Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Hillary Hodge, stop the whining!

After reading the pouty screed by this woman I did think for a moment "what has happened  to Americans?  She seems to make some points about how tough things are for her age range, but I say "so what"?  Is her life any different than others who came before or are here now?  No, but she sure is a excuse maker.

Here is the link and I am not sure it behind a paywall or not.

Now she has been right up front about being a lesbian and she has a female wife.  OK, fine, I am a heterosexual male and unmarried.  We are even.  But to think she has it tough is one of degrees I guess.  When I was 20 I had a wife and infant and made a buck fifty per hour.  I made that work.  Then as I like money more I got a better job and eventually I started my own business.  I survived, my family survived and there was no time to whine.  I worked 60-70 hours a week.

Eventually, I became OK with my income and was able to build my own home and buy a good used truck and car.  Many people have a really expensive car and that is their personal status symbol apparently.  So those car payments are huge but they look good. 

Jobs here are tough since the liberals of Nevada County won the war on landuse and General Plans.  Thank goodness Grass Valley.  At least  GV has always had people with common sense.  They know jobs provide a community with stability.  Young families can stay.  But in the County, the left won and we see the results.  Schools closing, young families headed for the city.  Low wages because all the left wants here are service jobs for the old farts.  Hell you can't even get a grocery store for Alta Sierra! And the largest job sector is government jobs!

But the left won.  And now we have these people moving here as they have for many years from the city.  I heard lots of testimony from them when I was a Supe.  They were usually at the meetings trying to defeat a business or land use application.  They would say, "I moved here for the peace and quiet and took a huge pay cut to be here".  I said why do you squander that college education on a service job at minimum wage then?  And they continually  complain abut the economy they screwed up here.

Over the years I have listened to the whiners like this Hillary gal and I tell them to look in the mirror for the reason you are getting minimum wage here.  But of course these people never accept their personal responsibility in anything and complain the people that actually have the money from hard work are to blame.  We need a national psychological test for these kinds of people.  They are obviously thinking they are owed something.  That something is a bunch of free stuff but we have run out of free stuff.


  1. Why does her homosexuality leak into every column? I feel she is overcompensating or simply wanting to poke her readers in the eye with her righteousness. I couldn't care less about her mate selection, it's not my business unless she makes it my business. It's not on my job ap nor do I pry in any way. I simply don't care - even if she thinks I should. My guess is that she spontaneously brings it up in every job interview and in every interview complains about her last employer and the current sad state of her affairs. I pay well above minimum wage and provide generous benefits. She is probably qualified on paper, but will never get a chance to display her apptitude with us. The job app of a chronic whiner goes straight to the round file. This is a small community and her public hand wringing in the newspaper will preceed her in any interview around here. She is burning bridges before she even crosses them and if she is too self absorbed to understand that, she is too stupid to be one of my employee.

    1. Citing one's sexual makeup and preference seems to permeate her and her community. Waiting for someone to object then yelling fire! Or "HEY, I am being discriminated against so I will sue you" crapola. That is how a country loses free speech and freedom of their religion from coercion. She is a whiner and no one likes a whiner. If she came into the county as a upbeat person and praised the place she chose to move into then we would all give her a break I am sure. But, whiners are not capable of that trait.

  2. It seems a natural trait with some people to move to the land of milk and honey then bitch about the lack of blueberries. Maybe she should work for the FUE and his Whine Country magazine.

    1. Good call. That is the problem. Other states ask Californians not to move their and pollute their lives. And our state used to be called the land of the fruits and the nuts!

  3. Todd you and George Rebane nailed it on Hillary Hodge and her liberal poor me rant. She says she's a victim, has to work too hard and work under her qualifications. Figure she has half a dozen vote Bernie bumper stickers on her car.

    1. Liberals are all victims of something. Some liberal judge just ruled the LA City Flag must remove a pic of the Mission. The poor atheists are the victims. The world is libshit crazy.

    2. Pelline is now dissing Strawser for taking money from a man who does not believe in manmade global warming. OH MY! He says he used to like him but now not so much. If Pelline says he is your friend, don't believe him. And that is why he has none himself. Fair weather fellow.

