Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Rants and Rolls October 29, 2016

We Americans sure are different aren't we?  Different in that we as individuals still have the right to speak our piece without fear of the government coming to arrest us for heresy or some-such.  Most other countries on the planet are not so understanding.  Even Canada our northern neighbor has "hate speech" laws that keep people from writing or talking about things the government does not like.  Like race, climate and gender issues.  If you have a opinion they don't like you can end up arrested and charged and then post bail if you have it.  Mark Steyn a noted conservative ran afoul of the Canadian PC crowd and it took him years and lots of money to finally win his case.  Noted conservatives like Ann Coulter are attacked and run off the stage in Canadian colleges and not a whit done to her attackers.  But utter something like, "Oh global warming is a hoax" and there is all hell to pay.

But in America we like our speech.  Free speech.  Of course slander and libel are not allowed and inspiring a riot by speech is not allowed and rightly so.  But most common speech is under attack by the PC fans and it has permeated many places in our country.  Liberal PC fans steal and burn conservative student newspapers.  Liberal wimps need "safe spaces" to shield them from speech they disagree with.  College professors who reject PC are routinely fired and reassigned.  Free speech on campus is attacked and threatened.  All this PC I thought was supposed to be peaceful protesting?  But no, the left has shown us they cannot make their point without violence.

Trump rallies have been infiltrated by paid thugs by Hillary Clinton's campaign.  Paid to start fights and make it look like Trump's people started it.  Remember Chicago and Santa Clara? As well as wearing anti-Trump outerwear to inflame others.  I have yet to see any arrests of these paid hugs from the left, have you?  Unfortunately though the young people of our country have been getting the short end of the stick regarding their Constitution and all its "rights".  Man on the street interviews of college kids on their own campuses show their complete illiteracy regarding the country and its founding documents.  All this show me they are either stupid or ignorant.  I would hope it is just ignorance.  But why?  They are not taught the laws and rules and ethics we were apparently.  Even the smallest thing like a picture of the Vice President befuddles them.  I heard a audio of these minds full of mush interviewed yesterday about ObamaCare.  The ploy was this.  Tell them the double digit increases in the premiums were just fantastic.  And guess what?  These numbskulls thought it was just great!

Locally there is a full page article in TheUnion today penned by Frank Pinney.  He asks is Obama a Muslim?  Now I don't agree he is but this man can say it, pay for the space to distribute it and rightly so.  It is his money and the Union has every right to accept his article and his money.  The ultimate in the exercise of free speech in my view.  Then Norm Sauer wrote a article today as well.  He is a Trump supporter and proud of it.  There was also a article by local lefty activist Cheryl Cook.  She extols the virtues and her undying love for Hillary Clinton and tells us we all need to vote for her.  All fine with me.  Yet a local blogger, well known for his extremist views of the liberal persuasion, decries the Union's decision to allow Sauer and Pinney to post their articles.  While remaining silent or in support of Cook.  Totally that person's right to say those things but thank goodness he is not in charge of those decisions to publish.  He would be the best example of a "commissar" in the old USSR.  And his stance fits right in with their PRAVDA propaganda and censorship.

We have been informed by FBI Director Comey that the email scandal of Hillary Clinton's making is open again.  Why?  Must be some really bad stuff that he says was overlooked or not available the first time around.  Cynics say he is doing it for politics.  All those democrats who applauded Comey last time are now excoriating him.  Somehow "Carlos Danger", the well hung democrat married to Hillary Clinton's Uma, sidekick extraordinaire, is in the middle of all this.  Of course Carlos, AKA, Anthony Weiner, was trying to bed some fifteen yea old girl and got caught.  He was sending pictures of his equipment to her as he held his infant child!  Now that is the image I have of these democrat predatory men.  So somehow it is guessed there are "classified" emails on Uma's computer and Carlos may have seen them.  So 11 days before the Presidential election we have this.  Of course we will see some more crapola on Trump from the dirty tricks bag of Clinton, just wait and see.

