose your head.    But our western civilization still tries to be PC in the face of this threat.  And the liberals and the left make excuses for them.

Here in America, we are a little bit more pragmatic but not much.  Last week Kathy Griffin held up the bloody head of a Donald Trump look-a-like and all hell broke loose.  Even in little Nevada County, we saw blowback to the despicable act by Griffith.  And then we heard the apology and my goodness, we white males made her do it!  That is the latest mantra of failed people in America.  Whether some women or people of color, if they fail or are caught doing something untoward.  They blame those "old white males" for causing them to stray.  Excuses galore.  But what does that get them?  To me, a "white male" it gets them excoriation.  They cannot accept that sometimes failure happens and it may be their own fault.  But now they have a reason other than their own shortcomings for their failures.  ME! 

Somehow the "white males" especially the old ones, are to blame for the lack of success for these snowflakes.  But those moms and dad's that work hard every day to give themselves and their kids a chance in this competitive world are now the reason for defeat.  I could care less what color or religion and gender (two) you are, you have the capability to succeed in this country.  If you can't move to Europe and complain.  They will take care of you.  They will let you live well as long as you complain.

Are we getting sick of all this blame game?  I try to do my part in exposing these whiny snowflakes who can't seem to accept personal responsibility.  But there are so many it is hard to keep up.  And then the media types, 95% voted liberal, spread the "shame".  Here in  California politicians even let felons out of prison as they feel guilty these lovelies got caught.  Oh my we need to lessen the sentences for crack over powder cocaine.  And the death penalty?  The killers did not give a little girl a chance at life yet we spend an inordinate amount of money to "save" these killers from justice.  Hell, the left even tries to make the point that it costs more to execute a killer than to house them for the rest of their lives.  And some people believe that!

If the Western World does not wake up and get back to the reality of life we will become extinct.  If people want to live in the West they must assimilate.  If they don't the countries will see the erosion of their culture and the death of civilization.  We have to stop making excuse for those acts of depravity.  And we must boot out of power anyone that gives these people PC protection.  We must fight hard for survival.  The hope of the world is here in America.  We are the shining light of freedom and the importance of the individual and his/her life.  We practice life not death.  But the excuse makers don't have a clue that if we fail, they will be the first people stood up against the wall.  You want the Iranians in charge?  Assad?

We need to get tough with the rules on becoming an American.  Sign a pledge, bring in assets and learn the language.  No more "diversity is our strength” BS.  Americans are a distinct people and if you want to live here you must become a flag saluting, oath taking English speaking citizen.  Nothing less will save our country from the abyss of depraved people making excuses for murdering the innocents.