    3. Is it any surprise that 'ANONE BUT HEIDI' money would pour in once they figure out who her and are friends are? NO lady we don't want your friggin meters on our wells you eco nut job. Go back to the eco nut house democrap environmental caucus. Don't let the door hit ya on the way our. Will Heidi Hall run for dog catcher after she loses yet another election. What a waste of an international studies degree. Heck she could be a checker at kmart with that marketable a degree.

    4. Where can I find her platform? And where has she published her beliefs on her policie?

  4. In 1865 a Democrat shot and killed Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States.

    In 1881 a left wing radical Democrat shot James Garfield, President of the United States - who later died from the wound.

    In 1963 a radical left wing socialist shot and killed John F. Kennedy, President of the United States.

    In 1975 a left wing radical Democrat fired shots at Gerald Ford, President of the United States.

    In 1983 a registered Democrat shot and wounded Ronald Reagan, President of the United States.

    In 1984 James Hubert, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 22 people in a McDonalds restaurant.

    In 1986 Patrick Sherrill, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 15 people in an Oklahoma post office.

    In 1990 James Pough, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 10 people at a GMAC office.

    In 1991 George Hennard, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 23 people in a Luby's cafeteria in Killeen, TX.

    In 1995 James Daniel Simpson, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 5 coworkers in a Texas laboratory.

    In 1999 Larry Asbrook, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 8 people at a church service.

    In 2001 a left wing radical Democrat fired shots at the White House in a failed attempt to kill George W. Bush, President of the US ....

    In 2003 Douglas Williams, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 7 people at a Lockheed Martin plant.

    In 2007 a registered Democrat named Seung - Hui Cho, shot and killed 32 people in Virginia Tech.

    In 2010 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner, shot Rep. Gabrielle Gifford and killed 6 others.

    In 2011 a registered Democrat named James Holmes, went into a movie theater and shot and killed 12 people.

    In 2012 Andrew Engeldinger, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 7 people in Minneapolis.

    In 2013 a registered Democrat named Adam Lanza, shot and killed 26 people in a school in Newtown, CT.

    As recently as Sept 2013, an angry Democrat shot 12 at a Navy ship yard.

    Clearly, there is a problem with Democrats and guns. Not one NRA member, Tea Party member, or Republican conservative was involved in any of these shootings and murders.

    SOLUTION: It should be illegal for Democrats to own guns.

    1. That is an impressive list of victims of Democrat gun violence. Who have Republicans been shooting the past 150 years? Democrats? Other Republicans? Anyone?

  5. Anyone know if Pelline has paid his stae and federal taxes? And what is the amount of his donations to the needt? Anyone? My guess not much. LOL!

    1. Where the FUE is concerned there should be a special consumption TAX on him and a carbon foot print fine for all the hot air! ROFLOL

    2. If you really want to know when the fue makes a donation to anything, just read the self absorbed public diary he posts online. He broadcasts his every $10 donation. If you add them all up it comes to about $100 a year. Just a cheap hypocrite fluffing his bustle.

  6. The bubble brains at the fue's sewer are boycotting Duane Strawser's store because he had the nerve to run against the wack job eco nut hero of the crazy cat ladies. They should be boycotting the fue, every public figure he supports crashes and burns. How long until they actually go to trial on the little girl porn that supervisor had in his government computer?

  7. The most hated unemployed journalist FUE posts a story about a Sac Bee cartoonist and links to a pay walled article in the Bee. You don't hear the FUE bitching about their paywall only the Unions. You cant make this stuff up, the internet is changing the way we communicate. ROFLOL

  8. The purple hippos fan is showing his true colors with an oh so reasonable explanation about meters on your well. Screw the rights your property gives you when you bought it, Heidi Hall knows best and will tell you who is using too much water. Has anyone asked Heidi Hall who should have water priority, endangered species or marijuana growers?