In Oregon a Federal Jury acquitted seven members of the group that took possession of a Federal Preserve in Eastern Oregon.  The Fed's even murdered one of the groups members.  He was a white guy.  Not mush sympathy from the national press.  Anyway all the articles from the lamestreams scream out about what a travesty this acquittal is.  My goodness, they say armed extremists "white guys" will be flooding onto Federal lands and it is all about racism.  Even the Southern Poverty Law Center from Alabama calls this a racist act.  And of course these lovelies have never seen a white man that was not a racist.  And in juxtaposition we see the occupation of private property in North Dakota as the lefty extremists there try and stop a legal pipeline from crossing land it has the right to cross.  And it is all about racism.  So in Oregon we have the public on government "owned" land and they have a member killed by Feds.  In North Dakota we have activists trespassing on private lands and they are perfectly defended by the lamestream press and the government.  Amazing.

Honestly, I really think that liberalism is truly a mental disorder.  Common sense Americans have to reject all their hogwash and get back to the basics.  Now we see the Supreme Court has agreed to hear the LGBT suit against a school district regarding the use of bathrooms.  My goodness, the SCOTUS?  To me it is totally ridiculous.  If you are born a male or female that should determine which potty you use.  Common sense.  But California lost its mind long ago and we see a Governor, Jerry Brown, the "climate change" champion getting millions of dollars from oil companies and fracking companies.  No blowback from the people.  So yes, I think the state has lost its mind.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Trump has the critics all a flutter. What a hoot!

Remember when the democrats were apoplectic when Trump said he could shoot someone on Main Street and get away with it? Of course it was humor but that is the way sourpuss liberals react. Now Trump says he will not give up his right to protest a vote which is totally smart. Al Gore sued after his numerous recounts showed he lost in 2000 to Bush. And Gore only wanted recounts in the counties he WON! The SCOTUS finally said this mining for votes was unconstitutional unless the whole state was recounted. So Gore conceded after 38 days.
Now we see the thuggery we on the right always knew the democrats were doing. The latest undercover videos exposing the democrat brownshirts admitting their strategies and successes in disrupting Trump rallies has gone viral. These democrat thugs also admit they are going to disrupt the voting and will commit voter fraud to get Hillary elected. These thugs also indicate that she knows about all this. No "plausible deniability" here.
So we have a true outsider to politics and the system everyone says they hate and want to change. And what happens? The establishment on both sides is doing their best to destroy Trump personally as well as the corrupt media. Sure he is brash and a big mouth but look at his opposition. He has done nothing to disrupt a Hillary rally. He has done nothing to her except expose the truth about her and her followers.
Is this what we want in America? Do we want to maintain the status quo? Or change. Remember the Executive is in charge of five million employees. And they will do what he or she wants. Just look at Obama and his coverup of Hillary's felonies on the classified emails. So get your sorry asses to the polls and change America's direction from disaster. Vote Trump.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Babes allegations against Trump are evaporating like the gas they are

This is why the people hate the press.  All Jerry Springer crap and no regard for the truth.  Of course people are finally checking on these allegations brought by the women who said Trump "octopussed" them, kissed them and now ran his hand up their leg under their dress.  I knew from the start this was all concocted by the Clinton campaign and these women were going to get their 15 minutes of fame (ill fame) at all costs to the truth.  Take the first woman who claimed she was in a first class Braniff 707 in 1989 with Donald Trump in the next seat.  She says he lifted the arm rest and started groping her. (grouping from the FUE)

Well lordy lordy, looks like we have a witness.  Not only did the 707 have unmovable armrests the witness said this,

"A witness on the flight, who was sitting across Leeds, has also come forward and disputed her allegations.
“Not only did he not do so – and I was present at all times – but it was she that was the one being flirtatious,” the witness, Anthony Gilberthorpe, said. “If there’s evidence Trump’s done it, sure, hang him from the post, but I was there, I was in a position to know that what she said was wrong, wrong, wrong.”