    1. Heidi Hall's official words are needed on this issue of well meters. Anyone out there have them?

    2. Email her and ask.

    3. No I was told she [printed it. So give me directions to it.

  9. If the FUE rants in the wilderness does anyone hear?

    1. Honestly the man is unhinged. His sock puppets are self sycophants and still he can't get things right. Misspellings, phony quotes, and no one in the County likes him. Lonely fellow apparently.


    Unreported by Pelline as it does not fit the narrative he is pushing. Lol.

    1. Good for Nate! But he has one vote so that is how I look at endorsements.

      Can anyone supply Heidi Hall's official words on well meters?

  11. Well done our local, hometown Union newspaper!

    The Union newspaper has learned it will be the recipient of 10 honors from the California Newspaper Publishers Association, as part of its 2015 Better Newspapers Contest.

  12. Don't hold your breath for the most hated former journalist fue to even mention the Union got 10 actual journalism awards. On the other hand he could start claiming they were the result of his oh so short tenure at the Union! ROFLOL

  13. Congrats to the Union for all its awards! Good job all you hard working folks there!

  14. Pelline has the worst blog presence in the foothills in my view. His editorials are mundane and nasty and his writing skills are rudimentary. This seems to be why he and his three or four female sock puppets are about the only posters on his blog. He mus feel so isolated I almost feel sorry for the guy.

    Our local paper took a while to recover from his running the place into the ground and is now winning awards. He is so ill he cannot even say a good word about the paper. No one I have ever known is such a negative person.

  15. The enviro libs won't want to talk about this. SunEdison, once the nation’s largest renewable energy developer, has filed for bankruptcy listing total debts of $16.1 billion.

  16. Hey Todd? How long before the jeffybot pens another furious response....?

    jeffpelline says:

    April 21, 2016 at 9:39 am

    Even Rebane can’t stand his own blog “commentary.” He writes:

    “What the hell do any of these comments have to do with the topic of my post? You guys with your oh-so-clever mudballs belong in the sandbox. I really don’t have time to play this game, but if you see your irrelevant comments gone, then that means I made some time for some house cleaning. One thing is for sure, the ‘jon’ sure knows how to push all of your buttons, and your responses remind me of Pavlov’s dogs.

    Posted by: George Rebane | 21 April 2016 at 09:33 AM”


    jeffpelline says:

    April 21, 2016 at 9:51 am

    And the biggest cretin of all responds:

    “Sorry George… lost in the threads.
    Posted by: fish | 21 April 2016 at 09:50 AM” LOL.


    jeffpelline says:

    April 21, 2016 at 9:53 am

    OMG! “I may be traveling around the Congressional District soon as a possible delegate. We will see.

    Posted by: Todd Juvinall | 21 April 2016 at 09:02 AM”

    Again Todd you're doing the lords work by keeping our fat little lad in a sailor suit upright and semi-lucid. What other explanation could there be for calling Prince to his final reward but letting jeffy continue to emit greenhouse gases?

    1. Fish, Pelline really is a troubled man. What keeps him going is unknown but I am happy to do my part. LOL!

  17. The fue is so pathetic that he has to grub around all day and night for a spelling or auto spellcheck oopsie. I wonder what his father would have thought of his career arc? Not much change from the grammar school hall monitor years for the fue. ROFLOL

  18. The purple hippo is waxing poetic about a food truck named in his honor, FATBELLEY. The truck owner could be in the black by just parking in front of the fue's house and serving hot organic chili cheese frys. ROFLOL

  19. Pelline and his busty pal Frisch are dissing GeorgeR again. What is fascinating to me is both those big boys can't hold a candle to GeorgeR's smarts and debating skills. Jealousy?

  20. jeffpelline says:

    April 21, 2016 at 8:36 pm

    Then the other George (Rebane) weighed in with his snide comment — a “fat joke.” George is unqualified to give a Tech Test to local teens. He is a role model for intolerance and false pride. These two have much more in common than their first names. LOL.

    Fat joke? You're the only fat joke around here jeffy. And for you to say that Dr. Rebane is "unqualified" to participate in the Tech Test competition is as ridiculous as me saying that you are unqualified to lead a troop of Boy Scouts in in assault on an "All You Can Eat Buffet"!

    1. If a person is a fatty like Pelline and Frisch and we all can see thy are obese, why is it a problem? They don't seem to are they are fat and prance or waddle in public. It is a choice isn't it? So, lose the fat get normal and no one will care about your tremendous size any longer. What a hoot.

    2. Oh shit...I added a superfluous "in" in my comment Todd jeffys gonna BLOOOOOOOOOW!

  21. There are people posting on Heidi Halls page who are out of county environmental caucus types who want a progressive eco nut to win even though they do not have a vote in Nevada County. Big brothers hand mixing the pot in Nevada County. We don't need your eco nut buddies changing our lives Heidi.

    1. I am sure Duabe Strawser, if he is smart, will let people know her positions on well meters and chemtrails. Hopefully the press will do their job too.

    2. You wont hear it from the fue. He is now calling for the NCPD to shuttered because the Chief took so long to call him back. You can't make this stuff up. ROFLOL

  22. Hurry to jeffys if you want to see this error in the wild....these things are memory holed so quickly at the site of The Nations Editor!

    A former college at CNET welcomes President Obama to London this week

    Posted on April 22, 2016 by jeffpelline

    A former colleague of mine when I was Editor at CNET News in San Francisco, Matthew Barzun, is now the U.S. Ambassador to the UK. Here he is greeting President Obama on this week’s visit to London, with his wife Brooke. Matthew is from Louisville, Kentucky, and he introduced me to the greatest restaurant there called Jack Fry’s. I’ve been twice, once with Matthew, and another time later when I went to Louisville for the Breeders’ Cup World Championships. Good going Matthew! A profile of Matthew is here. (Photo credit: The Guardian)

    "College"?!? Former "College"! That's shameful! Unforgivable....even for a podunk blog like jeffys...and in the headline too! Doesn't anybody proofread? Shouldn't they Dig Deeper™? Or are they afraid that a little editorial input will lead to "Burning not Building Bridges"™? "Small town blogs are a hoot"™...."where you can't make this stuff up"™!


    1. Fish you eagle eyed flatlander you. LOL! You showed the FUE is not a good spller. LOL!

  23. The alleged former professional journalist is losing his touch. He recently misspelled "receive" in a headline, a mistake that stood for several hours until I pointed it out.

    Earlier this week he wrote that I'm an incompetent fool who should be dismissed as a columnist for The Union because of a typing error I made. What does his latest screw up make Jeffy, other than the hypocrite we know him to be?

    1. I think Pelline should resign from his magazine job for being a crapola speller. He truly is a nut case.

    2. jeffpelline says:

      April 23, 2016 at 9:14 am

      Memo to George: There is a difference between a typo (misspelling a common word) and misspelling a proper name out of ignorance — in this case adding an “l” to Caufield. It shows your ignorance of the individual and the firm. We call that a “Medill F.”

      Yeah and there's a difference between placing "college" vs. "colleague" in the banner headline of your post!

      It's okay'll be our little secret...pinkie swear. None of the cools kids will see it.

    3. Fish, don't you know he is never wrong? Shame on you. If you said the sky is red he would argue the sky is green. The man is a nut.

  24. jeffpelline says:

    April 23, 2016 at 10:53 am

    I don’t think “fish” understands the difference between a typo and misspelling a proper name (adding an erroneous letter, in fact) either. That is not a typo; that shows ignorance of the individual and the venture capital firm he belongs to. And George Boardman is supposed to be a business writer from Silicon Valley! Of course, “fish” never confirmed he went to college, let alone graduate school. LOL. To get an insight into “fish” (AKA David Larsen of Carmichael), read this rant that he wrote:

    Where are the men in white coats?

    Men in white coats? mean the waiters.....they'll be along presently Mr. Creosote.

    And no....I'm not a colleague graduate jeffy. Oh .....