And of course we know the witness is credible don't we?  Of course we do. But the press will never admit it.

HERE is the article for you to check out.

America deserves to be rightfully informed by the press.  They are given a special Amendment that protects them and look at how they have abused that privilege.  My goodness, we have lost hundreds of thousands of Americans who fought to preserve that right of a free press.  Yet the present day press members sold their souls to the devil and now propagate in the democrat party.  They have become a branch of that party.  I cannot fathom their blindness to their duty to the people.  But when they are all taught in a "liberal" school system by liberals, what do we expect?  No fairness, no objectivity and complete favoritism to the democrats.

So you get some women looking for some fame (what a way to get it eh?) and we get this on the eve of a Presidential election.  No matter that Clinton lies constantly to the people on just about every issue.  She bashed and harassed the women abused by her husband.  She left 4 Americans to die in Benghazi without help.  And now all these emails coming out show her deceit and the deceit and dirty tricks her campaign lackeys play.  So disgusting and unAmerican.

So hopefully the American people will see through all this and do the right thing and disregard it as panic crapola from Clinton.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Bill Clinton, front and center. And Hillary enabled him!

All you liberals who defended the rapes and abuses of young women under the power of the President.  Now here's a bit of your hypocrisy back in your face.  No hiding now.  The press has protected him all these years and denounced the women who came forward.  All because liberals said they would actually give Clinton a BJ as long as he supported their abortion positions.  So at the debate last night, Mr. Trump put the liberals/democrat hypocrisy right there for all to see.  He invited four of the women Bill abused and he was pretty nervous.  Here he is looking very pensive.  Where were those broads?  So all you Hollywood moguls sending millions to Hillary, listen up.  You cannot debase the culture and then cry chastity.  We see you for the scum you are.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Bill Clinton's Love child?

This man says he is.  So let's get that DNA test.  Just like Arnie screwing his maid and producing a look-a-like boy, maybe we can put any doubts to rest.  And maybe Hillary and Bill had a threesome with the mother of this boy?  Well, hey, Hillary and her minions are making it up about Trump aren't they?  So all is fair in .........

Sunday, October 2, 2016

SCUM!! New York Times and democrats

This is what we have come to on the democrat/liberal side of politics in America.  A banana republic attitude.  And no one is or will be safe from them.  They will come to your house, take you away and send you to their gulag.  Why have we allowed these liberal thugs to get away with this?  Are we afraid?  Is political correctness that powerful as wielded by these scumbags?  If you want to fight back then it will have to be from the local political system to the top.  And where are the Republicans in Congress?  They are our top people and nowhere to be found.  Get off your scared asses and fight back.  Flood the news media complex of liberals with the truth and fight for American fairness!  Do a Harry Reid and use the floor of the Senate to decry these attempts to defame.

Why am I angry?  The New York Times, a company that did not pay any taxes into the system in 2014.  But they have released three pages of Donald Trumps tax returns from 1995.  He took a $915 million dollar loss that year.  How did they get these three pages?  It is a felony to releases them without Trump's permission. He gave no permission.   Yet the NYT which is 17% owned by a Mexican billionaire (who hates Trump), released these pages.  Could there be an arrest?  Could the NYT become liable for millions or billions in fines?  And what about the Editor?  He said last month he would risk jail to publish these pages.  Well, turn yourself in you dirtbag.  Let's see your returns.  And maybe the Mexican billionaires.

I would say this about any illegal release of one's private tax returns, not just Trump's.  This is what tyrants in Venezuela do.  Not the supposed "paper of record" in our country.  That is why there should be hard and fast punishment for the scofflaws that did this.  Do you want yours posted illegally?  All right thinking and fair people need to speak out and condemn this. 

This kind of behavior is now normal apparently of the democrat party.  While defending the indefensible acts of people shooting police and defending the private discussions made public by a porn star woman last week, we see that those democrats really are the bottom of the barrel on ethics.  If the three pages, one each from Trump's New York, New Jersey and Connecticut returns are correct and he lost $916 million in 1995 I say SO!  He has since returned to be a major player in business having overcome the losses.  But read the scumbag journalists "what ifs" on this.  Maybe he could write off $50 million a year for 18 years.  OMG!  And the words the scumbag journalist use to demean Trump in this crap article.  Words like, "financial wreckage", "mismanagement" and "ill fated".  All gleaned from the top page of three returns, illegally obtained and published.  Notice not one comparison to the illegal Clinton Foundation?  Where they spend five percent of the 100% of the donations for the "non-profits" reason for creation?

But what do we see when we read further on in the article?  That he broke no laws, filed his returns properly and all were done by a respected Accountancy firm.  Of course that was buried in the story towards the end.  A usual strategy of scumbag "journalists".  These kinds of hit-pieces on a legal filing that our vaunted "journalist's" illegally publish is par for the course.  That is why I believe Trump will win.  The American people are sick of this.

I suggest Trump tell the press he will not release his tax returns as they have now shown their hand at what they do with them.  The press alleges all kinds of crap as to embarrass and diminish the man.  The unholy alliance between the media and the democrat party is something all Americans should decry.  Cancel your subscriptions to any media that is not fair to both sides.  That includes local state and national.  Why feed the liars?  A free press, protected in the First Amendment, was not supposed to be a arm of any political party.  Yet we see that it is.  If you are concerned you may be next, your private papers and even your private peccadilloes could be on the front page of a newspaper or a radio or TV show, then stand up and tell them.  But if you allow this kind of fascism to continue, you then are part of the problem.  Shame on us for allowing these scum to do this.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Munk Debate on Friday, who cares? Canadians are full of it.

Jennifer Granholm (cropped).jpg
Jennifer Grandholm
Image result for newt gingrich pic
Newt Gingrich
Laura Ingraham
Robert Reich
I watched most of the debate from Toronto on a format called the "Munk Debate".  They had Newt Gingrich  and Laura Ingraham on the Trump side and Robert Reich and Jennifer Grandholm on the Hillary side.  3,000 people were in the audience.  Preliminary voting on the Resolution, Trump's "Making America Great Again" was 18% yes and 82% no.  Meaning the crowd of Canucks were opposed to Trump.

So I listened to the same old status quo crap from the Reich side and really had to keep myself from puking my Cocoa Puffs.  Newt and Laura did their best to convince the crowd of mostly socialist Canadians that a free market businessman was a better choice.  In the end they swayed 8% of the undecided crowd to Trump an were declared the winners of the debate.

What I found though was a, more of the same attack on the person of Trump by Reich and the failed governor of Michigan, Grandholm.  They could not help themselves in attacking his looks, his hair, his every molecule.  Namecalling and derision.  Nothing about policies.  Same old liberal crap.  Attack the person hoping the "Jerry Springer" nation their policies have dumbed down will work.  And Newt and Laura?  Policies.  And some responses to the attacks on Trump.  Not enough though.  How the liberals like Reich and Grandholm can keep a straight face while telling us how Hillary is going to fix America was rich.  Of course they could not admit directly that Obama's policies have messed the place up.  Walking that fine line all liberals walk.  First they screw it up then blame the Republicans.  Classic!

But Grandholm showed us another version of Hillary.  A shrieking, screeching attacker.  My goodness, how could anyone elect her?  And her track record in Michigan was one of huge failures.  Job losses and the demise of Detroit.  But hey, she had good intentions.  Reich was bloviating about how terrible school choice is and how wonderful all those public schools are.  I thought, has this man been on Mars all this time?  And he lied so much as he spewed some bogus statistics I thought his nose grew longer.  Newt smacked Reich's stats pretty good.  Laura did OK.  But overall this is my takeaway.

Republicans/Conservatives care about the polices and freedoms.  Democrats/Liberals care about slandering their opposition and bigger government.  Now if we have a Jerry Springer nation, Hillary will win.  If people actually care about policies and all the other issues faced by the people, Trump will win.