    1. Hey Fish send me a email to

  25. jeffpelline says:

    April 24, 2016 at 8:42 am

    And once again “fish” comes up short — this time at the expense of Gregory and the rest of this “Rogues Gallery”!
    “Administrivia – Yes, the italics were due to Mr fish failing to include the slash in his italics terminator at the end of his 907pm. He has been known to do that once or twice in the past😉 Posted by: George

    At least I can take solace in not screwing up my Mothers Day testimonial. Will we be treated to the "Elosie" or the sanitized version this year?

  26. As long as we're on the subject of misspelling proper names, The Sacramento Bee published a picture caption earlier this week that identified Alexander Hamilton as Andrew Hamilton. I wonder how many people approved that page before it landed on my driveway?

    Based on the Pelline standard--or at least the standard he applies to my work--the person who wrote the caption and everybody who signed off on the page should be fired for gross ignorance. I'm guessing that didn't happen.

    1. Probably not. Now he is threatening me with lawsuits for a post here having nothing to do with him. The man is loony.

    2. A silly whiner has neither the huevos, or bank account to sue anyone. And yes, it does think that everything is about it, when in reality it has become a caricature for everything that is rotten. A caricature of a very unpleasant public personna with a terribly fragile ego. Theoretically speaking! LOL!

    3. Scum bags who always threaten to sue you are the same as the roid head who flexes but does not know how to fight. Go gobble some chili velveta frys fue.

  27. Ruinit must be crushed that Heidi Hall is refuting the chemtrail conspiracy theory so cherished by Ruinit and the crazy cat lady crew. Will the chemtrial tin foil hat brigade stay home on election day?

  28. Gregory, you may be right about Pelline and his sock puppet "jon" I have analyzed his writing style and they are pretty much the same. And their illogical musings matches up too. Both are dumb asses. LOL!

  29. Maybe Annie Fox is jon? Oh, wait, she is a sock puppet so that means.....

  30. Gregory, you may be right about Pelline and his sock puppet "jon" I have analyzed his writing style and they are pretty much the same.

    Different enough though that I think that they're not the same guy. I mean you have in Pelline a pretentious, whiny, virtue signaling ass. With "jon" you have the same but less whiny.

    If "jon" and jeffy are the same person jeffy should just stick with the "jon" personality. It's so much less off putting.

    1. You mat be right but the FUE is a story teller and can make up characters all the time. Also, he may be the victim of multiple personalities which could explain a lot. LOL!

  31. jeez jeffy for a guy who is "such a hater" towards Todd you sure seem to obsess over his site? Unrequited love perhaps....(not that there's anything wrong with that)?

    Countdown to yet another feeble Pelline attempt at rebuttal in....5......4.....3......

    1. Is he showing his affection for me again? LOL!

    2. I'm telling you Todd, he is just pissed that you won't give him your TSA scans! He really, really wants to see the real Todd! LOL!

    3. I know. He and MichaelA can then sit around and fantasize. LOL!

  32. Wow Todd, you have silenced the fue again! The community thanks you for your service to the County in cutting the carbon emissions from the fue.

    1. He grew tired of talking to his sock puppets. His parents must be sad.

  33. Why do the Yes on measure Y and Heidi Hall signs show up at the same time in unwanted places on private property so much? Could those eco nuts just think every one thinks like them and would of course want it? Just like their meters on your wells that even left wing District 2 Dem candidate Richard Harris rejected. We don't want it or the radical fringe policies from the bosses in Sacramento screwing with our rights. Its our water.

    1. The last thing we need is a bureaucrat on our "people's" board.

    2. Heidi Hall is trying to slam that bike guy for getting money from a lot of the community. So what if everyone does not want some eco nut control freak on the Board of Supervisors?
      Everyone should know her bandwagon of pot heads, tin foil hat chemtrial brigade and the crazy cat lady crew who support her ass.
      Yes Heidi we should judge you by the people who support you.
      What is your position on Measure Y? Y lie?

    3. I think her getting money from the loons of the Dem CC are more telling. Marx/Lenin have nothing on them.

  34. Todd, whatever became of the fue-l's lawsuit against you for being mean to him? Is it possible that the tub-o-lard is..."all hat, no cattle"? LOL!

    1. Pelline is being flushed by his last sock puppet. What a loser.

  35. Oh no, Pelline is dissing me again as well as George Rebane. The asswipe Pelline must not have known I did this column a long time ago. Oh sure, he sleeps with this on his computer screen 24/7. Pelline truly is a warped man, my goodness. All in the promotion of his buttwipe mag on food porn. What a hoot!

  36. Asshat....?!?! Oh my....I haven't seen jeffy this worked up since we swapped out blue Sweet Tarts for his Viagra.....hmmmm....maybe that was the other way around.

    1. For a man that looks like "Jabba the Hut" he should be careful on his name calling. LOL!

  37. jeffpelline says:

    May 3, 2016 at 7:35 am

    Poor Todd is becoming unhinged in his response. His mommy should have washed his mouth out with soap when he was a child. On Facebook, meanwhile, one signed comment reads: “Todd and George are charter members of The Gang of Five Regressives.” Ha!

    Easy there Pork're the one who opened up with "asshat" this morning!

    PS: Facebook is for wankers.

    1. His mommy coddled him too much fish. He is definitely unhinged because of it.

    2. Maybe she should have coddled him about 6000 calories a day less?

    3. I do think his stalking of you and me means h is truly unhinged. Could have been the tremendous amount of carbs. Who knows why he is considered a loon.

    4. He doesn't stalk me....but he sure has an obsession with you.

      You guys exchange Christmas cards?

    5. Pelline's sewer of a blog is the laughingstock of the community. Mine is well read and liked by most. I would say he should clan up his act but hey, he is a really easy play.

  38. jeffpelline says:

    May 3, 2016 at 10:03 am

    “fish” (AKA David Larsen of Carmichael) is struggling in his response too. I think his feelings are hurt that he’s not also an “asshat.” He’s the other kind of “ass.” LOL.
    Here’s David’s “prose”:
    What a nut job! Our local right wing nut blogs attract a lot of freaks.

    Jeez jeffy learn to format a makes it so much easier on the reader.

    Ya know I was struck the other day when reading about the distress felt by Huma Abedin when she learned that Hillary Clinton had to carry a bag once just how similar your relationship with Herb seemed.

    The same source said that Clinton once snapped her fingers and said “Gum” to Abedin.

    “A lot of times, Hillary would snap her fingers and go, ‘Gum.’ And Huma would fetch it,” the source said.

    and then this....

    The same source said that Caen once snapped his fingers and said “Coffee” to Pelline.

    “A lot of times, Herb would snap her fingers and go, ‘Coffee.’ And jeffy would fetch it,” the source said.

    Well that's kind of like being in politics Jeff.

    1. I actually think Herb Caen never knew the FUE. Just a name dropper.

  39. Wow jeffy Point and Shriek™.....Anna sounds like a regular Ida Tarbell.....Woooo! She does share a habit of yours though....she really likes commenting on her own posts it seems.

  40. jeffpelline says:

    May 3, 2016 at 10:49 am

    Fish is talking to himself again. He must not have friends in Carmichael. He has to travel up the hill to our local wing nut blogs.


    Oh no travel involved at all....rumor has it that the internet is changing the way we communicate.

    You've heard of it haven't you??

    1. He and his sock puppets get going when he talks about things he want enforcement about. Annie Fannie is his biggest sock puppet fan. Of course I could never date a large woman/sock. LOL!

  41. Look at it this way Todd. You and fish are being very helpful with the fue's mental health issues. It wasn't that long ago that all of his alter egos and fantasy friends were women. Gloria Zane, Windy, Annie Fox, etc. Now he seems to have brought his psyche around to embrace men figures as his alter ego and pretend friends. That is real progress! You two should be proud of yourselves for helping the gender identity confused "man", and "his" significant issues. Good going! LOL!

    1. Pelline and Frisch are at their mutual butt budding again. Two warped peas in the same pod. Yikes you just can't make this stuff up. What is Frisch doing spending SBC money on Hall's campaign? Hmmm.


Real name thank you.